CATIA V5 Jig and Tooling Creation (JTE)

CATIA V5 Jig and Tooling Creation (JTE)

Catia Jig and Tooling Creation


The modern manufacturing requires companies to reduce product development time and capitalize their know-how so that they can respond quickly to customer needs. In order to make it happen, they must expand their ability to innovate by automating redundant tasks and focusing on innovative projects.

CATIA – Jig and Tooling creation simply and quickly creates all the elements of tooling including structures (linear or curved), plates, using standard or user-defined sections, generic, and user tooling components. Benefiting from a rich variety of standard and user-defined components with embedded drilling and manufacturing information, the engineer is able to design faster than ever and to focus on added value tasks. Fully integrated in the CATIA environment, the designer is able, for instance, to seamlessly perform extensive stress analysis on his structure elements and beams, create drafting, or generate all information needed for NC programming.


  • Offer productive ways to generate structure assemblies
  • Generic option enabling creation of all kinds of tooling regardless of industry
  • Easy creation of reusable intelligent mechanical template with embedded drilling and manufacturing information
  • Easy know how capture and reuse


  • Creation of straight, curved and twisted structure, planar and surfacic plates, using standard or user defined sections
  • Fully associative design in context functions for creation and modification of structures
  • Assembly instantiation through user-defined template
  • Generation of user customizable BOMs (Bills of Material)
  • Definition of General Mechanics Components read from catalogs and including powerful embedded drilling capabilities
  • Definition of General Die Components such as inserts, sliders, retainers, lifters, ejection systems, guiding components, detailed plate
  • User Defined components adaptable to any die context


This option contains:

CATIA – Structure Design 1
CATIA – Tooling Design 1

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