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Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney - Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners!

Are you interested in creating stunning art with the power of AI? Do you want to learn how to do it quickly and easily, without any previous experience or knowledge of coding? Look no further! With Midjourney, you can create your first AI art in under five minutes.

Midjourney is an AI-powered platform that allows you to create art using machine learning algorithms. It’s perfect for beginners who want to explore the possibilities of AI art without having to invest in expensive software or hardware. With Midjourney, you can create beautiful, unique art with just a few clicks of a button.

Resources for this post:

  • Video tutorial for this post on YouTube
  • More video tutorials on AI art
  • More blog posts on AI art
AI Art with Midjourney for beginners —

Here’s how to create your first AI art with Midjourney:

Step 1: Log in Discord

Discord is a popular communication platform designed for gamers, but it has evolved to be used by people of all backgrounds and interests. It allows users to create their own virtual “servers” or join existing ones, where they can communicate with other users via text, voice, and video.

If you do not already have a Discord account, go to and download it, or Open Discord in your browser.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Step 2: Go to Midjourney Website

Go to and click Join the Beta on the lower right corner of the screen.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Step 3: Join Midjourney on Discord

After clicking the Join the Beta button on Midjourney website, a window will pop up in Discord, saying “You’ve been invited to join Midjourney”. Simply click the purple Join Midjourney button.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

The Midjourney server will appear in your Discord.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Step 4: Enter a Newcomer Room

Next, enter a newcomer room by clicking a room name under NEW COMER ROOMS. I chose the room named newbies-153, but any newbies room should work. You can see AI art created by different people in the room. What you created in the newbie’s room is visible to others as well.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Step 5: Create a Conversation with Midjourney Bot

If you prefer to create AI art in private instead of a newcomers’ room, right-click Midjourney Bot and select Message. Please note that DMs with the Midjourney bot are public on the web gallery by default.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

A direct message window with Midjourney Bot shows up.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Step 6: Subscribe to Midjourney

At the time this tutorial was created in April 2023, Midjourney requires a subscription. The subscription page can be accessed by typing /subscribe in the message.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

After pressing enter, Midjourney Bot will provide a personal link for the subscription. Click Open subscription page to open a new page in a browser.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

The monthly plan starts at $10.00 per month.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

The yearly plan is 20% off the monthly plan yearly total.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Choose a plan and finish purchasing the subscription. Then go back to the direct message with Midjourney Bot on Discord.

Step 7: Generate AI Art

The AI art can be generated by writing prompts in the message. All the prompts start with /imagine. I used the prompt In a purple and orange themed surreal landscape, a robot is painting a picture.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

And here are the four generated images:

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Step 8: Refine Images

There are two ways to refine the images, creating variations and upscaling the image to higher resolutions and more details.

Below the AI-generated images, there are two rows of buttons. The buttons starting with V indicate variations and the buttons starting with U indicate upscalings. The button with the blue square is for regenerating images.

I would like to create variations for the first image, so I clicked V1, and four new images that are slightly different from image 1 are created.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Out of the four variations, my favorite is the third one, so I clicked on U3 and upscaled it. The upscaled image has more details, including the colorful falling leaves. There are other options available for more variations and upscaling, but I am happy with this one and will use it as the final image.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Step 9: Download AI-generated Image

To save the image, we can either right-click on it and select Save Image or copy the link to the image and use it directly.

Create Stunning AI Art in Under 5 Minutes with Midjourney — Perfect for Absolute Beginners! Unleash Your Inner Artist and Explore the Limitless Possibilities of AI Art
Image by Author

Midjourney is an excellent tool, but it requires a paid plan and can only be used through Discord. For those who prefer a free alternative, I will be creating a new tutorial on how to create AI art using a different tool. If you want to stay updated, please follow or subscribe to be notified when the new tutorial is available.

For more information about data science and machine learning, please check out my  YouTube channel and Medium Page or follow me on LinkedIn.

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