
Top 10 Best RPGs on iPhone and iPad (iOS) in November 2022

Here's an updated list of best iOS role-playing video games.

Are you looking for the best iOS RPGs? If your answer is YES then you have come to the perfect mobile gaming website. Ever since smartphones were invented, game developers have launched plenty of mobile RPGs.

All mobile RPGs that we will be mentioned in this article can only be played on iOS devices. If you are an iOS user, you will have many options such as RPGs with card game elements, RPGs with an idle slant, RPGs with survival components, and more.

This list of best iOS RPGs might have a few old classics but it also has a couple of popular mobile RPGs that were recently launched. Regardless of whether mobile RPGs are too old or new, what all we want is the role-playing game should be rewarding, preferably fairly meaty, and suitable for play on the go. Without any further ado, let’s take a look  at the list of best iOS RPGs:

Best iOS RPGs To Play in November 2022

RAID: Shadow Legends

Best iOS RPGs

  • Developer: Plarium Games
  • Publisher: Plarium Games
  • Available on: iOS + Android
  • Genre: Action, RPG

Raid: Shadow Legends is one of the best role-playing games that can be played on iPhone and iPad. Developed and published by Israeli game developer Plarium Games, Raid: Shadow Legends was released on January 21, 2020.

The game does not have only stunning visuals but it has amazing gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours. If you are new to this RPG, you are likely to receive the following things::

  • 100,000 Gold currency
  • A Rare Attack Champion: “Slasher”
  • 1 Energy Refill Buff
  • 10 Mystery Shards

Notably, this offer is applicable until August 31, 2020, and there is no better time than time to give RAID: Shadow Legends a try. In order to receive your freebies, you simply have to download the game via this link:

Wayward Souls

Best iOS RPGs

  • Developer: RocketCat Games
  • Publisher: RocketCat Games
  • Available on: iOS + Android
  • Genre: Action, RPG

Wayward Souls is an action-adventure video game by Rocketcat Games. Released on April 24, 2014, it is said to be a spiritual successor to their Mage Gauntlet title. Have you played Wayward Souls? If you then you must have realized that its gameplay is quite similar to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.

The developers of the game continue to update it ever since it was launched. Currently, it has six playable characters. It is one of the oldest mobile RPGs.

Knights of the Old Republic

Best iOS RPGs

  • Developer: BioWare
  • Publisher: Aspyr
  • Available on: iOS + Android + Steam
  • Genre: Action, RPG

The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic series is one of the most popular iOS RPGs right now. Based on earlier and new comic book series, the first and third instalments were developed by BioWare while the second was developed by Obsidian Entertainment per LucasArts’ request.

Combat is round-based and combatants can attack and react at the same time. However, the number of actions a combatant can perform each round is limited.

Banner Saga 2

Best iOS RPGs

  • Publisher: Stoic Studio
  • Publisher: Versus Evil
  • Available on: iOS + Android
  • Genre: RPG, Strategy

The Banner Saga 2 is a tactical RPG developed by Stoic Studio and published by Versus Evil. It is a sequel to The Banner  Saga. The developers of the game launched its sequel The Banner Saga 3 in July 2018.

The Banner Saga 2 builds on The Banner Saga’s turn-based combat, adding depth with the introduction of new units, new talents, new enemies, interactive objects, and new objectives. There are multiple heroes that return as playable characters from its prequel.

Final Fantasy IX

Best iOS RPGs

  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Available on: iOS + Android + PSP
  • Genre: Adventure, RPG

Final Fantasy IX is arguably one of the oldest mobile RPGs. Developed and published by Squaresoft, it is the ninth video game in the main Final Fantasy series. The plot of this PRG revolves around the consequences of a war between nations in a medieval fantasy world, Gaia.

Players in Final Fantasy IX follow bandit Zidane Tribal, who kidnaps Alexandrian Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII.

Darkest Dungeon

Best iOS RPGs

  • Developer: Red Hook Studios
  • Available on: iOS
  • Genre: RPG

Darkest Dungeons is a mobile RPG, developed and published by Red Hook Studios and Merge Games respectively. When it was out  (January 2016), it was not available for iOS and Android but the developers of the game released it for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Linux, with ports for iOS in 2017.

The core feature of Darkest Dungeons is the stress level of each hero, that increase with further exploration and combat; a character sustaining a high-stress level may gain afflictions that will hamper, or possibly enhance, their performance as an explorer. With its intriguing gameplay, Darkest Duneoguns has won various award nominations and went on to sell more than two million copies.

Considering the popularity of this game, a sequel was announced in February 2019, which is currently under development.

Death Road to Canada

Best iOS RPGs

  • Developer: Madgarden
  • Publisher: RocketCat Games
  • Available on: iOS
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG

Death Road to Canada is a mobile RPG but there are people who still confused whether it is an RPG or not. What we do know is that it is a Zombie apocalypse roguelike survival video game with team management and action elements.

Old School RuneScape

Best iOS RPGs

  • Publisher: Jagex
  • Available on: iOS + Android
  • Genre: Action, Multiplayer, Retro, RPG

Old School RuneScape is MMORPG developed and published by Jagex. Released on February 22, 2013, it was a build of RuneScape. The developers of the video game continue to update it ever since it was launched.

Despite having a small development team, Old School RuneScape turned out a  massive hit among the audience. A mobile version for both Android and iOS was released in October 2018.

Dungeon Rushers

Best iOS RPGs

  • Developer: Gobelinz Studio
  • Available on: iOS + Android
  • Genre: Multiplayer, RPG

Dungeon Rushers is a Heroic-Parody tactical Role-playing video game that combines of dungeon crawler’s gameplay and turn-based fights. What all you have to do is to manage your team, loot dusty dungeons, crush armies of monsters and craft mighty equipment.

Battle Chasers: Nightwar

Best iOS RPGs

  • Developer: Airship Syndicate
  • Publisher: THQ Nordic
  • Available on: iOS + Android + Steam …
  • Genre: RPG

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a turn-based RPG, developed and published by Airship Syndicate and THQ Nordic respectively. The game is based on the Battle Chasers fantasy comic book series written by Joe Madureira.

When it was released, it received rave reviews from critics and audience alike for its graphic and visual style. The game had to face criticism as well for its difficult balance and high level of grinding.

This is a list of the best mobile RPGs. Don’t you see your favorite iOS RPG on the list? Do let us know in the comment section below. Because we will keep updating this article on a monthly basis.

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