Hellsing Season 2: Premiere Date, Characters, Plot

‘Hellsing’ has been adapted from a manga that goes by the same name and is known to one of the best manga of all time. With so much hype around the manga, for obvious reason, even the expectations of all fans were really high from the anime. But sadly, ‘Hellsing’ brutally fails at meeting the standards set by its source material and though it is still watchable, it comes nowhere close to being the immersive experience that the entire manga is. The anime meets the same fate as ‘Fullmetal Alchemist‘ and runs out of source material mid-way through the season. Instead of ending the show there and then, the creators decided to drift away from the story of the manga and ended up creating an original story that lacked the brilliance of the source material’s story.

Gonzo Studio has had a fair share of successful anime series like ‘ Afro Samurai‘, ‘ Special A‘ and ‘ Gantz‘ but ‘Hellsing’ is clearly not one of their best works. From a Seinen anime like this one, one would expect intense action scenes with fluid movements and realistic bloodshed/gore like ‘ Berserk‘. But it lacks all of these which is very disappointing since the manga and even ‘Hellsing Ultimate’ are both nothing but violent gore fests. The only good thing about the art style is the dark color palette that has been used which completely suits the whole uncanny horror vibe of the show. Overall, ‘Hellsing’ is only worth watching if you’re completely new to the whole idea of it. But if you’re familiar with its manga or other versions of it, then don’t waste too much of your time here.

Hellsing Season 2 Release Date: When will it premiere?

‘Hellsing’ season 1 premiered on October 11, 2001 and came to an end on January 17, 2002. During this span, the anime aired a total of 12 episodes with each one of them being 23 minutes long. Apart from this, the anime has had several alternate versions and adaptations but none of them are direct sequels of the show. When it comes to ‘Hellsing’ season 2, we can just dismiss the possibility considering that it’s almost 2 decades old now and had a runtime of just 12 episodes even when it was initially released.

What we can expect is maybe a remake of the anime since the manga is still quite popular. Again, even when it comes to this, we cannot confirm anything unless we hear some official news regarding it. So as of now, let’s just not keep any false expectations with this one and if you really want more of all the Vampire action that ‘Hellsing’ offers, you can either watch the other versions of the anime or you can simply read the manga. If we hear anything about ‘Hellsing’ season 2 release date, we will update this section.

Hellsing English Dub:

The English dub for the anime can presently be streamed online on Amazon Prime.

Hellsing Plot:

The plot of ‘Hellsing’ revolves around the adventures of Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and her trusted companions in battle, Walter C. Dornez and Alucard. After having witnessed the death of her father right in front of her very eyes, she swears vengeance on the killers refusing to stop until she takes them out for good. She is a part of ‘The Royal Order of Protestant Knights’, a unit originally led by Abraham Van Hellsing but after he falls in battle, is picked up by his daughter Integra. Walter is the family butler who is a fierce warrior himself. He decides to help her avenge the death of their leader and they are soon joined by Alucard, their faithful demon.

Alucard also happens to be the most powerful demon in the region and has now sworn loyalty to the kingdom after being defeated in the hands of Van Helsing. Alucard is an extremely formidable foe in battle and an extremely important tool that provides them with the insight to take on the deadly undead foes.

It is during this time that a string of unrelated deaths catch the attention of Integra and she decides to send several units to investigate the disruption. Alucard is soon deployed into the search party where he confronts several other demons and proceeds to take them down.

During the course of the battle, Seras is critically injured and when Alucard is finally able to reach her and tend to her injuries, she is already close to death. Alucard, seeing no other way to keep her alive, turns her into a vampire which does save her life for the time being. This leads to Seras having to contemplate her own life and accept her transformation. She is unable to believe that her time as a D-11 agent has come to a close and now she has to live the rest of her life as a vampire. However, she has no time to brood over her thoughts as she is soon assigned to other cases.

The group starts investigating the various disappearances and the deaths around them in order to figure out the causes behind it, but this is not really an easy task for them. They are faced with various decisions that challenge both their morals and wits, but after a long investigation, it is clear that a certain cult is behind certain deaths. Known as ‘The Millennium’, they are adamant about restoring the glory of Nazi Germany by resurrecting an army of vampire warriors. They must act quickly if they are to stand any chance against the Undead Horde and the anime goes on to show how they defeat the army in order to restore peace and prosperity across the region.

Hellsing Characters:

Alucard: Alucard is considered by many as the anti-hero of the series and is one of the most powerful vampires across the empire. Once extremely hostile, he is now entirely devoted and loyal to the head of the Hellsing family after being defeated by Van Helsing about a century prior to the events depicted in the anime. He is also known to kill his victims violently, only relieving them of their pain once they are completely crippled and unable to react to his advances. This does put him in a lot of trouble though as he is seldom jumped on by his enemies while he is toying with his enemies. However, his prowess ensures that he is able to escape from their clutches at times even making it seem simple for him. Tired of immortality, he longs to be one day killed by a formidable human.

Seras Victoria: Originally voiced by Fumiko Orikasa in the Japanese version and by K. T. Gray in the English rendition, Seras Victorio is a policewoman and a part of the D-11 force who is turned into a vampire by Alucard. This was done to ensure that she survives certain critical wounds that would have definitely killed her but Alucard turns her into a vampire in order to save her. She often argues with Alucard who seemingly has no problem with bloodshed and violence as long as the end justifies the means.

Integra Hellsing: A noblewoman who takes up the reigns of the ‘Royal Order of Protestant Knights’ after she witnesses her father being brutally murdered right in front of her own eyes. Once an extremely shy and reserved child, she transforms herself into a hardened warrior and an honorary leader in order to avenge the death of her father. With the help of Walter and Alucard, she takes up the inhumane task of bringing down ‘The Millennium’, a Nazi cult hellbent on resurrecting an undead vampire Nazi army.

Walter C. Dornez: The Hellsing family retainer and a butler to the family, Walter is an extremely formidable warrior who is also known as ‘Angel of Death’ due to his prowess with monomolecular tubes. Walter has lived and fought alongside the Hellsing family ever since his childhood and now he again joins the side of Integra in order to avenge her father’s death.

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