Gaming PC

Battlefield 4 – Spring Update Released, Patch Notes Available

Archie Paras
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DICE has released a huge new update for Battlefield 4, which introduces five new weapons, revamps the damage, falloff and suppression model for all weapons and brings back the Gun Master game mode. The update will be auto downloaded from Origin.

Battlefield 4 – Spring Update Changelog:


  • Fixed multi platform crash related to audio
  • Fixed several multi platform server crashes
  • Fixed Server crash that would happen in some cases when players were switching teams
  • Fixed an issue where users were left in an Infinite loading screen when attempting to connect to a server
  • Fixed a multi platform single player crash
  • Fixed a bug which caused 2% of joins into an empty game server to fail
  • PC: Several client and server crash fixes
  • PC: Fix for a crash that occurs when exiting the game client (AMD cards)
  • PS4: Fixed a common crash on PS4


  • Fixed a situation where the player has an auto-throw gadget equipped in the LEFT gadget slot and use it while holding the sidearm, the gadget will stay in the players hands.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would sometimes get stuck in the kill cam if receiving damaged from multiple enemies
  • Terrain and model destruction now sync better with explosion effects
  • Added advanced gameplay options to toggle Parachute Auto deploy, Auto Peek Over and Auto Side Lean
  • Small vehicles now can get unstuck by melee just like the boats and jet skis
  • Several Netcode improvements (see detailed description above)
  • Passive spotting distance reduced from 1200m to 100m * Spotting cone angle reduced from 3 degrees anywhere to starting at 3 degrees and narrowing down to 0.15 degrees at 1200m
  • Currently highlighted objective retained when commo-rose gets active so it is easier to select Attack/Defend for it
  • Fixed an issue where the stairs would disappear if players were revived on them. This would happen on multiple levels.
  • Fix an issue where claymore kills were not being counted for recon for stats
  • Fixed an issue where if the user plays a couple of MP Hardcore rounds prior to entering the
    Campaign, the single player campaign would not regain health after being hit
  • PC: Removed the friendly fire lock on the preset for CLASSIC
  • Fixed an issue where the user receives an inaccurate killcard when killed by a remote-controlled vehicle (e.g. EOD bot, Mortar)
  • PC: Added functionality for users to move both the CPU/GPU overlay graph and the network performance graph
  • Fixed an issue were the kill assist dog tag shows the wrong kill number in “My soldier”
  • Console: Fixed a bug where a player will remain stuck in the main menu indefinitely if the controller they are using is assigned to anything other than Controller 1
  • Fixed an issue with mastery dog tags showing up twice once they’re unlocked
  • Several fixes for exploits on multiple levels
  • Squad Obliteration: Fixed issue where a bomb that was forced reset could be “re-dropped” resulting in multiple bombs showing up.
  • Squad Obliteration: Disabled round time extension. Now the round time will pause whenever a bomb is planted if time has expired instead of extending only if the score is tied or if the losing team plants a bomb if they are down a point.


  • Unique sound for headshots added
  • Bullet impact sounds on soldiers improved (using a silencer helps a lot here)
  • So called “Random callouts” improved for own team
  • Optimized the Lumphini Garden levolution mudslide sounds
  • Destruction sound added for WeatherStation buildings on Arctic


  • Fixed an issue where some camos would not display properly in 1st person
  • Fixed a graphical issue with the sheets/flags etc. affected by wind which were moving a bit too much


  • We’ve added stats to 49 existing dog tags including many favorites from BF3. Show off your skills!
  • Fixed an issue where the player shoots an enemy with a vehicle weapon, the hit indicator was displayed again when exiting the vehicle
  • Enabled network performance overlay on XBOX One. It can be enabled/disabled in the menu options.
  • Moved the 3 new playlists added in the Winter Patch to the top of the list and added highlighted them in yellow
  • Fixed the levels in the server browser filter list to be sorted in order per release
  • Improved HUD clarity for red dot sights based on CTE feedback.
  • Fixed duplicate Dog tag names that were present in some languages
  • Tweaked and updated the “Help me” icons (need ammo, need health etc) – icon now shows only if you can actually help.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was unable to see changes from HUD option screen for “Soldier Optics Reticle”, Helicopter and Jet Pilot Hud” and “Vehicle Driver and Vehicle Gunner Hud”
  • Increased size of jet ALT, Speed and PMS displays
  • Fixed an issue where the Misc HUD transparency advanced gameplay option would affect the customization screen weapon/gadget info element
  • Removed ‘ID_M_SERVERTYPE_RANKED’ from the left bottom corner of the loading screen in multiplayer
  • Removed incorrect burst UI indication for CBJ PDW as the weapon does not support burst fire
  • Fixed an issue where Soldier camo would be reset after each round transition
  • Added squad obliteration to the squad join settings
  • Fixed an issue where a damage indicator appears over the initial cut scene when starting a new Campaign


  • Masters of all jets get special Battlefield themed contrails when wearing any of the jet master dog tags or the Jet Fighter medal dog tag
  • Fixed an issue where the grey vision present when a user is at low health is also present after the user exits a vehicle in which he regains his health.
  • Fixed an issue where the user is unable to kill an enemy that is located inside a Jeep or a Stationary Weapon with the defibrillator
  • Fixed an issue with the options where turning ON the “Decouple aiming from turning” the “Vehicle aim relative control” has no functionality


  • Added 5 new weapons
  • Adjusted the ADS scaling and FOV controls to make the optics not magnify more than their default
  • “Headglitch” fix: Weapon down state using cover peek system in combination with the proper bullet spawn positions (from weapon instead of eye)
  • Updated night vision optics (see above for details)
  • Fixed an issue with the ACOG scope where its leftmost bar stretched to a solid black block when aiming down sights.
  • Fixed the tactical light on the MTAR-21
  • Fixed an issue on some sniper rifles where the range finder used in combination with the flash hider would cause issues with the range finder functionality
  • Fixed issues with the Belt Feeder/Autoloader not functioning on certain weapons.
  • Full weapons balance pass and suppression mechanic update (see above for details)
  • Sniper weapon tracer/Impact improvement to make it visible for longer distances
  • Fixed an issue with the M16A4 where the laser sight accessories would appear when ADS with FLIR/IRNV
  • Fixed bug with flashbang that was preventing it from reaching intended brightness and duration.
  • Fixed the UI for weapons and accessories to reflect correct values in the customize screen
  • Updated all weapon tracers to make them more clear and visible
  • Added overheating message to some stationary weapons that were previously missing those messages


  • Added Gun Master game mode to the 10 base game maps


  • Implemented and adapted Battlelog for Battlefield 4 Spring Patch
  • Additional underlying preparations for deprecation of need to install Battlelog web plugin
  • Minor improvements to new Chat system
  • Fixed Premium calendar progress indicator to show correct progress



  • Added cover areas on Siege of Shanghai for Squad Obliteration
  • Fixed an issue where the user could see out of game world through a building wall
  • Moved attack helicopter that was stuck inside wall on Siege of Shanghai


  • Fixed an issue where the destroyed dish parts would cause occlusion issues.
  • Grenade launchers now properly explode on the Concrete around the Research Facility
  • Adjusted the TDM/SQDM/DOM, addressing issues with teams spawning too close together at the start of a match.


  • Adjusted the TDM/SQDM/DOM, addressing issues with teams spawning too close together at the start of a match.


  • Fixed collision issues
  • X360: Optimized memory to reduce crashes


  • Fixed collision issues


  • Fixed a stone fence near the north edge of the map that was misaligned with the ground, making it appearing like it was floating.


  • Added hit indicators to the targets
  • Various smaller bug fixes


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