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1 SK-II ring Zhen Xi Diamond White Essence

It is partial liquid emulsion texture, liquidity, absorption was fast, with a hint of fragrance, as long as you put it onto the face down from the palm of the hand in a circle, basically can feel the face no foreign body sensation, fully absorb ~ absorption speed, do not pull dry skin, skin with no bleeding, very appropriate to!

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1 SK-II环采臻皙钻白精华露


2 Laneige drilling pure white reduction essence

Amore Pacific Laboratory in recent years found that when melanoma cells absorb water, will significantly reduce melanin secretion, so for the first time the cell injection bright water technology in the maintenance, upgrade version of the core component to Green Tea protein injection of melanoma cells, as for melanoma cell injections of white needles, let skin completely white.

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2 兰芝 钻采淨白还原精华


3 snail essence raw liquid

This is a Chinese from Henan natural snail snail essence, essence is called liquid gold skin, whitening brighten skin, firming skin is super easy to use, good repair damaged skin, so a beautiful and delicate woman in Europe to collocation a bottle of snail dope, but is a natural snail dope not more than 2 snail China base in Henan and Switzerland approved by the International Association of skin care products, so this is a rare natural snail dope and very good use of skin care products, the Henan company to export liquid liquid snail, snail stoste Ian and South Korea many European countries are imported them.

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3 宣致蜗牛精华原液


4 Lancome smart key Whitening Cream

Lancome, let the domestic star stop products. Its intelligent freckle has a long history. At the time of the bride, the research direction of the color spot is aimed at the dermis, and the strategy of three-dimensional whitening and freckle has come into being. This essence milk is rich in melanin control molecules, roses and peppermint essence, and also contains liquorice essence, which can help inhibit abnormal melanin, remove keratinocytes and regenerate skin.

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4 兰蔻 智能密钥臻白精华乳


5 CLARINS double extract

Anti oxidant! It sounds like whitening, it doesn't seem to have a hair relationship, no! Let's not be dead white! What we want is transparent white! Clear!!!! Do the work for the antioxidant to yellow to dark help, help us more healthy white. And the use of this essence is very good, water and oil separation, squeeze out of the palm to knead the face, moisturizing like.

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5 娇韵诗双萃精华


6 Rohto CC

The spray and whitening essence are all bought. It's so nice to spray outside at home in the summer! Cool lemon orange, fresh taste, feel Pumianerlai vc! A high price ratio combination. I use the whole face, brighten, the whitening effect is good, it is immediate.

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6 乐敦CC

喷雾和美白精华都买了。夏天在家在外面用喷雾感觉太好了!凉凉的,柠檬橘子的清新味道,感觉扑面而来的vc! 性价比很高的组合。我是全脸用,提亮,美白效果不错,算立竿见影的了。

7 HABA snow white and beautiful lily essence

HABA WL Haba is the star product (not used WL you feel shy said used HABA, WL) is a very rare a sensitive skin and pregnant women can also use moisturizing whitening essence lotion, almost like texture, but slightly thicker, stick a little sooner or later, can be used. Light caramel flavor, doping an almost imperceptible bamboo fragrance, unlike other whitening essence is that WL is brought out from the inside of the moist and white light, is a long and stable whitening, slowly improved from the bottom of the muscle moisture inside! Can also be used as the essence of any mask!

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7 HABA雪白佳丽精华液

HABA的WL算是haba最明星的产品(没用过WL你都不好意思说用过HABA) ,WL是很罕见的一款敏感皮和孕妇也能用保湿美白精华,几乎化妆水一样的质地,但略微厚一点,粘一点,早晚都能用,淡淡的焦糖香味,掺杂一股几乎不易察觉的竹清香,与其他美白精华不同的是,WL带来的是由内而外透出来的润白光芒,是长久而稳定的美白,从肌底慢慢地改良,润白而外!也可以当做任何面膜前的打底精华!

8 Olay white bottle

Since the three bottles of SKII have been used up, they began to use Olay white bottles (or pain of silver, thinking about finding a parity substitute). Nicotinamide ranked second, is conscience bowl, the effect is still stick to me! It seems that nicotinamide is really useful to me.

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8 olay小白瓶


9 Kose snow muscle fine whitening make-up water

As a functional whitening water, snow water is much faster than the usual whitening lotion, and it is safer and safer. The only thing to Tucao is her alcoholic, not suitable for dry skin and sensitive skin, oily skin is mixed love! For mixed skin, skin, rough skin and acne, alcohol can inhibit the inflammation, controlling convergence!

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9 高丝雪肌精药用美白化妆水


10 Kiehl's White Cream Set

Not only whitening, but also 24 hours of continuous water! Most often enough moisturizing whitening products, Kiehl's set whitening moisturizing cream and moisturizing shine both to dilute the spot, to prevent the formation of spots, uniform light color depth, bright white, delicate and smooth texture, good absorption. Balance the skin color, fade the color spot, keep moisturizing, improve the gloss and penetration of the skin. After the use, the skin becomes more smooth and soft and water!

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10 科颜氏集焕白净面霜




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Sina.cn(京ICP0000007) 2024-06-06 06:11

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