Lauren Boebert's Democratic opponent concedes in tight Colorado race

Boebert was leading Adam Frisch by 551 votes Friday when he called to concede.

By Alexandra Hutzler and Hannah Demissie
November 18, 2022, 2:11 PM
Rep. Lauren Boebert attends a press conference at the U.S. Capitol, June 08, 2022.
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images, FILE

On a livestream Friday, Democratic candidate Adam Frisch announced that he had called GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert to concede the race in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District.

Boebert was leading Frisch by 551 votes, but in percentage terms, they were tied at 50% with 99% of the expected vote in. Given how slim Boebert's lead was, the race was heading into a recount.

Boebert breezed through her Republican primary with 66% of the vote and was expected by many observers to comfortably win her general election in a district that went for former President Donald Trump by 15 points in 2020.

The closer-than-anticipated race for Boebert is representative of the struggles the GOP faced this midterm cycle despite predictions of a "red wave."

Boebert has been a political lightning rod since first winning Colorado's conservative-leaning 3rd Congressional District in 2020 as a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment who fully embraced both Trump and his provocative style.

She infamously heckled President Joe Biden during his first State of the Union address in 2021, eliciting groans from the chamber after shouting, "You put them in there, 13 of them" -- referencing the 13 soldiers killed during the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan -- when Biden was discussing the death of his son Beau.

Boebert spent her first few months in Congress disregarding COVID-19 mask rules and vowing to bring her gun to the House floor.

The congresswoman was one of the many election deniers on the ballot this cycle and has frequently touted that she voted against the congressional certification of Biden's victory in 2020. She refused to tell the Colorado Times Recorder whether she would accept the outcome of her own race against Frisch.

PHOTO: Rep. Lauren Boebert  attends a press conference at the U.S. Capitol, June 08, 2022.
Rep. Lauren Boebert attends a press conference at the U.S. Capitol, June 08, 2022.
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images, FILE

"I told you all year, the Left would do everything that they possibly could to get rid of me," Boebert tweeted last week as ballots continued to be counted. "As this race comes down to every last vote, I need you to help us ensure we have the resources to finish what we started!"

Frisch narrowly won the Democratic primary in June. He defeated activist Sol Sandoval by just a few hundred votes.

A former Aspen City councilman, Frisch focused on the economy and energy in his campaign and accused Boebert -- who ran on a "Contract with Colorado" in which she pledged to fight for limited government, strong borders and free markets -- of being more interested in making controversial statements than legislating.

"We're really excited about getting into the general election. I think this district is ready for a representative who is not going to be leading the anger-tainment industry. We can do better, and we will do better," Frisch said after winning his primary.

When the race remained too close to call, Frisch said he beat expectations by talking with voters face to face.

"If I had any insight to share with someone running for office, it would be to meet voters where they are & listen, be open to evolving your stance on issues, and stand up for your principles," he wrote on social media.

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