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Top Vampire Movies – The Ultimate Collection

Yo, check out these killer vampire flicks that’ll have your friends begging for more!

Don’t settle for boring old 90s movies when you can upgrade to these newer, edgier films.

Yeah, Bram Stoker’s Dracula was a big hit and won an Oscar, but I like my movie nights trashy.

Pop some corn, order a pizza, and break out the Ben & Jerry’s because we’re about to binge on the best vampire movies out there.

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These are the Best Vampire Movies to binge on.

Underworld : Blood Wars

This movie’s been a fan favorite since it came out in 2012. Kate Beckinsale stars as Selene, battling werewolves and vampires within a group called The Order of Death Dealers. The cinematography rocks, with slow-mo action scenes in contrasting colors like orange-red and dark blue or grey. Plus, Theo James is a total babe.

Watch on Amazon

Underworld Blood Wars , The latest in the Underworld Series featuring Vampires.
Underworld: Blood Wars (Theo James you hunk of spunk)

The Mortal Instruments : City Of Bones

Okay, it’s not the best movie ever, but it’s got that sweet, sweet nostalgia factor. Like Twilight, Hunger Games, and Fifty Shades of Grey, the hype was all about the books. And even though it never got a sequel, it’s still fun to watch. Watch on Amazon.

Can’t handle the cringe? The spin-off TV Series SHADOWHUNTERS is the best. Maybe watch that instead.

The Mortal Instruments, Vampire movie which was later created into a tv series.
The Mortal Instruments: Come On…It isn’t that bad? Is it?

Hotel Transylvania

What, you want to watch something kid-friendly before the real gore starts?

Hotel Transylvania is perfect for the whole fam. Watch on Amazon.

Hotel Transylvania - Kids Vampire Movie
Kids Still Up? Watch this before the real bloodshed begins

Twilight – Yes… All Of Them!

Don’t even try to deny it – Twilight is a must-watch for any vampire movie marathon. Get your besties together, grab some ice cream, and swoon over Edward and his shiny hair. Team Edward all the way!

And did you know you can RENT Bella Swans actual home from the movie? Get on that, people.

Watch on Amazon.

Twilight - The Ultimate Vampire Movie Binge Series
Edward your hair is like sunshine and daisies to my eyeballs.

Dracula : Untold

Critics might have hated it, but we still love this serious, action-packed vampire movie. Luke Evans is perfect as a prince who makes the ultimate sacrifice for his family and people. Watch on Amazon.

“Dracula Untold” is an underrated action movie with the story of the origin of Dracula. This movie has a dramatic and full of action story, disclosed through great screenplay, special effects, and music score. Luke Evans is perfect in the role of a prince capable of an ultimate sacrifice to save his beloved family and people. It is funny to see the comment that a vampire action movie does not have historical accuracy. My vote is eight. Claudio

Dracula Untold - Vampire Movie
This guy definitely ready to F**K some S**T up.

Classic Vampire Movies

Maybe you’re a film snob and want something more highbrow? Check out these classics:

Lost Boys

Lost Boys: Released in 1987, Two brothers discover their new town is a vampire hotspot.

Interview With A Vampire

Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise team up for this American gothic horror flick, which is a dark masterpiece of blood, violence and chaos.

Interview with the Vampire was released in 1994. It’s a true American gothic horror film. I’m sure the pairing of Cruise and Brad Pitt made everyones knickers go wild, but this film is far more than a bit of on screen vamp candy.

Blade – All Of Them

Whats not to love? Wesley Snipes is a half-vampire, half-mortal who slays evil vamps to protect humanity. Blade is arguably one of the best films Wesley Snipes has graced with his presence.

Some people believe Blade revived the comic book film scene from the dead. Making a whopping 131.2 million USD at the box office, Its success is undeniable

Bram Stokers Dracula

An all-star cast, including Gary Oldman and Anthony Hopkins, make this one a must-see. It won three Oscars, five Saturn Awards, and was nominated for 19 awards in total.

Daybreakers (2009)

Set in a future where the majority of the world’s population has turned into vampires, this action-horror film follows a group of human survivors who are being hunted by the vampire elite.

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

This indie film follows the lives of two vampire lovers (played by Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston) who have been alive for centuries. They struggle to find meaning in a world that has changed so much around them.

What We Do in the Shadows (2014)

A mockumentary-style film that follows a group of vampire roommates living in New Zealand. Hilarity ensues as they try to navigate modern society while dealing with their vampiric needs.

Byzantium (2012)

Directed by Neil Jordan (who also directed Interview with the Vampire), this film follows two female vampires (played by Saoirse Ronan and Gemma Arterton) who have been alive for centuries. They try to keep a low profile in a seaside town, but their secrets are eventually revealed.

Let the Right One In (2008)

A Swedish horror film about a lonely boy who befriends a mysterious girl who turns out to be a vampire. As their relationship develops, they must navigate the dangers of her vampiric nature.

Fright Night (1985)

A horror-comedy film about a teenager who discovers that his neighbor is a vampire. He enlists the help of a TV horror show host to try to defeat the vampire before he becomes his next victim.

The Hunger (1983)

A stylish horror film about a vampire couple (played by Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie) who have been alive for centuries. They seduce their victims before ultimately feeding on them, but their lives are turned upside down when one of their victims becomes a vampire herself.

Need to find Vampire Movies On Netflix?

If you’re looking for vampire movies on Netflix, just search “Vampire Movies” in the app. Easy peasy.

Vampire Movies On Netflix
Vampire Movies On Netflix

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