Globelink Ünimar, Offers a Global Guarantee for Perishable Cargo
  • February 8, 2021
  • News

Globelink Ünimar, One of the Founding Partners of Perishable Logistics Network, Offers a Global Guarantee for Perishable Cargo

Globelink Ünimar, one of the founding members of Perishable Logistics Network (PLN), which was established to determine the upper limits of perishable Cargo transportation worldwide and to provide global supply chain solutions in this field, continues to operate with all its precision in perishable cargo transportation. Globelink Ünimar, which provides 24/7 service with its staff dedicated to these products with an understanding of unconditional customer satisfaction in perishable cargo, which is one of the most serious and sensitive operations of logistics, carries out all the necessary processes about perishable cargo items meticulously, from receiving to loading, from storage to shipping to any desired destination port and delivery at the destination, by maintaining the required temperature range chain.

Working with PLN Increases Our Current Potential

Business Development and Strategy Executive Ms. Gizem Düzer, who stated that Perishable Logistics Network offers important opportunities to closely follow the developments in the industry, to get in touch with members from different countries, and to increase their competencies in the field, said: “We carefully carry out all the necessary processes in perishable cargo transportation, which is one of the most serious and sensitive operations of logistics, from receiving the cargo items by maintaining the required temperature range chain to loading, from storage to shipping to each desired destination port and delivery at the destination. The fact that we work together with the founding members of PLN, who are successful in this field and industry leader, will also raise the service quality standards required in existing and potential projects.

As Globelink Ünimar Network department, we are a member of internationally important business networks in sea, air and road transport and we are always open to new opportunities that we think will bring gains. For this, we closely follow the developments in the industry and constantly conduct new business network researches within our needs.”

Stating that they were at the stage of realizing two important projects in the new period, Ms. Düzer said: “The first of these two important projects is that we will add new products to our perishable product network that we offer to the Middle East with the completion of the -18 degree loading and distribution chain. Our other important project is our office, which we plan to open at Adana Airport in the first quarter of 2021. In this way, we plan to respond faster to the demands of the region.”


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