Video promotion to enhance character identity.
About QQfamily
01. About QQfamily

QQfamily was developed to represent official QQ cartoon IP(Intellectual Property) brand of Tencent. QQfamily characters extend the brand image that QQ penguin of Tencent has built. By giving unique look and personality to each character, QQfamily is intended to make a positive impression through stories that characters create. Each character is involved with witty and fun stories of daily life that lead the users feel more closer to the brand and characters. Their dynamic emotional expressions make the brand image more young and friendly as well. QQfamily is not just a static image, but living characters that can be an inspiration for the users to refresh the attitude towards their life.

QQfamily是代表腾讯官方的IP(知识产权)品牌。以QQ企鹅形象为延展,赋予每个形象独特的外观和个性 ,并与丰富故事结合,融入更多社交场景,更具情感化的表达积极、年轻的品牌含义。QQfamily不仅是形象,更代表有趣、赋予变化的生活态度。

02. Overview

As the guide of QQfamily has been newly defined, we needed a promotion which emphasizes on a brand expansion by making a video which highlights on personalities of characters. That was because imprinting the personalities of characters was the most important and the very first step when we brand the characters. We hope characters to have rich personality having all interesting stories to be delivered to users. We would continue focusing on promotions for the brand identity and brand vitality.



03. Goal

Since it was important for us to capture the identity of each character, we planned to make a full package of short stories. Especially we concentrated on making story out of personality that users can understand through using the daily objects and emotional expressions. By using cartoon style and brand color actively, we tried to make users feel more friendly and approachable to the brand.


04.Work Process

Making a motion graphics roughly insists of three parts. In the pre-production part, the concepts and plans are confirmed. In production part, the needed source works are processed. In the post-production part, which is the last step and the most hard-working part in motion graphics. In this part, movements are added so the graphic can be expressed rhythmically and attractively.


05. Storyboard 

We had 12seconds for each character under a similar structure and composition of the story frame. The stories are slightly changing while making.


06. Final Video


07. Showcases

A_Tencent 18th Anniversary Event

B_Mattel VIP show QQfamily Seminar

C_Midea X QQfamily Launching show

by Davidhan

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