Updated 27.01.2023

Universal Branch Codes for South African Banks

There are two kinds of South African users who require branch codes often. Users who do online banking and Users who do telephone banking. Therefore, if you’re one of them and can not remember the six-digit number then this is a great resource page to keep bookmarked!

All top South Africa Bank’s universal branch codes are listed below:

ABSA Branch Code632005
African Bank Branch Code430000
Bank of Athens Branch Code410506
Bidvest Bank Branch Code 462005
Capitec Branch Code470010
First National Bank / FNB Branch Code250655
Investec Branch Code580105
Nedbank Branch Code198765
SA Post Bank Branch Code460005
Standard Bank Branch Code051001
Tyme Bank Branch Code678910

As you are searching for branch codes, you should need to know about the difference . .

Branch Code vs Universal Branch Code

Branch Code – A branch code of a bank basically tells the area where that bank branch is located. In short, it is a unique number associated with each and every branch of that particular bank.

Generic or Universal Branch Code – It’s user-friendly code offering a single code for all the branches of a bank. As a result, you can use this code on any transaction no matter what branch a bank account is held or opened.

Furthermore, all major banks and financial instutitions are adopting this user friendly system of using universal code. In other words, this is one of the most user-friendly options as far as bank details are concerned. This is especially useful when it comes to do internet banking. In conclusion, you can choose either have universal branch codes or bank branches that have individual code for every location.

If you are like so many individuals are often searching for what is your branch code, please be advised that you can now make a habit of using the single universal branch code when making payments into a beneficiary bank and collections online to make things easier.

International Payments

If you are making international payments you will need the account number of the IBAN and the SWIFT address. Remember not to confuse the swift code with the branch code, these are different and swift is usually used as an international banking code required for an international payment. You may also need a branch or sort code for international transactions. Online transfers may sometimes take several business days depending if the payment / transfer was sent during the Bank’s trading hours. 

Biggest Banks in South Africa

The above table shows the universal bank code for all the biggest retail bank and financial institution in South Africa:

Capitec Bank
FNB Bank
Standard Bank
Tyme Bank

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