Crunchyroll Scores “Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 4”

Crunchyroll Scores “Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 4”

Hey gang! Since Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 5 episode 2 was released on May 29 in Japan, I was looking for news on why it isn’t up on Crunchyroll. After all, Crunchyroll did license OVA 5. While in the process of doing this, I discovered that Crunchyroll just announced they’ve licensed Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 4.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki OVA 4 promo

According to Crunchyroll,

Starting June 2, members will be able to dive into Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki Season 4, which officially goes live at 11:00am Pacific Time.

Unfortunately, Crunchyroll’s synopsis is for OVA 1. not OVA 4. 馃槕 So assuming Crunchyroll hasn’t made a right mess of things, I presume they’ll have all four episode of Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 4 starting June 2, 2020.

I’ve already watched OVA 4, but I never did a series review. Now I have an excuse to do so. I will be curious to see how Crunchyroll handles the subtitles. I had no objections to the subtitles used for OVA 5 episode 1.

Speaking of OVA 5, I think we may see episode 2 drop this Friday. Just speculation on my part. However, this gives Japan a period of exclusivity before Crunchyroll streams it.

So, let me know your thoughts on this latest canon Tenchi Muyo! license by Crunchyroll.

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2 Responses to “Crunchyroll Scores “Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki OVA 4””

  1. shadowofthevoid says:

    Well, I finally caught up with the OVAs. I still need to watch GXP and War on Geminar. There were a lot of secondary characters that I was unfamiliar with that were apparently introduced in GXP, and it’s obvious that the fourth episode of OVA 4 was all basically a prequel of sorts to War on Geminar.

    Overall, it was a weird experience seeing the core cast of the Masaki household being sidelined in favor of the extended family. I did enjoy seeing Tenchi bonding with Minaho, and there was some additional world-building, but the girls of the Masaki household had hardly any screen time. There was also no real conflict or antagonist, or any slapstick shenanigans. And I still preferred the old 90s-era animation and art style of the first two OVAs. Not only do I just prefer 90s-era character designs, but these new OVAs could have easily passed as a mid-tier TV anime by today’s standards in terms of actual quality.

    I didn’t dislike OVA 4, but it wasn’t what I was expecting. Hopefully the rest of OVA 5 or a possible OVA 6 will go back to focusing on Tenchi and the girls.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I still need to watch GXP and War on Geminar.

      You’ll have to let me know what you think there.

      There were a lot of secondary characters that I was unfamiliar with that were apparently introduced in GXP, and it鈥檚 obvious that the fourth episode of OVA 4 was all basically a prequel of sorts to War on Geminar.

      For sure. I’ve reviewed the episodes, but I do plan to go back and watch the CR release and review it.

      There was also no real conflict or antagonist, or any slapstick shenanigans.

      And I kinda think that’s how it will be for here on out. But we’ll see.

      Hopefully the rest of OVA 5 or a possible OVA 6 will go back to focusing on Tenchi and the girls.

      I think OVA 5 will be Kajishima-sensei bringing all of his works set in the OVA universe together.

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