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Roicare Hospital & Clinics
Roicare Hospital & Clinics is a private, pioneering and international-standard health system. Being proud of its advanced diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, Roicare mainly provides comprehensive and integrated services to women and children. Covering an area of 26,000 square meters and 171 wards, Roicare has Obstetrics Center, Postpartum Care Center, Pediatrics, Child Health Consulting Center, Neonatal NICU, Gynecology, Plan of Reproduction Clinic, Reproductive Endocrine Clinic, Gynecological Private Anti-aging Center, Pelvic Floor Disorders Center,........
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We firmly believe that excellent doctors are core of excellent medical service.

With the leadership of President Li Hui, Chief Expert Song Weiwei, who are famous and authoritative experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology around China, our Roicare Hospital & Clinics has gathered a group of renowned experts from cities of Liaoning Province. By adhering to the core value of “Health and safety come first especially for patients, providing warm loving honest trustworthy care”, we have created the team of Roicare Hospital & Clinics with incredible and impressive technical strengths.

Dr. Hui Li
M D , Ph D ,OB & GYN Specialist, Chief Physician,President of Roicare Hospital & Clinics Founder of Dr H & W Medical Group...
Dr. Weiwei Song
Chief Expert, M D & Ph D , Professor, Doctoral Supervisor Dr Song served as a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology...
Dr. Zhiling Yu
Vice President of Roicare Hospital & Clinics, Head of Pediatric Center, M D , Chief Physician Associate Professor, Master Tutor ...
Dr. Ning Han
Vice President of Roicare Hospital & Clinics, Head of Anesthesiology Department, Chief Physician, M D & Ph D , Doctor of Anesthesiology, Professor...
Dr. Limei Xie
Vice President of Roicare Hospital & Clinics, Head of Ultrasound Center, Professor, Chief Physician, Doctor of Imaging And Nuclear Medicine, Postdoctoral...
Hong Shen
Vice President of Roicare Hospital & Clinics, Nursing Director Hong Shen has been engaged in pediatric clinical nursing and teaching for 13 years, ...
Dr. Liyuan Jia
Chief of Obstetrics, Roicare Hospital & Clinics, Chief Physician Dr Jia has engaged in obstetrics and gynecology clinical work nearly 30 years...
Dr. Ying Guo
Chief Physician - Obstetrician & Gynecologist,Dr Guo has engaged in clinical gynecology and obstetrics for nearly 30 years ...
Dr. Wang Wei
M D OB & GYN Specialist Director of OB & GYN Ward, Roicare Hospital & Clinics Graduated from China Medical University and 20 years of experience working in the Ob & Gyn department of Shengjing Hospital, affiliated with China Medical University...
Dr. Chunxue Lu
Chief of Gynecology Center of Roicare Hospital & Clinics, Expert of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Master of Medicine, Deputy Chief Physician...
Dr. Li Yao
Master of Medicine, Associate Chief Physician Director of Neonatology and Pediatric Outpatient Department, Roicare Hospital & Clinics...

Operating Hours

24hr Hotline: 024-31353333

Clinic Time: 8:00-17:00(All year round)

Hospital Address: No.136, Northeast Road, Dadong District, Shenyang (Opposite to the Orthopedic Hospital Station)


Buses: No.127, No.213, No.229, No.245, No.258, No.259, No.298; get off at the Orthopedic Hospital Station

Buses: No.383, Route of No.383; get off at the Orthopedic Hospital Station

Buses: No.132, No.211, No.221, No.229; get off at the Orthopedic Hospital Station

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