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winload.exe | Windows Loader | Is It Safe? Find Out Here…

Winload.exe is short for, as you may have guessed, Windows Loader, a very basic program that helps Windows to start up after you have powered on your computer.

This file is present on every computer that has Windows installed.

Most users won’t be able to open the file once their computer has started even if they were to find it and click on it deliberately.

Your computer has a long to-do list when you first turn it on. Special files called “drivers” that let your computer send information to the screen and receive information from the mouse and keyboard must be loaded and put in the computer’s memory.

There are other executable files that need to be started, and specific information must be gathered so the computer can start successfully.

These are all tasks accomplished by winload.exe, it is an essential file that your computer needs to run.

The full details are below:

File Name:winload.exe
File Extension:EXE file extension
Description:OS Loader
Object File Type:Executable application
Software Developer:Microsoft Corporation
Software Program:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Code Size:993792

How Can You Tell if Winload.exe Is Legit or a Virus?

The file is usually legitimate – it’s an important part of a reputable piece of software – but there are occasions where this may not be the case.

In particular malware writers and hackers sometimes give their virus the name as a legitimate file to fool you.

Here then are a few tips to ensure your version of Winload.exe is not malware.

Check the Location of the File

Spyware and  malware are often smuggled in odd locations. This contrasts sharply with good executable files that fit neatly in places that make sense.

Here’s how you find the file’s location:

How To Check A File’s Location

a. Press ctrl-alt-del

b. Click on the ‘Processes Tab’ :

c. Highlight the Winload.exe file as above

d. Right click and click ‘Properties’ to get the following screen:


e. Note the location (circled)

If the file is in C:\Windows\System32 or a relevant ‘Program Files’ folder then it is probably legitimate.

Check the Signature Verification

Checking the  File Signature Verification is one of the smartest tricks we have to spot the wicked malware. It’s also a piece of cake, and takes a few minutes to do. Here’s how it works.

  • Step 1: Run the Microsoft Process Explorer. It doesn’t need setting up or anything, just click on it, and it’s ready for action.
  • Step 2: Go to ‘Options’
  • Step 3: Select ‘Check legends’
  • Step 4: Go to ‘View’
  • Step 5: Click on ‘Columns’
  • Step 6: Add ‘Verified Signer’
  • Step 7: Look at the description of the process in that new column
  • Step 8: If it says ‘Unable to Verify’, then there’s a high possibility that this process is part of a malware intrusion. But bear in mind that it could also be an unverifiable legit process from Windows. This happens from time to time. 

Check the Size of the Winload.exe File

The size of a file can also be a neat indicator of whether or not it’s authentic.

You can check the table above to find out how larger Winload.exe should be (although the version you have may differ slightly).

Then check the size of the file of concern by going to the task manager, and finding the location of the file. When you right click on it, you’ll get all the data you need.

If you read out a very different value from the above figure, then that’s definitely a reason for concern.

Now let’s have a look at how your remove Winload.exe if it is considered malware:

How to Remove Winload.exe From Your Computer Automatically

There’s a wide array of cybersecurity programs available for free download. These programs will destroy any malware, malware, or virus on your computer without any required effort on your part.

They also run scans regularly to make sure your device is clean. If it’s not, they’ll alert you to do necessary precautions, such as changing your password or disabling your online banking data. These programs will be able to detect hidden malware much better than you can do, and they’ll be constantly on the watch.

Most anti-malware automatic tools are fairly easy to use. You’ll merely download them and check the steps they require you to do. Afterward, they’ll start working on their own. As long as you don’t turn them off, they’ll keep checking your computer for infections.

There are a bunch of efficient options to choose from. Here are some of the best:

  • Malwarebytes
  • McAfee
  • Norton
  • Cylance
  • Kaspersky
  • Bitdefender
  • BullGuard

How to Remove Winload.exe From Your Computer Manually

Aside from the anti-malware tools, you can remove Winload.exe by using the old-fashioned manual method. A lot of people prefer it, even though it’s associated with a lot of system risks if done the wrong way. That’s why we advise against it for beginners.

Nevertheless, some anti-malware programs might not be able to trace minor malware. That’s where the manual method shines.

Here, we’ll show you 3 easy steps for removing malware infections from your computer.

Step 1: Run the ‘cmd’ Command

The first thing you’ll do is open the Command Prompt Window. You can do that by pressing the Windows Start button. Afterward, click on ‘Run’. A small window will appear on your screen; write the command ‘cmd’ in its text bar and click OK.

