Xiamen Airlines ‘Tianji Vintry’ In-flight Wine Service
服务设计类 航空服务设计 4254 0 2020-12-23
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“天际酒廊“从场景设计、酒品提供和服务人员培训等方面进行深度思考升级和创新,从服务体验设计和服务产品开发两条主线出发,以优异的客舱环境和乘务专业沟通话术为连接,构建“视、听、嗅、味、触、心灵感受和超越期待的价值体验”七大沉浸式服务体验。在创新产品方面结合福建茶文化,以期为旅客带来”精尊细美“的服务体验,打造轻雅闲适的航程感受。 欢言得所憩,美酒聊共挥。 一、服务场景设计 “天际酒廊”的服务希望在场景上给旅客带来梦幻体验,通过场景沉浸感实现带给旅客全方位的体验,在厦航标志性的波音787梦想客机上提供该项服务。787梦想客机采用了“天空内饰”,可模拟不同时间段的自然光,在不同时间段提供不一样的场景感;其次,超大的舷窗保证饮酒的旅客在客舱不同座位都可以看到远方的美丽风景;第三,787先进的富氧技术能保持客舱空气的清新和湿度,保证酒品风味的完美呈现。同时,天际酒廊的侍酒车也是经过美学设计团队精心设计了展示场景,包括巴洛克风格的展示酒架、时令插花、各类酒款和特色酒具等,方便客舱服务的同时,也将"天际酒廊"酒款更好地展示给旅客。 二、选酒逻辑 厦门航空从全球19个酒庄中精选多样酒款,根据客户的心情喜好,厦航“天际侍酒师”可以提供与其匹配的酒种。每瓶酒都有背后的故事,“天际酒廊”以酒为媒,触发旅客兴趣点和同理心,为旅客在乘机体验中创造“啊哈”时刻。 1、酒单设计 在酒单设计上,在酒单结构设计上精益求精,尽显厦航精尊细美的服务内涵。考虑到航空业旅客地区来源的多样性,着重考量产区广度和酒款质量,包括从全球19个优质产区的108款葡萄酒中精选出的26款红、白葡萄酒以及性价比极高的烈酒、结合中国茶文化的特色鸡尾酒,让四面八方口味不一的旅客都能有符合自身口味的酒款选择。 根据前期调研结果,为头等、商务、经济三个舱位的旅客提供差异化的酒单产品。 经济舱用酒风格以美为基调,选用性价比极高的果香丰富、简单易饮的红、白葡萄酒; 商务舱用酒风格以精为基调,优选新旧世界葡萄酒产国中经典产区的代表酒款,满足现代商旅人士的个性和多样化需求; 头等舱用酒风格以尊为基调,甄选全世界各大知名产区的高品质葡萄酒,体现头等舱客人的尊贵。 特色鸡尾酒以福建武夷茶山为灵感,将茶与烈酒优势互补融合,将山风、晚霞、明月的元素带入酒中,在感官上带给旅客不一样的酒乡心灵之旅。 2、酒器 考虑到机上服务场景整体的轻便简洁性,一个合适的酒杯能给旅客带来轻松闲适的心情,因此选择更轻和更具人体力学的高质量无铅水晶酒杯,在头等舱使用“酒杯中劳斯莱斯”RIEDEL酒杯,在商务舱使用捷克知名品牌RONA酒杯。在视觉上,独特造型设计充分展现出葡萄美酒亮丽的颜色;在触觉上,细致的高脚、杯座及轻薄的杯壁,让旅客感受其独到的平衡、轻盈、灵巧;在听觉上,敲击声清亮、悠远,余音绕梁;在味觉上,针对不同葡萄品种设计出不同形状的酒杯,可以引导酒液流向舌头上最适当的味觉感应区,让酒的不同组成部分元素达到一种微妙的平衡及协调。 3、佐餐 美酒应搭配美食。“天际酒廊”选酒的考量,针对不同航线的出港、返港客群餐食习惯的差异,为欧、美、澳不同目的地提供特色餐酒搭配。机上的头盘、主菜、餐后甜点均围绕特定酒款精心设计,美酒与美食的味道融合的口感在唇齿中迸发,带来绝妙的空中体验。 三、侍酒能力 乘务员是“天际酒廊”服务的执行者,在服务设计上主要从形象、服务能力和酒类专业能力入手。厦航的侍酒者也打出了自己“天际侍酒师”品牌。 形象上,结合侍酒师围裙的功能性,精心设计的最契合厦航国际蓝系列制服的专业侍酒师专属围裙,分为男女两款,女款围裙正面看起来像一个红酒瓶,肩带以及腰围处的曲线非常柔美地展示了侍酒师的魅力,最独特的的是将围裙倒过来则是红酒杯的形状,在典雅中糅合了一丝俏皮;男款围裙采用利落的裁剪,整个设计看起来挺阔有型,尽显男士的风度翩翩。 厦航"天际侍酒师"队伍的组建也是优中选优,每一期的"天际侍酒师"均需通过严格的培训和多轮的考核才可获得公司认证。想要成为一名厦航"天际侍酒师",要通过B787转机型培训、国际品酒师或侍酒师认证、组织内部推荐、部门侍酒师理论和实操培训,以及多次的机上带飞和实操考核等。公司对每一个侍酒师的服务环节都悉心指导和严格要求,厦航目前已有超过1000名空中乘务员考取了不同等级的国际侍酒师或品酒师资质,但遵循严进严出的法则,仅有两批次约96名侍酒师获得公司"天际侍酒师"认证。 四、服务流程 当旅客伴随着鼓浪屿之波那轻快、活泼的音乐步入厦航B787梦想飞机,萦绕在身侧的不仅是空乘甜美的微笑和真诚的问候,落座后,优雅的乘务员呈上一杯已冰至适饮温度的泰亭哲香槟。作为世界十大最畅销的香槟品牌,泰亭哲香槟清新的活力、诱人的芬芳,让人仿佛置身法国香槟产区清凉的微风中,登机前的舟车劳顿一扫而空,接下来要做的就是准备好享受一段美好的空中之旅。 (一)点酒 贵宾上机后,点餐环节会一同点酒水,通常在客人享用开胃饮料或点完菜后,天际侍酒师首先会将酒单呈送给旅客或旅客指定的随行客人。随即给旅客充分的时间思考,并时刻注意客人的手势。旅客需要侍酒师提供建议时,侍酒师便会根据酒体、葡萄品种、酒的特点立即提供最佳的酒、食搭配建议,在万米高空为旅客留下美好的回忆。 (二)侍酒 侍酒师在第一餐服务后,推着承载着天际酒廊20余种酒品的小平板车,将旅客所点选的酒瓶放在侍酒布上,右手握瓶颈,将标签朝上,使旅客能清楚地阅读标签内容。并向旅客展示酒时需要介绍产区、葡萄品种、年份等酒款信息,等旅客同意后方可开酒。 (三)倒酒 侍酒师在酒被开启后,倒酒前会用侍酒布将瓶口擦净,如若是从冰桶里取出的酒瓶,会用巾布擦拭干净,然后进行包垫。某些要保持较低温度的酒,会用餐巾裹着酒瓶倒酒,以免手温使酒升温。斟酒时,左手持侍酒布,右手握瓶以防止冰镇后酒瓶外产生的水滴及倒红酒后瓶口的酒液酒在客人身上。当所倒入酒杯的酒量达到要求,身体稍稍远离,轻微旋转酒瓶底部,快速收瓶,避免滴酒。 (四)其他 侍酒师在上酒顺序上面也颇有讲究,香槟(起泡酒)优先,随后是白葡萄酒,而后为红葡萄酒(由淡到浓),最后为甜葡萄酒或加度酒。
厦航作为全国第一家推出专业机上酒水服务的航空公司,"天际酒廊"项目自2016年发布便获得了行业内外、大众旅客的一致认可和诸多好评。在民航资源网和民航事、新浪微博等媒体平台得到广泛宣传,同时也得到业内KOL的宣传:仅新浪微博的一篇来自飞友“ymxymxymxymx”的体验报告,就收获了上百万人次的关注。 经过四年、三大洲(欧、美、澳)航班的精品服务经验积累,“天际酒廊”和“天际侍酒师”服务成为许多旅客专门选乘厦航航班的原因。该项服务也逐渐奠定了厦航在国内航司中创新服务的先驱地位。 2020年3月29日,厦航集团正式转场北京大兴国际机场;2020年8月,厦航北方总部正式成立。“天际酒廊”服务也将随同厦航南北“双总部”发展格局,从2021年起逐步拓展至国内国际的京、闽出港航线,更将同时升级经济舱服务程序,将大众化、差异化的酒水服务带给更广大的客群。
