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Darling Sylvia, It was a frigid fall morning in Georgia, and I fell on the slippery聽 ice.聽 The bank had not turned off its automatic sprinklers, the sidewalk was uphill, and I was double stepping to get my heart rate up.聽 I noticed the water, and I thought I was being careful but I missed noticing the slippery sheet of ice coating the sidewalk.聽 I went down in a flash.聽 My reflexes went into gear, and I threw my right arm backward to cushion my fall.聽 I聽 went down on my right side.聽 It hurt like hell, and I flashed back to my fall from the balcony when I smashed my hip.聽 I was scared as I rolled over and carefully got to my feet.聽 I didn’t think anything was broken.聽 The pain subsided.聽 My back hurt, but I was upright, and I could breathe. This Michigan boy had forgotten how slippery ice can be.

Like falling on the ice this morning, l sometimes fall back into old habits with you when I feel threatened, tired, cranky.聽 Last week, when we were putting together the steel arbor, I heard your suggestion as bossy. 聽I forgot to slow down the action and figure out what you were really saying. I made an ugly comment. 聽聽You were wounded, and I saw it on your face. I escalated and became uglier. You made a repair attempt. I refused to recognize your attempt. I am not attractive when I pout. Not being honest about my pinch and instead being hurtful is a habit I thought I had unlearned eighteen years ago during a remarkably vivid interchange on a trip back from the Smithsonian.聽 Once again, I reverted to my early caveman.聽 Like forgetting to watch out for slippery ice, last week I forgot to look for the source of my pinch and reverted to escalation. Evidently, the course between old and new habits is also slippery. You deserve better. 聽I am so sorry.聽 I am grateful that you view me as a worthy work in progress.聽聽 Love you more than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Eddie Bert


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