Step 2: Locate the related DLL Files

In this step, you’ll locate the unwanted DLL files on your PC. DLL files contain a bunch of procedures and codes for various Windows programs, and they’re usually the malware’s primary target.

To locate the files, you’ll have to type ‘Regedit’ in the command prompt window once it opens. This will open the Windows Explorer. Regedit is a Windows executable file that lets you view the registry editor. The editor allows you to see all entries and keys present in the registry database.

The next thing to do is locate the DLL files associated with Winload.exe and unregister them. You can easily do that by clicking File and choosing Export. Next, save the file in the local disk c:\. This is only a backup step, just in case you need it later.

Afterward, click Edit and choose Find. Type Winload.exe and wait until it detects all the unwanted files. You’ll then delete all files related to the malware.

Step 3: Reboot Your Computer

Now, you should be done with the all vital steps of the procedure. The only thing left is rebooting your computer to let it start with a clean slate. If you have an anti-malware tool, this would be the right time to use it. It’ll make sure the Winload.exe is 100% gone.

So, Which Malware Removal Method Should I Use?

Although the manual method is effective, there’s a high chance you won’t be able to do it correctly. Deleting the wrong file in the previous step can cause permanent damage to your computer.

Additionally, some malware has resuscitators, which means they’re likely to come back to life after you remove them. So, we advise against using the manual method, unless you’re an expert in these situations. Alternatively, the automatic tools are always available to do your job for you. Most of them are available for free download, too.

How to Protect Your Computer From Winload.exe

If you want to steer clear of harmful malware, there are some measures to take. Take a look at these tips; they’ll help you protect your computer as much as you can.

  • Keep your software constantly updated. Outdated systems can be vulnerable for cybercriminals to target.
  • Don’t open any link that gets you curious. Take caution and make sure the link you’re opening is legitimate before diving in.
  • Don’t open illegal links knowingly. This puts you closer to malware risks and lets criminals take advantage of your trust.
  • Malware hits from places you can’t expect. Look out for red flags in links, email messages, and social media profiles.
  • Don’t share risky information, such as banking data, unless you’re absolutely sure your computer is clean of malware.
  • Don’t install pirated versions of Windows. They cost less than original versions, but they’re associated with too many risks.
  • Don’t download anything suspicious. Make sure you’re downloading from a trusted source to avoid getting hit by malware infections.

Now that you know how to remove Winload.exe, it should be easy to deal with it. The most vital thing is identifying that it’s present on your computer. Afterward, getting rid of it shouldn’t be that hard.

The malware removal tools will make your life much easier; they’re double as efficient as the manual method. Not to mention that they won’t allow the malware to come back to life.

Common Winload.exe errors

The following are common errors with Winload.exe:

  • Winload.exe – Bad Image.
  • Winload.exe is not running.
  • Winload.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Cannot find Winload.exe
  • Error starting program: Winload.exe
  • Winload.exe could not be found.
  • Winload.exe could not be installed.
  • Winload.exe could not be launched. Class not registered.
  • Faulting Application Path: Winload.exe
  • Winload.exe Application Error.
  • This file is missing or corrupt: Winload.exe
  • Winload.exe could not be started.
  • Winload.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
  • Winload.exe failed to initialize properly.
  • Windows failed to start

These errors are usually caused by:

  • Issues with the host
  • A recent Windows update which may cause the program to search in the wrong file location and so could not be found
  • An out of date Windows system32 file
  • Applications being loaded on an old machine
  • Too many programs being opened on a PC

How To Fix Winload.exe Errors

The safest way to fix these errors is to reinstall the related application. This should reinstall the latest Exe files and fix any issues.

You may wish to uninstall the previous version first too – to be downloading to a ‘clean’ PC. An alternative is to download the missing file from the vendor – although this is very technical and should only be done by a developer.

The other common fix, which we do not recommend, is to use one of the many download sites. Adding the file may not fix the problem as Exe errors are often more complex than a missing file (even if that’s the immediate error that is flagged).

In addition the files on these sites are often out of date, or even contain viruses, which could also cause problems.

Therefore, we recommend reinstalling the application using the offending exe file to fix any error.

To Wrap Up

What’s important is that you take caution and steer clear of suspicious links. Free downloads seem tempting, but the end result won’t be worth the hassle.

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