“天际酒廊”服务自上线以来,一步步成为厦航客舱服务最大亮点之一,也逐渐奠定了厦航在国内航司中酒水和餐酒服务创新的先驱地位。2019年,通过旅客满意度测评、数据分析、评价解析等多维度评判,“天际酒廊”被国内权威第三方民航旅客服务测评CAPSE评选为年度创新服务大奖以及年会现场展演第一名。此奖项的获得,一定程度上激发了国内航司不仅在酒水服务,更推动行业在服务模式上的新一轮创新竞争。 不止于此,在“征服”行业后,“天际酒廊”服务也一直寻求更专业平台的认可与肯定。2020年,“天际酒廊”更新“天际侍酒师”的培训和晋升机制,同时以福建茶与烈酒结合,推出厦航机上首款特色鸡尾酒单,在被中国餐饮和侍酒师届誉为“奥斯卡”的中国酒单大奖(China’s Wine List Of The Year)中获得航司垂直领域的“最佳航空公司酒单”奖,以及与斐霓丝(Phenix)、Ling Long、廊桥、澳门新葡京等餐厅和餐饮巨头并列获得“二杯奖”评级,成功出圈。 未来,结合厦航“十四五”发展规划“大众化”、“差异化”的要求,从2021年开始,“天际酒廊”计划持续开发服务内容,以“带给旅客更好的客舱酒水、餐酒服务“的纲领,寻求自我发展及行业合作并进,在酒水选品的高度、餐酒搭配的深度、服务场景的广度、旅客体验的过程四个方向发展,提升服务,推动行业进步。
天际酒单精挑细选   为旅客提供珍稀的机上酒品,需要航司付出极大的耐心、投资以及长期的规划。厦航"天际酒廊"酒单由被誉为中国侍酒师行业教父的林志帆先生和著名葡萄酒专家、专栏作家艾哲庸先生等葡萄酒大师,从全球19个优质产区的108款葡萄酒中精选出26款红、白葡萄酒,在酒单结构设计上精益求精,尽显厦航精尊细美的服务内涵:尊在头等、精在商务、美在经济、细在服务。"天际酒廊"从酒款选择到服务设计,都延续了白鹭常伴雅致、温馨的定位,无论旅客在哪个舱位,厦航都力求提供超值美妙的乘机体验。 侍酒人员百里挑一   厦航"天际侍酒师"队伍的组建也是优中选优,每一期的"天际侍酒师"均需通过严格的培训和多轮的考核才可获得公司认证。想要成为一名厦航"天际侍酒师",要通过B787转机型培训、国际品酒师或侍酒师认证、组织内部推荐、部门侍酒师理论和实操培训,以及多次的机上带飞和实操考核等。公司对每一个侍酒师的服务环节都悉心指导和严格要求,厦航目前已有超过1000名空中乘务员考取了不同等级的国际侍酒师或品酒师资质,仅有两批次约96名侍酒师获得公司"天际侍酒师"认证。 服务用品优中选优   侍酒围裙:厦航结合侍酒师围裙的功能性,精心设计的最契合厦航国际蓝系列制服的专业侍酒师专属围裙,给人第一印象就是--这是一支最有标识度,最具个性化、最专业化的空中侍酒师队伍。侍酒师围裙分为男女两款,女款围裙正面看起来像一个红酒瓶,肩带以及腰围处的曲线非常柔美地展示了侍酒师的魅力,最独特的的是将围裙倒过来则是红酒杯的形状,在典雅中糅合了一丝俏皮;男款围裙采用利落的裁剪,整个设计看起来挺阔有型,尽显男士的风度翩翩。   Riedel酒杯:配合"天际侍酒师"项目的上线厦航头等舱启用全新升级的Riedel酒杯。来自奥地利的Riedel是世界上最专业,最顶尖的酒杯品牌,被誉为酒杯里的劳斯莱斯。 侍酒车布置:天际侍酒师在客舱服务时会使用经过精心布置的侍酒车,侍酒车上会摆放机上各类酒款、展示酒架和特色酒具等服务用品,既方便了客舱服务,也将"天际酒廊"酒款更好地展示给旅客。 服务细节无微不至 天际酒廊不仅仅凭借精美高级的酒单在行业内独树一帜,其专业的侍酒服务也备受嘉誉。专业的侍酒服务,注重每一处细节、充分照顾到不同客人的喜好与情绪、和旅客进行有效的沟通,让旅客度过一段美好的时光。同时,对于高端旅客,每次侍酒会精心记录旅客喜好,以期在下一次航班,在旅客开口之前提供贴心周到的服务。
厦航在"十三五"战略总体规划中期望在服务上不仅要突出"差异化"和"个性化",更要对标国际,“天际酒廊”正是因此催生的服务品牌。通过打造洲际精品服务产品,将酒水服务打造成为具有厦航特色的核心竞争力,从而推动厦航实现再发展、再跨越、再腾飞。 从2016年上线的天际酒廊开始,专业优雅的天际侍酒师送上美食美酒的精心搭配,成为漫漫旅途中的味蕾盛宴。 "天际侍酒师"项目是厦航通过对大量旅客乘机需求进行分析并结合行业调研找出的洲际航班旅客最关注的重点服务之一,同时结合厦航空中服务在乘务员技能、机上酒单和机上餐食等方面优势和特色,重点打造的兼具旅客需求、公司特点和服务营销的特色服务项目。后续厦航将不断优化"天际侍酒师"服务,加快相关人才的培养及配套产品的研发升级,进一步推广该项服务的覆盖面,实现该项服务的营销价值。 厦航还将以"天际侍酒师"为试点,结合"飞鹭训练基地"持续创新,推出"天际"系列拳头服务产品,用优质、创新的精品服务推动厦航的国际化进程,带给旅客更加具有体验感,更加专业的机上服务,让厦航服务持续保持在国内航司的优势地位,逐步跻身国际,实现世界一流的目标。
Project Description
The ‘Tianji Vintry’ service is an intriguing project of Xiamen Airlines dedicated to providing passengers with high-quality wine and spirits services on the plane. With the brand concept of exquisite first class, delicate in business class, beautiful in economy, and serve with care, it creates three-cabin differentiated services. Professional and elegant "Tianji Sommeliers" serve passengers with a variety of fine wines selected by Xiamen Airlines from around the world on the plane, paired with Xiamen Airlines refined in-flight cuisine, creating a feast for the taste buds during the long journey, and providing passengers with valuable and wonderful on-board experience.
User Value
