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How to get genuine Windows Media Center working in Windows 10

As you might be knowing, Media Center is not a part of the Windows operating system any more. Microsoft decided to remove it and will not maintain it for future Windows versions. Many users are not happy with this situation. Well the good news is it is possible for now to get genuine Windows Media Center working in Windows 10.

Many users do not even know that the primary purpose of Media Center was watching and recording TV when TV tuner hardware was present in your computer. It was often misunderstood for simply being a fullscreen media player. Since there is nothing else from Microsoft that is a substitute for the TV functionality, the loss of Media Center came as a shock to many home theatre PC (HTPC) enthusiasts. The reason it was discontinued was very low usage. Many people have adopted the "cord cutting" phenomenon and dumped their TV subscriptions in favor of internet-based subscriptions like Netflix or they resort to piracy since almost anything is readily available on the internet.

Although we covered previously how the Windows Media Center issue can be solved in Windows 10 by using alternative apps as mentioned here: " Windows Media Center for Windows 10 – here is a solution", it is not really a solution to the unique functionality offered by Media Center. Some of those apps only did some things better than Media Center but being able to record TV, including encrypted, copy-protected content with a cable card tuner, and pause, rewind and fast forward live TV with a gorgeous Microsoft-designed interface was truly unique. You could also add infinite storage by adding a few huge hard drives and you had integration with the media library collections on your PC.

Well, here is how you can reinstate Media Center for now (although Microsoft may break this by making changes to Windows 10 in the future):

  1. Download the file archive from this website:  Download Windows Media Center for Windows 10.
  2. Unpack its contents to any desired folder.
  3. Right click the file named "Installer" and select Run as administrator from its context menu. Windows 10 install media center
  4. Wait till the process is done: Process Done
  5. Restart Windows 10.
  6. Now, go to Start menu - Windows Accessories - Windows Media Center. Enjoy the application. Tip: see how to navigate apps by alphabet in Windows 10 Start menu. Windows 10 windows media center

To uninstall the Windows Media Center for Windows 10 package, use the included "Uninstaller.cmd" file.

Note for virtual machine users: Windows 10 requires Direct3D acceleration for many core components. Windows Media Center is using those components, so it will not run in a virtual machine which does not have GPU acceleration. You need to use your real PC to run Windows Media Center in Windows 10. Credits go to all participants of the following MDL thread.

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Author: Sergey Tkachenko

Sergey Tkachenko is a software developer who started Winaero back in 2011. On this blog, Sergey is writing about everything connected to Microsoft, Windows and popular software. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube. View all posts by Sergey Tkachenko

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