Digital print

Delivering higher quality print – quicker than ever before

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Continual investment to produce the highest quality digital print

Your business will be presented in the best possible way when you choose to use us for your direct mail printing and campaigns. We continually invest in our business, and more recently, this has been reflected in the acquisition of four new digital machines that produce the highest quality variable data printing. With a multitude of paper stocks and sizes available, you’ll have the flexibility to choose the correct materials for your project through our digital printing Birmingham facilities. 

The need for speed for your business

Extra machines that produce high-quality print in record time give us the capacity to turn around direct mail postcard printing and letter mailings quicker than ever before, as well as making your smaller orders more cost-effective. This extra capacity also negates the need for your business to hold large stocks of preprinted material, so you can update information and request fresh print when required. 

This facility also provides greater internal control of quality, the opportunity to personalise in full colour and to include variable graphics such as maps, photographs and complex variable messages, increasing recipient engagement. Direct mail and postcard printing and mailing could not be simpler.

Frequently asked questions about digital printing

How does digital printing work?

Rather than relying on printing plates, digital printers partner with computers to print images directly onto a media substrate. The benefits of this include the ability to customise your prints, quicken the process, lower costs and, perhaps most importantly, produce sharper, more precise images.

What is the difference between digital printing and normal printing?

The main difference between digital printing and traditional offset are the materials used. For offset printing, plating needs to be created for each job. Whereas with digital printing, a computer communicates with a printer, telling it what to print and where. 

Other differences include the length of time to print, with offset printers requiring more time than digital. It’s also quicker and easier to make changes when using a digital printer, providing more flexibility and opportunity for customisation. For example, you could change the dates and locations of flyers in one printing session if you opt for a digital printer.

There’s also higher accuracy with digital prints, with every page guaranteed to be identical unless, of course, you’ve made custom changes like the example above.

Why choose Arcane Direct Marketing for your digital printing?

When you choose us, you’re choosing more than one service. Our graphic designers can work with you to design your prints; we can then print them on your behalf and provide a list of contacts to send them to through our list brokerage service.

We have invested in multiple high-quality printers, meaning you get your prints quicker than ever, and you won’t have to store mounds of leaflets at your warehouse or office. Instead, simply get back in touch when you start to run low, and we’ll print more out for you in a flash. 

Why not get in touch to learn more about our digital printing service?

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