‘Tianji Vintry" carries out in-depth thinking, upgrading and innovation from the aspects of scene design, wine supply and service personnel training, starting from the two main lines of service experience design and service product development, with excellent cabin environment and professional communication skills for flight attendants. Connect and build seven immersive service experiences of ‘vision, sound, smell, taste, touch, spiritual feeling and value experience beyond expectations". In terms of innovative products, it combines Fujian tea culture to provide passengers with a "refined and meticulous" service experience and create a light, elegant and leisurely voyage experience. 1. Scenario design The service of ‘Tianji Vintry’ hopes to bring a refined experience to passengers in the scene of cabin, and helps to a comprehensive experience for passengers through the immersion of taking flights. This service is provided on Xiamen Airlines' iconic Boeing 787 Dreamliner. First of all, the 787 Dreamliner adopts a ‘sky interior’, which can simulate natural light at different time periods and provide a different sense of scene at different time periods; secondly, the oversized portholes ensure that drinking passengers can see the beauty of the distance in different seats in the cabin Scenery; Third, the advanced oxygen-enriched technology of the 787 can keep the cabin air fresh and humid, ensuring the perfect presentation of the wine flavour. At the same time, the wine trolley of the service has also been carefully redesigned by the aesthetic design team to display the scene, including baroque-style wine racks, seasonal flower arrangements, various wines and special wine utensils, etc., which is convenient for cabin service and will also bring a better displayed service scenario of wines to travellers. 2. Wine Selection Logics Xiamen Airlines selects a variety of wines from 19 wineries around the world. According to the mood of customers, Xiamen Airlines' Tianji Sommelier can provide matching wines. Every bottle of wine has a story behind it. The ‘Tianji Vintry’ uses wine as the matchmaker to trigger passengers' points of interest and empathy, creating an "ah-ha" moment for passengers in their flight experience. 1. Wine List Design In aspect of the wine list design, the structure design keeps improving, showing the connotation of Xiamen Airlines' refined and meticulous service. Taking into account the diversity of sources in the aviation industry, focusing on the breadth of production areas and wine quality, including 26 red and white wines selected from 108 wines in 19 high-quality production areas around the world, and highly cost-effective spirits and liquor, combined with the characteristic cocktails of Chinese tea culture, so that travellers with different tastes from all directions can have a choice of wines that suit their own tastes. Based on the results of the preliminary research, we will provide differentiated wine list products for passengers in first-class, business and economy