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This video screenshot provided by Norwegian Government shows Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store (R) and Foreign...She confirmed in the video that the case was real, not an attempt to gain views, and she could not provide the name of the...Vidu是自Sora发布之后全球率先取得重大突破的视频大模型。与Sora一致,Vidu能够根据提供的文本描述直接生成长达16秒的高质量...The video recorder and uploader Dong Fushun was a teacher at the University for Senior Citizens in Lianxi district of Jiujiang,...The video recorder and uploader Dong Fushun was a teacher at the University for Senior Citizens in Lianxi district of Jiujiang,...posted by others on video-sharing platforms. "My free time tends to be fragmented and short, so browsing short videos is the...BEIJING -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday delivered a video speech to a reception in Beijing celebrating the 60th...The launch ceremony of the contest also witnessed the release of a video collection notice, a contest logo, promotional videos,...The 2022 White Paper on the Internet Audio and Video Content Creators was released at the conference. According to the...who is also the chief executive officer of Tencent Video, said that the Chinese entertainment industry is increasingly in sync with...a role-playing video game produced by Shanghai-based developer ImageTitle, topped the global gaming buzz charts in 2022...The Award Ceremony of the Third "Beijing - A Global City" Short Video Contest was held at the China National Film Museum on...China now has 1.012 billion short video users who each spend on average more than 2.5 hours online each day, a newly-...Sun revealed that the number of paid subscribers to Tencent Video reached 115 million in the second quarter of this year,...BRICS summit via video link, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday. "President Putin has decided to participate in...photography and video contest themed "Shared Future", speaks during the awarding ceremony of the contest in Nairobi, Kenya,...photography and video contest themed "Shared Future", speaks during the awarding ceremony of the contest in Nairobi, Kenya,...via video link, Jan. 18, 2023. Xi on Wednesday extended festive greetings to all Chinese people when he held virtual talks in...Zhao made the remarks at the World Ultra-high-definition Video Industrial conference 2023, which kicked off on Tuesday in...via video link, Jan. 18, 2023. Xi on Wednesday extended festive greetings to all Chinese people when he held virtual talks in...

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Norway recognizes Palestine as a state

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Blogger apologizes for<em> video</em> that took internet by storm

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每日一词|文生视频大模型 text-to-<em>video</em> large AI model

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Chinese<em> video</em> games expand global reach

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China plans more policy support to<em> video</em> industry

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Xi makes<em> video</em> calls to people across China, extending festive...

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