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Review 2: Review of Units 3~4


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Review 2 Review of Units 3~4

  1. Listen to the tape and mark True (T) or False (F).

(  )(1) I don’t like English at all.

(  )(2) I can’t always understand the new words in English newspapers and magazines.

(  )(3) I am good at grammar.

(  )(4) I often forget some new words.

(  )(5) I try to remember twenty words a day.

  2. Choose sentences from the box to complete the dialog and then practice.

A. From up there, you can see much of London.

B. There are many interesting buildings there.

C. What else do you want to see?

D. It is full of many sorts of historical(历史的) things from all over the world.

E: Long ago, it was used as a prison for important people.

Kangkang: Jane, we have been talking about Australia. Let’s talk about your trip to London instead.

Jane: Yes, I’m going soon. What do you want to know about my plans?

Kangkang: You told me that you wanted to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫). ___(1)___

Jane: I would like to go to the Tower of London(伦敦塔). ___(2)___ But today, it is used as a place to keep valuable treasures. I have been told that they are very beautiful.

Kangkang: I’ve read about that place. I think you can climb up the stairs. ___(3)___

Jane: Yes, when I look out of the tower, maybe I will see London Bridge(伦敦桥) and some famous old churches.

Kangkang: ___(4)___ Is there anything else that you will see?

Jane: My parents will probably take me to the British Museum. ___(5)___ There are also many places in London where you can see famous paintings. Maybe one day one of my paintings will be in London, too!

  3. Read about how letters are delivered. Use the Passive Voice to describe the following pictures.

(1)Letters ________(collect) from the post box by the postmen. They ________(take) to the main post office.

(2)A machine        _______(use) to divide the letters into two sorts.

(3)The letters _______(send) to the coding machine (编码机). Here the postcode _______(type) into computers. A small blue sign _______(print ) on each envelope.

(4)The letters for different areas _______(put) into different post bags.

(5)The bags _______(take) from one place to another by car.

(6) The letters _______(send) by the postmen a few days later.

  4. Match column II with column I.

I                                                                                   II

(  )(1)I’ll ask them ______.                                            a. to buy

(  )(2)The last question is ______.                                  b. to know something

(  )(3)She was the first person______.                                   c. to think of this idea

(  )(4)Have you decided ______?                                    d. to be quiet

(  )(5)Water the plants ______.                                       e. what to read

(  )(6)There are plenty of types of toothpaste ______.             f. to make them grow

(  )(7)I’ll tell you ______.                                              g. where to go today

(  )(8) ______about English is one thing; to use                      h. how to get here

English is another thing. 

  5. Choose the correct answer for each blank.

Karl Marx was born in Germany on May 5th, 1818. When he was a child, he ___(1)___to leave his country again and again. He ___(2)___in Belgium, England and some other countries.

His mother tongue was German and at school he learned French and English, but he felt his English was poor. So he ___(3)___up his mind to improve his English. He began to work hard at it. He made so much progress ___(4)___he could soon read English newspapers and write English articles.

However, there were two things that he thought were too difficult for him the grammar and some of the idioms. He often encouraged himself by saying: “ If I keep on trying, I’ll make even greater progress.” At the same time, his close friend, Engels, often wrote to praise him ___(5)___his hard work in learning English.

In one of Marx’s books, he gave people who were learning a foreign language some ___(6)___about learning it well. He said a foreign language was necessary for a person to have a better future. The person should translate every word he heard into the foreign language he was learning. If he could do this, it would be ___(7)___for him to use the language freely.

In April, 1841, he ___(8)___his doctor’s degree. After that, he began to write articles for a newspaper. He wrote about the housing problems of poor people and their hard life. ___(9)___he tried, he did his best.

During ___(10)___, Marx and Engels wrote a book together. These words of theirs became very famous: “Working people of all countries, unite!”

What a great man!

