Tanya Hijazi

Inside Biography

Born and raised in America, Tanya Hijazi is an actress c u m costume designer. She is best known for her roles in movies and television series like The Unseen, I'm Rick James, and Unsung. Besides, among people, she is popular for being the former wife of an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer, Late Rick James.

Early Life And Family Of Tanya Hijazi

Tanya Hijazi was born Tanya Anne Hijazi in 1972 aged 47 (2019) in the United States. She belongs to multiracial ethnicity and holds an American Nationality. The information about his family and educational background is not revealed. 

Professional Career

Hijazi is professionally an American Costume Designer c u m Actress. She has designed costumes and setups for her ex-husband Rick James. She even worked as an a s sistant costume designer in 2005 behind the scenes of The Unseen.

After her marriage, she appeared in the movies which include The Unseen(2005), and I'm Rick James(2009), and shared screen with several popular stars such as Carlos Leon, Eric Smith, Gale Harold, Rick James, Charlie Murphy, George Clinton in movies.

Hijazi has also appeared in TV One's hour-long music doc u mentary program, Unsung. The series profiled some of the most talented and influential yet forgotten R&B, Soul, and Gospel artists of the 1970s, '80s, and '90s.

How Much Is Net Worth of Tanya Hijazi?

A career as a costume designer sought Hijazi collected a considerable sum. Furthermore, she appeared in doc u mentaries, which boosted her income. As of 2022, Tanya has an estimated net worth of $5 million.

According to Payscale, a TV star in the United States makes an average salary of $81,000 per year.

Moreover, the former celebrity spouse probably collected alimony from her divorce from her then-husband (late) Rick James. However, the details never came up. Reportedly, James had a net worth of $35 million at the height of his career & but drug addiction & lavish expenses thinned his fortune.

Throughout the 90s, he used to spend $7,000 a week on cocaine.

As per Celebrity Net Worth, Rick James' worth was only $250,000 at the time of his death in 2004. 

Married Life With Rick James Lasted For 5 Years

Tanya Hijazi is a divorcee; she is famous as the ex-wife of the late singer/songwriter Rick James. The two were in a 5 years of marital relationship before they divorced; and 2 years after their divorce, James died.

Reportedly, it was in 1989 when Rick met Tanya- she was only 17 years old then. By 1990, they began dating & had 6 years long romance until the wedding bells rang. On 24 December 1997, Hijazi and James exchanged vows in front of their parents, relatives, and close friends.

In late 1993, the then-duo were imprisoned for their involvement in a s saulting Mary Sauger and Frances Alley. Hijazi was charged on 14 counts and was sentenced to 4 years but after her plea, she was only sentenced to a concurrent two-year term in prison.     

She was also fined $5,000 as compensation. Later James said that, "someone else burned the first woman and that only Hijazi struck the second woman."  

Together, they welcomed a son named Tazman (born in 1992)- the first for Tanya but was the third for the "Mary Jane" singer who already had 2 kids from previous relationship.

Other children of James include daughter Tyenza, and son, Rick Jr. with his then-girlfriend Syville Morgan, a former singer. Even more, Rick had a 2-year relationship (1982-84) with actress Linda Blair but didn't share any children.

Why Did They Divorce? Relationship Update?

In December 2002, Tanya and Rick divorced without any revelation about its cause. Ever, since Hijazi has remained low-key & is not active on social media platforms as well. Currently, she is not dating anyone officially or has any updates on her relationship.

Online sources cite that she is currently single.

Death Of Rick James

Sadly in 2004, Rick James died on 6 August 2004 at James' Los Angeles home, Oakwood Toluca Hills apartment complex. He died of pulmonary failure and cardiac failure which was the result of his several health conditions- diabetes, pacemaker, a stroke, and a heart attack. 

He was buried in Buffalo, New York at Forest Lawn Cemetry.  

by binish, 26 Feb, 2019

American Actress American Millionaire Celebrity celebrity spouse

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