classes. The economy class wine style is based on beauty, and cost-effective red and white wines with rich fruit aromas and easy to drink are selected; The business class wine style is based on fineness, and the representative wines of the classic wine producing countries in the old and new world are selected to meet the personality and diverse needs of modern business travelers; The first class wine style is based on refinement, and high-quality wines from the world's major production areas are selected to reflect the dignity of first-class guests. The signature cocktail menu are inspired by Fujian Wuyi Tea Mountain, combining the advantages of tea and Western spirits, bringing the elements of mountain breeze, sunset glow and bright moon into the cocktail, bringing travellers with a different spiritual journey of the wine country in the senses. 2. Wine Utensils Taking into account the overall lightness and simplicity of the service scene on board, a suitable wine glass can bring passengers a relaxed mood. Therefore, choose a lighter and more ergonomic high-quality lead-free crystal wine glass, and use it in the first-class cabin. The RIEDEL wine glass uses the famous Czech brand RONA wine glass in business class. Visually, the unique shape design fully shows the bright colors of the grape wine; in terms of touch, the delicate tall feet, cup holders and thin cup walls allow passengers to feel its unique balance, lightness and dexterity; in terms of hearing, knock The striking sound is clear and long, with the reverberation around the beam; in terms of taste, wine glasses of different shapes are designed for different grape varieties, which can guide the wine to the most appropriate taste induction area on the tongue, so that the different components of the wine achieve a delicate balance And coordination. 3. Wine Pairings Fine wine should be paired with fine food. ‘Tianji Vintry’ considers wine selection and provides specialty food and wine matching for different destinations in Europe, the United States, and Australia in accordance with the differences in the dining habits of departure and return customers on different routes. The on-board appetisers, mains, and desserts are all carefully designed around specific wines. The taste of the fusion of fine wine and food bursts through the lips and teeth, bringing a wonderful aerial experience. 3. Serving Ability The flight attendants are the executors of the ‘Tianji Vintry’ service, and the service design mainly starts from the image, service ability and alcohol professional ability. Xiamen Airlines' sommeliers also launched their own ‘Tianji Sommelier’ brand. In terms of image, combined with the functionality of the sommelier apron, the carefully designed professional sommelier apron that best fits the Xiamen Airlines International Blue series uniforms is divided into two types for men and women. The front of the female apron looks like a red wine bottle with