(  )(1)A. forced                  B. is forced                    C. was forced              D. has forced

(  )(2)A. has lived               B. lived                          C. had lived                  D. has been

(  )(3)A. made                   B. make                         C. has made                 D. have made

(  )(4)A. that                      B. what                         C. when                       D. that what

(  )(5)A. on                       B. for                            C. at                            D. to

(  )(6)A. advices                B. advice                       C. meaning                   D. means

(  )(7)A. possible                B. impossible                  C. probably                  D. perhaps

(  )(8)A. get                       B. receive                      C. received                   D. have received

(  )(9)A. Whoever              B. Whenever                  C. Whatever                 D. Wherever

(  )(10)A. the 1840s           B. 1840’s                       C. 1840s                      D. the 1840’s

  6. Read the passage and answer the questions.

There are many words in the English language that have been borrowed from the French language. Some of the words are so common in English that people think they are English words. These words are used in English around the world, not just in Canada where English and French are used side by side. An example of this sort of word is “fiancé” . It means the man that a woman has agreed to marry. Another example is the word “bouquet” . It means a group of cut flowers. The English language has become more interesting because it has borrowed some French words.

(1)Are there many words in English borrowed from French?

(2)What’s the meaning of “fiancé”?

(3)What is the meaning of the word “bouquet”?

  7. Written work.

This is a letter from Kangkang to his friend. First read and complete it, then write a reply.

Dear Larry,

How are you?

I want to tell you something about Shenzhou VI. We are all _____(excite) by Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng’s trip. We learned about their magical experiences from the report. They _____(describe) the beautiful sights which they _____(see) in space. Many photos _____(take) by them. They saw the sunrise and sunset clearly in space.

China is the third country that has sent manned spaceships into space by itself. Now, scientists are doing experiments to fly farther next time. Every step _____(complete) with the help of computers. We look forward to greater success in the future.

Larry, what are your thoughts about Shenzhou VI?

Good luck!






  1. The People’s Republic of China ___ on October 1, 1949.

       A. found                      B. was founded            C. is founded                D. was found

  2. English ____ in Canada.

       A. speaks                     B. are spoken               C. is speaking               D. is spoken

  3. This English song___ by the girls after class.

       A. often sings              B. often sang               C. is often sang            D. is often sung

  4. This kind of car ___ in Japan.

       A. makes                     B. made                       C. is making                 D. is made

  5. New computers ___ all over the world.

       A. is used                    B. are using                  C. are used                   D. have used



  1. Our room must ___ clean.

       A. keep                        B. be kept                     C. to be kept                D. to keep

  2. I’d like to buy that coat.

I’m sorry. ___.

       A. It sold                     B. It’s selling                 C. It’s been sold            D. It had been sold

  3. A new house ___ at the corner of the road.

       A. is building                B. is being built              C. been built                  D. be building

  4. The key ___ on the table when I leave.

       A. was left                   B. will be left                 C. is left                       D. has been left

  5. Doctors ___ in every part of the world.

       A. need                        B. are needing               C. are needed                D. will need

  6. His new book___ next month.

       A. will be published                                          B. is publishing

       C. is being published                                        D. has been published



  1. Japanese ___ in every country.

       A. is not spoken           B. are spoken                C. is speaking                D. is not speaking

  2. These papers ___yet.

       A. have not written                                          B. have not been written

       C. has not written                                            D. has not been written

  3. The sports meet ___ be held until next week.

       A. didn’t                      B. won’t                       C. isn’t                         D. doesn’t



  1. My shoes are worn out.  ___________

       A. Can’t they be mended?                                 B. Let me have a look at it.

       C. How much do they cost?                              D. Can’t they mended?

  2. ___ the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it.

       A. Does                      B. Has                         C. Is                            D. Are

  3. ___ these desks be needed?

       A. Will                         B. Are                          C. Has                         D. Do



  1. Why ___ to talk about it yesterday?

       A. didn’t a meeting hold                                                                       B. wasn’t a meeting held

       C. wasn’t held a meeting                                  D. a meeting wasn’t held

  2. Who was the book___?

       A. write                       B. wrote                       C. written                     D. written by

  3. Where ___ these boxes made?

       A. was                        B. were                        C. is                            D. am



(一)1~5 BDDDC

(二)1~6 BCBBCA

(三)1~3 ABB

(四)1~3 ABA

(五)1~3 BDB


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