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Georges Niang launches Philadelphia 76ers-themed podcast

Georges Niang is a very fun player to root for.

He’s tough, expressive, a good shooter, and is more than willing to get mean on the court when a player does something he doesn’t like; just ask Miles Bridges, who he pushed to the ground after having an out-of-bounds call not go his way on the previous possession.

With a very team-friendly contract and a borderline-guaranteed spot on the roster in 2022-23, barring a surprise addition in a trade, fans of the Philadelphia 76ers should get used to having Niang around for the foreseeable future.

But hey, if you don’t get enough of Niang on the court, you’re in luck; he just launched a podcast with Lauren Rosen on the official Philadelphia 76ers podcast feed that will surely be a borderline must-listen for completionist fans who frequents Inside the Green Room and whatever you want to call Ben Simmons Twitch situation.

Philadelphia 76ers fans have a new podcast to look forward to.

In terms of podcasts, Georges Niang is a vet.

Now granted, he isn’t, like Scott Aukerman-level prolific, as few really are, but his newest venture, “The Big Niang Theory,” marks his third contribution to the spoken word space, following “Georges Niang’s Drive & Dash,” which plays on his “Minivan” nickname, and “Crew’s Control,” which plays on the names of its hosts, Crew Ainge and, again, Niang’s nickname.

Sidebar: Between the names of his podcasts, social media posts, and the merch Kate Scott often hypes up during Sixers broadcasts, Niang is incredibly committed to his bit.

But this new podcast is different. It’s not about driving, dashing, or about being a member of the Utah Jazz. No, this one’s about the Boston-native’s time playing for the Philadelphia 76ers along with interviews with his Philadelphia 76ers teammates.

What’s better than that?

Initially launched with a short Twitter video that links to a 1:30 primer by Lauren Rosen (check them out below), the podcast looks to follow a loose, conversational style that delivers fun anecdotes and the sort of teammate banter that is usually relegated to the locker room, with episodes with Furkan Korkmaz, Matisse Thybulle, Danny Green, and Tyrese Maxey seemingly slotted for early in the show’s run.

Joel Embiid, a card shark? Tell me more, Georges/Danny.

Will the podcast be good? Probably. Lauren Rosen does really good work for the Philadelphia 76ers, and Georges Niang’s “Dine & Dash” podcast has very good reviews on iTunes, but we won’t know until the first episode officially drops later this month. Until then, all we can do is wait… and listen to Niang’s previous podcast offerings, if you feel so inclined to dip your toes into Utah Jazz content from a year ago.

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