shoulder straps. And the curve of the waistline is very soft to show the charm of the sommelier. The most unique thing is that the apron is turned upside down to be the shape of a red wine glass, which blends a touch of playfulness in elegance; the men's apron is neatly cut and the whole design is It looks very broad and stylish, showing a gentleman's style. The formation of the Xiamen Airlines ‘Tianji Sommelier’ team is also the best choice. Each period of ‘Tianji Sommelier’ must pass strict training and multiple rounds of assessments to obtain company certification. To become a ‘Tianji Sommelier’ of Xiamen Airlines, one must pass B787 transfer model training, international sommelier or sommelier certification, internal organization recommendation, departmental sommelier theoretical and practical training, and many times Onboard flight and practical operation assessment, etc. The company provides careful guidance and strict requirements for each service link of the sommelier. Xiamen Airlines currently has more than 1,000 flight attendants who have passed the qualifications of international sommeliers or tasters of different levels, but they follow the rules of strict entry and strict exit. Only two groups of approximately 96 sommeliers have obtained the company's ‘Tianji Sommelier’ certification. 4. service process When passengers walk into Xiamen Airlines’ B787 Dreamliner accompanied by the brisk and lively music of the waves of Gulangyu Island, not only the sweet smiles and sincere greetings of the flight attendants linger beside them, the elegant flight attendants present a cup of ice that has become so cool. Drink warm Taittinger Champagne. As the top ten best-selling champagne brand in the world, Taittinger Champagne's fresh vitality and attractive fragrance make people feel like they are in the cool breeze of the French champagne producing area. The boats and cars before boarding are swept away. All you do is get ready to enjoy a wonderful air trip. (1) Order wine After the VIPs board the plane, they will order drinks together during the ordering session. Usually, after the guests enjoy an aperitif or order a meal, the Skyline Sommelier will first present the wine list to the passengers or their designated accompanying guests. Then give passengers plenty of time to think and always pay attention to the gestures of the guests. When a passenger needs advice from a sommelier, the sommelier will immediately provide the best wine and food pairing suggestions based on the body, grape variety, and characteristics of the wine, leaving a good memory for the passengers at an altitude of 10,000 meters. (2) Serve wine After the first meal is served, the sommelier pushes a small flat cart carrying more than 20 kinds of wine in the Skyline Lounge, puts the wine bottle ordered by the passenger on the wine cloth, holding the bottleneck in his right hand, and placing the label upward. Enable passengers to read the