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  • HunieCam Studio
  • HuniePop 2
HuniePop 2

Full Name

Denise "Zoey" Greene



(age 21 In HunieCam)
(age 19 in HuniePop 2)




African American


Cam Girl (HunieCam)

Unemployed (HuniePop 2)

Physical Characteristics







Hair Color


Eye Color

Blue (right) and Red (left)

Cup Size





Favorite Color

Neon Green

Voice Actor

Arden Jones (HunieCam Studio) IMDb icon

Shara Kirby (Huniepop 2: Double Date)

Physical Description[ ]

HunieCam[ ]

In Huniecam, Zoey has a pear shaped body with small breasts. She has very dark skin, and one blue eye and one red eye. Her eyebrows have been shaved in the middle and her hair is dyed cyan with some black and white striped extensions. Her makeup consists of white eyeshadow and lipstick. She is always wearing black gauges in her ears.

Zoey's default outfit, called "Cobalt" and "Citrus Acid", consists of a bright yellow tank top and a purple tutu covered by a bright green corset. She wears cyan fingerless gloves with ripped blue arm bands on top. She wears her hair in pigtails, with the the front of her hair parted to the right with two white barrettes. She wears goggles on the top of her head, additionally she wears a red choker necklace with an orange mirror pendent with a bow on it.

HuniePop 2[ ]

In HuniePop 2, Zoey's appearance remains relatively the same with a few minor differences to her accessories and hairstyle. She now wears her hair down, held back with goggles while her black and white extensions, and hair clip are replaced with noodle party dreads attached to a black and teal headband. Her corset is cyan, matching her hair color, and her tutu is now more sheer. Her choker is now black instead of red, but still retains it's mirror pendant.

While Zoey retains her white eyeshadow and lipstick, she now wears green nail polish and has three new piercings. Two bridge piercings: one at the top of her bridge and one in the middle, and a labret piercing.

Personality[ ]

"Zoey is an insufferable millennial who tries a little too hard to be unique. She sexually identifies as a cybernetic android." - Game Description

"...This is Zoey and she's not going to CONFORM to your societal STANDARDS you fucking MINDLESS zombies." - HuniePotDev Via Twitter

"Now the thing that you gotta understand about Zoey is that she's a little spacey, might have a few screws loose, not entirely living on the same planet as the rest of us. She grew out of that weird cyborg phase that she was in, but now she's into like witchcraft and crystals n' shit." - HuniePotDev via Spiral Scouts Update (+Hunie News) Video

Zoey is a very meta character. Kyu dismisses her as being crazy, but Zoey proves her wrong by displaying knowledge of the game's plot. She knows about the Nymphojinn, Kyu's presence, Venus' appearance, and her plan to erupt Mount Nymphojaro early. She also claims to have seen the game's bad ending, all of which she says came to her in dreams. Following this, she's a very spiritual person. She also speaks in a robotic manner and implies that she isn't human.

Baggage[ ]

Baggage is a feature exclusive to HuniePop 2 that equips all 12 dateable girls with a set of three unique traits that are unlocked during conversation and pose additional challenge during dates.

Baggage Image Description
Kinda Crazy Item baggage kinda crazy A random row will break while focused on Zoey.
Aquaphobic Item baggage aquaphobic The effects of Sentiment tokens and Broken Heart tokens are switched.
Tinnitus Item baggage tinnitus Less Joy tokens will fall for the remainder of the date.

Gifts[ ]

All of the 12 dateable girls have two sets of four unique gifts each, in charge of increasing the player's Passion and Style LVL. Zoey's unique gift type is Spiritual and her shoe type is Cybergoth (Boots).

Unique Gifts Shoes
Item Name Image Item Name Image
Tarot Cards Item unique tarot cards Hydro Boots Item shoes hydro boots
Hourglass Item unique hourglass Astro Boots Item shoes astro boots
Crystals Item unique crystals Sacred Boots Item shoes sacred boots
Crystal Ball Item unique crystal ball Sherbet Boots Item shoes sherbet boots
Incense (Removed) Item unique incense Cosmic Boots (Removed) Item shoes cosmic boots

History[ ]


Relationships[ ]

Sarah[ ]

When the two first meet, Sarah thinks of Zoey as a cosplayer from a hentai. Zoey finds the concept of cosplaying curious and shows interest in Sarah.

Lola[ ]

Lola is rather interested in Zoey's unique choice of clothing, Lola, who has now gotten into the fashion industry, wants to work with Zoey for her fashion related projects.

Polly[ ]

Polly, at first, finds Zoey's tastes in fashion odd, and tries to give her makeup and clothing color suggestions without coming across as rude. Polly eventually warms up to Zoey and says she likes her fashion choices. She also opens up to Zoey a little about her past.

Lillian[ ]

Zoey immediately gives Lillian pause when they first meet. Though they eventually end up having sex with each other, Lillian says that she finds the way Zoey speaks annoying.

Statistics[ ]

Initial Style Level:[ ]


Initial Talent Level:[ ]


Initial Pay Rate:[ ]


Fetishes:[ ]

Ebony, Flat Chested

Smokes:[ ]


Drinks:[ ]


Trivia[ ]

  • If they are not contacts, Zoey is the only known girl with heterochromia.
  • In HunieCam Studio, she is voiced by Arden Jones, who also voices Momo in HuniePop and Lillian in HunieCam Studio.
  • Zoey's character might be loosely based on YouTuber, Kat Blaque.
  • In earlier stages of the development of HuniePop 2, Zoey appears to have been characterized as an anti-capitalist and 3rd wave feminist with a more negative demeanor towards the player, judging by old, unused unique items shared by HunieDev on Discord as well as an old video titled "The Many Voices of HuniePop 2" which has since been removed by HunieDev, likely due to it being outdated in comparison to the final product.
    • Amber Foxy Lee May, the original voice actress, helped with some of the re-writing of Zoey's character. It is however unknown why she is not credited.
  • In HuniePop 2, while Zoey is revealed to be aquaphobic, two of her four threesome dates ironically take place in water-themed environments (Specifically, at the Secret Grotto with Lola and the Poolside Bar with Polly). She is the only girl in the game that this applies to.

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