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Nintendo 64





Video game console


Fifth generation (32-bit/64-bit era)

First available

Japan June 23, 1996
USA/ Canada September 29, 1996
Europe/ Australia March 1, 1997


93.75 MHz NEC VR4300


SGI 62.5 MHz 64-bit RCP


Game Pak

System storage

Cartridge battery
Controller Pak

Online service

RANDnet (Japan only)

Units sold

32.93 million [1]

Top-selling game

Super Mario 64


Super Nintendo Entertainment System


Nintendo GameCube

The Nintendo 64 (ニンテンドー64 Nintendō Rokujūyon ?), often abbreviated as N64, is Nintendo's third home video game console. Its name comes from its 64-bit processor. It was released with two launch titles: Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 plus one in Japan, Saikyō Habu Shōgi. The N64's suggested retail price was US$199 at its launch.

The Nintendo 64 was unsuccessful in recapturing the preceding SNES's market share. The PlayStation would eventually tally sales of 100 million units worldwide, while the N64 came second with 32.93 million units sold, [1] and the Sega Saturn in third with 10 million. Benimaru Itoh, a developer for EarthBound 64 and friend of Shigeru Miyamoto, speculated in 1997 that the N64's lack of popularity in Japan was due to lack of role-playing video games. [2]

Metroid 64[ ]

Main article: Metroid 64

Although there was no Metroid game on the N64, a game for the system was mentioned a few times; it was never produced due to developers' doubt that the N64's technology could produce a satisfactory 3D Metroid game. However, Samus did appear in Super Smash Bros. for the console.

Trivia[ ]

  • Although there was no Metroid game on the N64 (as noted above), the September 2022 Nintendo Direct, when covering upcoming Nintendo 64 games to its Nintendo Switch Online library and made a surprise teaser towards releasing GoldenEye 007 nearing the end, had the Metroid Prime-style Screw Attack logo displaying on the sidebar during the teaser. Something similar was observed with the trailer announcing the release date for Mario Party and Mario Party 2.
    • On a similar note, concept art posted by Kazuyuki Kurashima (who was previously involved in Super Mario RPG) in 2019 on his Instagram account indicated that Super Mario RPG 2 (what would later become Paper Mario) was intended to have Samus Aran as well as Link from The Legend of Zelda play some role in the game. [3]

References[ ]

  1. ^ a b 05 Nintendo Annual Report - Nintendo Co., Ltd. pp. 9. Nintendo Co., Ltd. (2005-05-26). Retrieved on 2006-08-14.
  2. ^ Takao Imamura, Shigeru Miyamoto (1997). Nintendo Power August, 1997 - Pak Watch E3 Report "The Game Masters" (in English). Nintendo, 104-105.
  3. ^ Kazuyuki Kurashima (kazuyukikurashima). Instagram. July 12, 2019. Retrieved September 27, 2022.


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