label content clearly. When showing wine to passengers, it is necessary to introduce the wine production area, grape variety, year and other information, and the wine can only be served after the passengers agree. (3) Pour wine After the wine is opened, the sommelier will wipe the mouth of the bottle with a wine sommelier before pouring the wine. If the wine bottle is taken out of the ice bucket, it will be wiped clean with a cloth and then be cushioned. Certain wines that need to be kept at a lower temperature will pour the wine with a napkin wrapped in the bottle to prevent the hand temperature from heating up the wine. When pouring wine, hold the wine serving cloth in your left hand and the bottle in your right hand to prevent the water droplets from the bottle after chilling and the liquor from the bottle mouth after pouring the red wine on the guests. When the amount of wine poured into the wine glass reaches the requirement, move away from your body slightly, rotate the bottom of the wine bottle slightly, and quickly close the bottle to avoid dripping. (4) Other The sommelier is also very particular about the order of serving, with champagne (sparkling wine) first, followed by white wine, then red wine (from light to strong), and finally sweet wine or fortified wine.
Business Performance
Xiamen Airlines is the first airline in the country to launch professional in-flight beverage services. Since its release in 2016, the ‘Tianji Vintry’ project has won unanimous recognition and praise from passengers both inside and outside the industry. It has been widely promoted on the Civil Aviation Resources Network, Civil Aviation Affairs, Sina Weibo and other media platforms, and also promoted by KOLs in the industry: Only one experience report from KOL "ymxymxymxymx" on Weibo has received millions of visitor’s concern. Sam Chui, a world-renowned aviation blogger, also praised Xiamen Airlines ‘Tianji Vintry’ service is one of the best in China and even the Asia-Pacific region in his experience video. After four years of experience in refined services on flights across three continents (Europe, the United States, and Australia), the ‘Tianji Vintry’ and "Tianji Sommelier" services have become the reasons why many passengers choose Xiamen Airlines flights. This service has gradually established Xiamen Airlines' leading position in innovative services among domestic airlines. On March 29, 2020, Xiamen Airlines Group officially moved to Beijing Daxing International Airport; in August 2020, Xiamen Airlines Northern Headquarters was officially established. The "Sky Lounge" service will also follow the development pattern of Xiamen Airlines' north-south "dual headquarters". From 2021, it will gradually expand to domestic and international Beijing and Fujian outbound routes. It will also upgrade the economy class service program to make it more popular and differentiated. Beverage service brings a wider customer base.
