DOTA2 LIMA Major heads into Playoffs

DOTA2 LIMA Major heads into Playoffs

28. February 2023 by Andrew Williams

It probably didn’t surprise anyone that Team Liquid continued their good run at DPC 2023 after easily making it through the group stage. They are now still undefeated with 14 wins and two drawn games and have the most in both groups. No one from Group B was really a match for them, except maybe Geek Slate and BB.

Still, Liquid is now the team that is considered the favorite for the tournament. Meanwhile, Shopify Rebellion and Team Aster managed to secure the last two remaining spots in the Upper Bracket. Six teams had to go home already after the group stage that lasted five days!

The Final Standings

The squads were split into two groups and played a single round of two matches, after that the top four teams went on to the upper bracket of the next stage, while number five and six will head to the lower bracket and of course the rest was eliminated. Now every remaining game of the Lima Major will be a BO3 that decides the fate of the teams!

To no one’s surprise, the Western European teams have dominated the group stage. Only Tundra Esports falls a bit short of expectations and could only manage a spot in the lower bracket. The best teams of each group are from Western Europe with Liquid absolutely dominating Group B and Gaiming Gladiators making it out of Group A in the top spot.

Who can beat them?

It will be interesting to see how they fare against the likes of Gaimin Gladiators, Team Spirit, Evil Geniuses and Talon Esports, who managed to take the top four spots in Group A. But also Dota 2 heavyweights like PSG.LGD and Tundra Esports, who contrary to expectations topped this group but only finished fifth and sixth. We’ll find out on February 28 when they face Talon in the quarterfinals of the Upper Bracket.

If they win, they will face Team Spirit or Evil Geniuses in the Upper Bracket semifinals, and if they lose, they will face HellRaisers in the Lower Bracket first round. Liquid is the team to beat, but according to their beloved Coach Blitz, they feel no pressure and are more focused than ever as the players are vocal and regularly contribute ideas. This is also helped by the fact that star midlaner Micha艂 “Nisha” Jankowski is in brilliant form, pulling off stunning moves like an Aegis snatch. This trend then even continued in the Major League.

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