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时间:2021-07-16 14:55:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]
【# 英语资源# # 读书改变命运英语演讲稿#】人只有发奋读书才有可能改变自己的命运。作为小学生,更应该从小就养成爱读书的好习惯。以下是©无忧考网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The ancients said, "there is a house of gold in a book.". Whenever I read a new book and get a piece of knowledge, the happiness in my heart can't be expressed in words, just as Bacon said“ Knowledge is the ladder of human progress. " If a teacher wants to adapt to the new educational situation, he must read books to make up for it. Moreover, in the competitive modern society, he can't do without a profound brain. Reading enables us to ride on the sails of the times and make our career bright.

  Boswell has such a saying: "read five hours a day, people will soon become knowledgeable." Our teachers spend a lot of time in education and teaching every day, which may not be possible. But as long as the books are in my heart, and I spare a little time every day, I can make up for my own lack, because knowledge can not be false at all, let alone the way of listening.

  We can get theoretical guidance from educational theory books to guide our education and teaching; We can get high-grade nutrition for the improvement of our own quality from famous works or spiritual nutrition; We can find the meaning of life, the interpretation of life and the moving of heart from many books.

  A proverb says: "life without books is like life without sunshine."; Wisdom without books is like a bird without wings. Since ancient times, the Chinese nation is famous for its etiquette. Our nation has always had the traditional virtue of being knowledgeable and polite“ The idioms and allusions of treating each other with courtesy, such as "empty seats to wait", "Cheng men Li Xue", "three visits to the cottage" and so on, have been widely recited in history, which deeply reflects this point. Only by reading can we be polite, be polite, and respect others, which is the criterion of maintaining people's normal relationship. Most of the people who know and speak politeness attach importance to others and society. Being able to treat people sincerely is the expression of a person's noble sentiment and the externalization of his internal excellent quality. Reading is an inevitable way to improve personal accomplishment and one of the important means to improve one's own quality.

  A country must have its own soul, and a nation must have its own spirit. Only in this way can we gather the wisdom of the whole nation and complete the incomparably powerful spiritual strength and material wealth. The patriotism and integrity of the Chinese nation, which have lasted for thousands of years; Striving and determined; Reform and innovation; Diligent and inquisitive; Thrifty and honest; The traditional virtues such as "respect for one's elders" and "know one's manners" embody the national spirit and spirit of the Chinese nation. To build a harmonious society, it is necessary for us to constantly improve our own quality. As a teacher, only by improving their own quality can they better contribute their meager strength to the cause of social education. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let's firmly believe that our beliefs will not change. Let's feel the philosophy of life in reading.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Only when you study hard and practice can you acquire knowledge and change your life. It is because of her diligent study and hard practice that Yang Lan changed the fate of her life.

  Napoleon once said, "the true conquest, the conquest without regret, is the conquest of ignorance." We can see how important knowledge is. After conquering ignorance and acquiring knowledge, Napoleon revived France and interpreted his famous sayings with his own living deeds. Yes, to conquer ignorance is to acquire knowledge, and to acquire knowledge is to dominate fate. Mao Zedong, a great man of the 20th century, wrote a glorious chapter in history with his wisdom. Have you ever remembered how many times young Mao Zedong "studied hard" in the library of Peking University, read a lot of books, absorbed all rivers, and extensively involved in knowledge nutrition. It is with extensive knowledge and brilliant talent that we have the Republic and modern China, which is a combination of politicians, revolutionaries and militarists, and has high attainments in literature, calligraphy, poetry and other aspects. Comrade Mao Zedong blazed in the long history with his wisdom and knowledge. When the great ship of the times rolls into the 21st century, people of insight call out: "the era of knowledge explosion is coming!". When Qiu Bojun created a brilliant career in three years to narrate the turning of knowledge in Zhongguancun, when Ding Lei translated the value of knowledge to create wealth as the richest man in the mainland, when Hu Xian led the "Star Island" newspaper industry to the top of Hong Kong with the power of knowledge as her daughter. Why don't we join the chorus of "knowledge changes destiny" All personal wisdom depends on knowledge to nourish. Only when we are full of knowledge can we have the power to display our talents. On the contrary, ignorant people, even if they have a lot of wealth, will eventually be defeated and humiliated; If there is no real talent and learning, even if there are thousands of troops, they will be destroyed and their reputation will be ruined; People who are not cultivated by knowledge, even if it breaks out for a while, will only be trapped in the pond and will not do anything. During the Warring States period, Zhao Kuo's "war on paper" and Wang Anshi's child prodigy Fang Zhongyong are all old jokes. But this is a painful lesson, which reminds us of such a truth all the time: knowledge changes fate; No knowledge makes them slide into the cold abyss. At all times and in all countries, the brightest pearl standing in the world is "knowledge". Turgenev said, "knowledge can give people more freedom than anything else."

  Nowadays, knowledge explosion and innovation are booming; The content extends far beyond all aspects of social life, and education can be divided into IQ and EQ. If you have two magic weapons, it's like holding Longquan, reincarnating Zhuge and walking around the world“ There is a road to the mountain of books, a path to diligence, a boundless sea of learning, and a boat to work hard. " College students should be rowers in school, swim in the ocean of knowledge and imagine the palace of knowledge. In a moment of life, in this era of fierce competition for knowledge to create value, with knowledge talent, the sea is wide, with fish leaping, and the sky is free for birds to fly“ If you believe in the power of knowledge, you can walk out of the brilliance of life.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Although there are many choices in life, the birth place, family and parents have no choice. Some people who were born in special areas, have superior family conditions and good educational environment will give them half of their success in life. However, for you who were born in Liushahe, qingshanqiao and other economically underdeveloped areas, there is no lucky sunshine or special care from God, But when you have the opportunity to learn, you can change your destiny by reading.

  Students, you have the same intelligence and strength as ordinary people. Although you can't choose, you can choose to study diligently, challenge your destiny and change your life with your knowledge and ability. Modern society is full of opportunities and challenges. If a person has a talent and expertise that society needs, no matter what environment and corner he is in, he will be found one day. Reading changes fate and nourishes the soul. It's better to shape yourself than to worship others.

  Mencius said: "heaven will bring great fortune to the people here. They must first work hard, work hard, and starve their skin." talent is the blade, and hard work is the grindstone. At all times and in all over the world, those who are determined to become useful must face all kinds of tests. Many of them have been searching for life before they finally succeed. Just think about it, Without Madame Curie's hard work in a very simple shed, where could radium be found? Without Darwin's 27 years of hard work and sweat, how could there be his origin of species? Human life is short, success and failure is only temporary, only persistent pursuit is eternal.

  Students, as long as you are full of passion and keep fighting in the journey of life, although the hard work may turn into nothing and the impact may be accompanied by failure, you can always walk out of the lonely cold night with persistent learning, unremitting progress and strong belief to ignite the fire of life. The tortuous experience will cast your courage, Can turn tribulation into power, change destiny with diligent study, achieve career with hard work, can always enrich and enrich life, make life colorful!

  A drop in water and a stone in stone is worth studying. Persevere to meet the college entrance examination, fighting for a year, leaping to the dragon's gate.

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