Social Impact
Since its launch, the ‘Tianji Vintry’ service has gradually become one of the biggest highlights of Xiamen Airlines' cabin services, and has gradually established Xiamen Airlines' leading position in the innovation of beverage and dining services among domestic airlines. In 2019, through multi-dimensional evaluations such as passenger satisfaction evaluation, data analysis, and evaluation analysis, the ‘Tianji Vintry’ was selected by the domestic authoritative third-party civil aviation passenger service evaluation CAPSE as the annual innovative service award and the first place in the annual conference live performance. To a certain extent, this award has inspired domestic airlines to not only serve drinks, but also promote a new round of innovative competition in the industry in terms of service models. More than that, after "conquering" the industry, the "Sky Lounge" service has been seeking recognition and affirmation from a more professional platform. In 2020, ‘Tianji Vintry’ updated the training and promotion mechanism of ‘Tianji Sommelier’. At the same time, it combined Fujian tea and spirits to launch the first signature cocktail menu on board. Xiamen Airlines, which has been praised by Chinese restaurants and sommeliers, won the "Best Airline Wine List" award in the vertical field of the airline in the ‘Oscar’ - China's Wine List Of The Year, as well as collaborations with Phenix, Ling Long, The Bridge, Macau Restaurants and catering giants such as Grand Lisboa were tied for the "Two Cups Award" rating and successfully made the round. In the future, in line with the requirements of “popularisation” and “differentiation” in Xiamen Airlines’ fourteenth five-year development plan, starting from 2021, the ‘Tianji Vintry’ plans to continue to develop service content to “bring better cabin drinks and drinks to passengers. The “food and wine service” program seeks to advance both self-development and industry cooperation, and develop in four directions: the height of wine selection, the depth of food and wine matching, the breadth of service scenarios, and the process of passenger experience to improve services and promote industry progress.
Team Structure
Since ‘Tianji Vintry’ was launched in 2016, the project team’s numerous simulations and verifications of every detail were finally confirmed. Internally, the flight attendant department of Xiamen Airlines is mainly responsible for the design of the service process and the training of sommeliers; the catering department is mainly responsible for the development of on-board meals and the transportation of materials; the passenger operations and sales department is responsible for the marketing of the service; the security department is responsible for Security assessment of the ‘Tianji Vintry’ service link. Externally, the wine list is designed by masters such as Mr. Lin Zhifan, who is known as the godfather of the Chinese sommelier industry, and famous wine expert and columnist Mr. Ai Zheyong, selected from 108 wines from 19 high-quality production regions around the world 26 red and white wines are produced, and the structure design of the wine list is kept improving, which fully demonstrates the connotation of Xiamen Airlines' fine and refined service.
Selected Wine with Taste  Providing passengers with rare in-flight wines requires great patience, investment and long-term planning. ‘Tianji Vintry’ wine list of Xiamen Airlines is composed of Mr. Lin Zhifan, who is known as the godfather of China's sommelier industry, and famous wine expert and columnist Mr. Ai Zheyong, among 108 wines from 19 high-quality production regions around the world. 26 red and white wines are selected, and the structure of the wine list is designed for excellence, which fully demonstrates the connotation of Xiamen Airlines' exquisite and beautiful service: respect in the first class, focus in business, beauty in economy, and meticulous service. From wine selection to service design, "Sky Lounge" has continued the elegant and warm positioning of Egret's frequent companions. Xiamen Airlines strives to provide a wonderful and value-for-money flight experience no matter which cabin the passengers are in. Sommelier pick one from a hundred    The formation of the "Sky Sommelier" team of Xiamen Airlines is also the best selection. Each period of "Sky Sommelier" needs to pass strict training and multiple rounds of assessments to obtain company certification. To become a ‘Tianji Sommelier’ of Xiamen Airlines, one must pass B787 transfer model training, international sommelier or sommelier certification, internal organisation recommendation, departmental sommelier theoretical and practical training, and many times Onboard flight and practical operation assessment, etc. The company has carefully guided and strict requirements for each service link of the sommelier. Xiamen Airlines currently has more than 1,000 flight attendants who have obtained different levels of international sommelier or taster qualifications, and only two batches of about 96 The sommelier obtained the