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Introduction to VLAN ID Range – Exclusive Explanation

Introduction to VLAN ID Range – Exclusive Explanation

Different Cisco Catalyst switches support different numbers of VLANs. The number of supported VLANs is enough to accommodate the requirements of nearly all organizations. The Catalyst 2960 and 3560 Series switches support VLANs of over 4,000.

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The Normal VLAN ID range is 1 to 1,005, and extended-range VLANs are from 1,006 to 4,094. The figure below illustrates the normal range of VLANs on a Cisco switch. Small, medium, and enterprise networks used a normal range of VLANs.


Normal VLANs Range 

  • The usual range of VLAN ID is between 1 and 1005.
  • IDs 1002 through 1005 are reserved for Token Ring and FDDI VLANs.
  • The automatically created VLANs (1, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005) cannot remove.
  • VLAN database file (vlan.dat) stores VLAN configurations. The vlan.dat file is in the switch’s flash memory.
  • The VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocols) helps manage VLAN configurations between switches. However, the VTP can only learn and store normal-range VLANs.

Extended VLAN ID Range

  • The extended VLAN range enables service providers to extend their infrastructure to more customers.
  • The VLAN ID is between 1006 and 4094.
  • The default store place for extended range configurations runs the configurations file instead of the vlan.dat file.
  • Support fewer VLAN features than the normal range of VLANs.
  • VTP is not working with extended-range VLANs.
  • FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What is the purpose of VLAN ID ranges?
    • The VLAN ID ranges help organize and segregate network traffic by assigning specific VLAN IDs to different groups of devices. This segmentation improves network performance, security, and management.
  • Which Cisco switches support VLANs over 4,000?
    • The Catalyst 2960 and 3560 Series switches are examples of Cisco switches that support over 4,000 VLANs.
  • What is the difference between Normal VLANs and Extended-Range VLANs?
    • Normal VLANs have IDs ranging from 1 to 1,005, while Extended-Range VLANs have IDs from 1,006 to 4,094. The distinction allows for better organization and scalability in more extensive networks.
  • Why do small and medium-sized businesses typically use the normal range of VLANs?
    • Small and medium-sized businesses often have more straightforward network requirements, and the normal range of VLANs is usually sufficient for their needs. Extended-range VLANs are more commonly employed in more extensive enterprise networks.
  • Can VLAN IDs be customized to specific requirements?
    • VLAN IDs are configurable, allowing network administrators to tailor VLAN assignments based on the organization’s specific needs and preferences.
  • Are there any limitations to the number of VLANs a Cisco switch can support?
    • Different Cisco switches have varying capabilities. While the Catalyst 2960 and 3560 Series support VLANs over 4,000, other models may have different limits. It is crucial to check the specifications of the specific switch


Understanding VLAN ID ranges is essential for effectively managing and optimizing network infrastructure. Cisco Catalyst switches offer a flexible range of VLAN support, catering to the diverse needs of organizations. Whether utilizing the Normal VLAN range for smaller networks or leveraging the Extended-Range VLANs for larger enterprises, proper VLAN configuration enhances network performance, security, and overall efficiency. As technology evolves, staying informed about VLAN capabilities ensures that networks remain adaptable to the dynamic requirements of modern businesses.

Asad Ijaz

Hey there, I'm Asad Ijaz Khattak, and I'm not your typical writer and blogger – I'm the voice behind the scenes at the renowned website, "" When it comes to the digital realm, I'm all about technology, networking, and cybersecurity. Picture this: I'm not just someone who writes about tech; I'm a certified expert in the field. I proudly hold the titles of Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). So, when I talk about networking, I'm not just whistling in the dark; I know my stuff! My website is like a treasure trove of knowledge. You'll find a plethora of articles and tutorials covering a wide range of topics related to networking and cybersecurity. It's not just a website; it's a learning hub for anyone who's eager to dive into the world of bits, bytes, and secure connections. And here's a fun fact: I'm not a lone wolf in this journey. I'm a proud member and Editor of Team NetworkUstad. Together, we're on a mission to empower people with the knowledge they need to navigate the digital landscape safely and effectively. So, if you're ready to embark on a tech-savvy adventure, stick around with me, Asad Ijaz Khattak. We're going to unravel the mysteries of technology, one article at a time!"
Tagging Ethernet Frames for VLAN Identification VLAN Configuration in Cisco Switches

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