
Cakewalk 2022.11.. Music production app for Windows

Fernando Ortega

Digital audio workstation (DAW) software designed for music composition, audio recording, editing and mixing.

Create own music from scratch using this powerful app to combine loops, effects - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Create music projects easily - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Additional features - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Comprehensive music creation tool - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Music creator - Screenshot of Cakewalk
The most complete music production package for Desktop PC - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Modern recording studio - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Compose - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Record - Screenshot of Cakewalk
Edit - Screenshot of Cakewalk

Music and audio creation software within a very powerful suite that can create loops, audio effects, beats and more with handy editing tools.

Cakewalk is a freeware surround mixer app and audio/video editor developed by BandLab for Windows, it's powerful, advanced and comprehensive.

It is capable of connecting to online services such as Facebook and YouTube.

The download has been tested by an editor here on a PC and a list of features has been compiled; see below. We've also created some screenshots of Cakewalk to illustrate the user interface and show the overall usage and features of this surround mixing program.

A relaunched version of SONAR which is now called lengendary Cakewalk

BandLab launched early access to Cakewalk by BandLab which is replacing SONAR, the iconic DAW developed by Cakewalk.

The new successor to the legendary DAW is now a freeware product. The revived DAW includes all core premium features of SONAR Platinum such as the award-winning Skylight user interface, flexible ProChannel modules, and powerful end-to-end 64-bit mix engine.

Features of Cakewalk

  • Audio Editing: Edit audio, add fades and trim audio clips.
  • Audio Recording: Capture live audio and mix with MIDI tracks.
  • Automation: Automate parameters in your mix.
  • Instruments: Use synths, samplers, loops and VSTs.
  • MIDI Sequencing: Create, record, edit and mix MIDI tracks.
  • Mastering: Finalize songs with mastering tools and effects.
  • Mix Recall: Save and recall mix settings.
  • Mixer: Control levels, panning and effects on individual tracks.
  • Mixing: Shape sound with effects, automation and mixing console.
  • Notation: Create or import sheet music for editing and printing.
  • Step Sequencer: Create musical patterns and drum beats.
  • Surround Sound: Create 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 surround mixes.
  • Templates: Get started quickly with track, instrument and FX templates.
  • VST Support: Use effects and instruments from popular VST vendors.
  • Video Support: Create soundtracks for video.

Compatibility and License

Cakewalk is provided under a freeware license on Windows from audio and video editors with no restrictions on usage. Download and installation of this PC software is free and 2022.11.. is the latest version last time we checked.

What version of Windows can Cakewalk run on?

Cakewalk can be used on a computer running Windows 11 or Windows 10. Previous versions of the OS shouldn't be a problem with Windows 8 and Windows 7 having been tested. It's only available as a 64-bit download.

Filed under:
  1. Cakewalk Download
  2. Free Audio and Video Editors
  3. Surround Mixing Software
Cakewalk has been picked by our editors as very good.
Cakewalk has been tested for viruses and malware.
We have tested Cakewalk 2022.11.. against malware with several different programs. We certify that this program is clean of viruses, malware and trojans.
File Tested

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