company's ‘Tianji Sommerlier’ certification. Excellent Service Supplies Sommelier apron: Xiamen Airlines combines the functionality of the sommelier apron, and carefully designed the professional sommelier exclusive apron that best fits the Xiamen Airlines International Blue series uniforms. The first impression is that this is the most iconic one. The most personalised and professional team of sommeliers in the sky. The sommelier apron is divided into two types for men and women. The female apron looks like a red wine bottle on the front. The shoulder straps and the curve of the waist line show the charm of the sommelier very softly. The most unique is that the apron is turned upside down. The shape of the red wine glass blends a bit of playfulness in elegance; the men's apron is neatly cut, and the whole design looks very broad and stylish, showing the gentleman's style.    Riedel wine glass: In conjunction with the launch of the ‘Tianji Sommerlier’ project, Xiamen Airlines first-class cabin launches the newly upgraded Riedel wine glass. Riedel from Austria is the world's most professional and top wine glass brand, and is known as the Rolls Royce in the wine glass. Wine trolley layout: Skyline sommeliers will use carefully arranged wine trolleys when serving in the cabin. The wine trolley will display various types of wine, display wine racks and special wine utensils and other service supplies, which is convenient The cabin service also better showcases the "Sky Lounge" wines to passengers. Service Is Meticulously Detailed The Sky Lounge is not only unique in the industry with its exquisite and high-end wine list, but also for its professional wine service. Professional wine service, pay attention to every detail, fully take care of the preferences and emotions of different guests, and communicate effectively with passengers, so that passengers can spend a good time. At the same time, for high-end passengers, each wine bar will carefully record the preferences of the passengers, in order to provide considerate and thoughtful service before the passengers speak on the next flight.
Project Investment
The ‘Tianji Vintry’ service has been kickstarted since 2015, and it was officially launched on intercontinental routes in 2016 through the collaboration of various functional departments of Xiamen Airlines and external wine professional units. In 2018, Xiamen Airlines increased its investment in training resources. After intensive selection and selection, it created a group of ‘Tianji Sommeliers’ with both WSET and ISG liquor professional qualifications and high-quality service capabilities, and designed a new Skyline Sommelier Apron , Upgrade the wine vessel to a lighter and more elegant RIEDEL wine glass. In 2019, the ‘Tianji Vintry’ service has passed countless runs and verifications by the R&D team, combining Fujian's traditional tea culture with cocktails, and launched Xiamen Airlines' first specialty cocktail list-"the Mountains", which was well received.
Project Achievements
In the "13th Five-Year" strategic master plan, Xiamen Airlines expects not only to highlight ‘differentiation’ and ‘individualisation’ in services, but also to benchmark internationally. ‘Tianji Vintry’ is precisely the service brand that spawned from this. Through the creation of intercontinental premium service products, the beverage service will be built into the core competitiveness of Xiamen Airlines, thereby promoting Xiamen Airlines to achieve further development, leapfrogging and take-off. Since the launch of ‘Tianji Vintry’ in 2016, professional and elegant ‘Tianji Sommelier’ have delivered meticulous combinations of food and wine, which has become a feast for taste buds during the long journey. The ‘Tianji Sommelier’ project is one of the key services that Xiamen Airlines finds the most important services for intercontinental flight passengers through analysis of a large number of passengers’ flight needs and combined with industry research. The advantages and characteristics of in-flight meals and other aspects are focused on creating special service projects that combine passenger needs, company characteristics and service marketing. In the future, Xiamen Airlines will continue to optimise the ‘Tianji Sommelier’ service, accelerate the training of relevant talents and the development and upgrading of supporting products, further promote the coverage of this service, and realise the marketing value of this service. Xiamen Airlines will also use the ‘Tianji Sommelier’ as a pilot, combined with the continuous innovation of the ‘Egret Specialty Service Training Base’, and launch the ‘Tianji Gallery’ series of leading service products, and promote the internationalisation of Xiamen Airlines with high-quality and innovative boutique services. Passengers have a more sense of experience and more professional in-flight services, allowing Xiamen Airlines to maintain its dominant position in domestic airlines, gradually becoming international and achieving its world-class goal.


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