Mucangchai Tour 2 days 1 night

Trip Overview

By 2 days outing to Cu Vai immaculate Cu Vai town and Mu Cang Chai, you can appreciate the genuine of H’mong individuals situated in the isolated slope. Going through blustery street you can contact the common and astonishing view. How superb it is when visiting here! Mu Cang Chai patio fields will include your excursion all the more energizing. Let joy your enthusiasm with nearby individuals and shoot brilliant photograph as your own particular manner with us from now.

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Tour itinerary

Day 1: From Hang Co Vua Village to Hua Khat Village | 6 km easy walk – 3,5 hours |

AM: We start walking from the small village of H’mong which is named Hang Co Vua, then we walk on small trail , follow the terraces fields and conquer the pine forest. You will enjoy the fresh air cool in the middle of nature and mountains. When you go on a small road in the forest, you will have the opportunity to look at the forest orchid flowers, hear the birds singing and the occasional squirrel in a tree. After 2 hours walk you will encounter villages where people Hua Khat ethnic minority Hmong live, where you’ll discover extremely simple lives and many wild character. Yet indigenous people could not communicate with us because of the language barrier, but they are very friendly and open welcome when we visit home. Leaving the village of the Hmong people you will be completely surprised to see the valley of terraced fields, which is the mark of human impact on nature in a harmonious way. We can imagine as the space carved by the hands of the artists.

PM: After lunch, you continue to go to Cai Dong – La Khat Village and enjoy the picturesque scenery of Mucangchai. The beautiful scene and simple life of the Hmong people is the highlight of your first day. When you arrive at the Ecolodge, you check in and rest for dinner with regional specialties..

Day 2: Exploring the hill tribe | 7 km easy walking – almost 3,5 hours

AM: 8h30: We depart for a visit to the Thai village. From the Ecolodge you will drive to Sang Village where the Hmong live. Then you walk for 2 hours on the trail, it is also the border between two provinces of Yen Bai and Son La. Standing on the trail, you watch the spectacular terraced fields in Ngoc Chien valley. Beautiful scene here is considered an ideal destination for photographers and painters. Standing down from above, you will be startled and ask yourself is this work of man or god. Continue in the pine forest and down the valley, you will discover the life of the Thai minority. The stilts located along the stream as the symbol of the Thai people from ancient times. You will have lunch here. Then you have time to go through the small streets in the village to interact with the locals peoples.


Check out and See You Next Time!

Service Inclusion

  • Private bed (House on stilt) or Private room  (for Bungalow)
  • All activities are mentioned in specific itineraries
  • Local guide (cannot speak English)
  • Entrance and Sightseeing fees
  • Full board: 1 lunches, 1 dinners, 1 breakfasts
  • Free Wi-Fi at Mucangchai Ecolodge
  • Welcome drink

Service Exclusion

  • Land transfer Hanoi – Mucangchai – Hanoi | transfer around Ecolodge during tour
  • Drinks, Gratuities and other personal expenses
  • English/French speaking guide
  • VAT invoice
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