Auto-Tune Pro X 升级到 10.1,ARA2 功能已支持部分 DAW 软件

Antares 于 2月1日之前为 Auto-Tune Pro X 发布了10.1更新,此更新最大的亮点就是为之前承诺的 ARA 2 支持兑了现。
目前的信息表示,已经可以在 Logic Pro 和 Studio One 中使用这项功能,其它的 DAW 可能还需要继续等待。

Auto-Tune Pro X 10.1.jpg

Antares Audio Technologies, creators of Auto-Tune, has today announced an important update of its flagship edition of Auto-Tune, Auto-Tune Pro X 10.1.
the new update provides ARA2 support for Logic Pro and Studio One DAWs to simplify and speed up data throughput between DAW and plug-ins for vastly improved workflow.​

Auto-Tune 的创造者 Antares Audio Technologies 今天宣布了其 Auto-Tune 旗舰版 Auto-Tune Pro X 10.1 的重要更新。
新更新为 Logic Pro 和 Studio One DAW 提供 ARA2 支持,以优化和加速 DAW 与插件之间的数据吞吐量,从而改进工作流程。
ARA2 Overview
ARA2 is the latest iteration of Audio Random Access™, the pioneering extension for audio plug-ins and DAWs.
ARA2 brings the DAW and plug-in closer to increase communication between the two environments greatly.
With ARA2, the DAW integrates with a plug-in in a more targeted, effective manner.
Crucial session information like audio data, tempo, pitch, and rhythm are exchanged instantly between the plug-in and DAW for improved workflow and ease of use under ARA2.​

ARA2 概述
ARA2 是 Audio Random Access™ 的最新版本,是音频插件和 DAW 的开创性扩展功能。
ARA2 拉近了 DAW 和插件的距离,大大增加了两种环境之间的交流。
通过 ARA2,DAW 以更有针对性、更有效的方式与插件集成。
音频数据、速度、音调和节奏等关键工程信息在插件和 DAW 之间实时交互,以改进 ARA2 下的工作流程和易用性。


ARA2 improves efficiency by removing the need for working audio files to be transferred to the plug-in for analysis first;
users move throughout the track timeline right inside the plug-in.​

ARA2 无需先将工作音频文件传输到插件进行分析,从而提高了效率;
Additionally, ARA2 saves a lot of time by instantly populating the Graph Mode with the track information instead of waiting for the plug-in to collect all the information.
With expanded ARA2 support, Auto-Tune Pro X seamlessly integrates with select DAWs (currently Logic Pro and Studio One, with more in future updates) for the faster,
less complicated workflow that every songwriter, producer, or mixing engineer seeks.​

此外,ARA2 通过使用轨道信息实时交互到编辑模式而不是等待插件扫描所有信息来节省大量时间。
通过扩展的 ARA2 支持,Auto-Tune Pro X 与选定的 DAW(目前是 Logic Pro 和 Studio One,未来会更新更多)无缝集成,


Auto-Tune Pro X is the most recent edition of Auto-Tune Pro.
It provides best-in-class tuning, an efficient workflow, and a range of innovative next-gen options for the modern musician, vocalist, producer, and mixing engineer.
Auto-Tune Pro X also includes all of the iconic features of the original Auto-Tune and delivers industry-standard pitch correction with fully adjustable Retune Speed, Flex-Tune, and Humanize parameters.
The improved Graph Mode provides extremely precise pitch correction capabilities, while Auto Mode delivers powerfully easy real-time editing.​

Auto-Tune Pro X 是 Auto-Tune Pro 的最新版本。
Auto-Tune Pro X 还包括原始 Auto-Tune 的所有标志性功能,并通过完全可调的 Retune Speed、Flex-Tune 和 Humanize 参数提供行业标准的音高校正。
ARA2 support for Logic Pro and Studio One is a free update for both perpetual license owners and Auto-Tune Unlimited subscribers.​

ARA2 对 Logic Pro 和 Studio One 的支持将为 Auto-Tune Pro X 永久授权用户和 Auto-Tune Unlimited 订阅用户提供免费更新。


租赁授权,14.58/每个月,永久授权 459 美元,

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