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时间:2022-03-02 10:49:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]
【# 英语资源# # 介绍自己英语范文【5篇】#】以下是®忧考网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  I, an ordinary girl, have soft and smooth hair on my head. My bangs are cut flat. When I tie up my hair, I look like an innocent and "gentle" fairy. Round cheeks have exquisite facial features: tall There is a eloquent and clever mouth under the nose; The chin is pointed, and there are a pair of "wind ears" on both sides of the head. What's more: I am a girl who is happy to see its success. My parents, classmates, friends and teachers call me "pistachio" whether at home or at school. For this title, I feel extremely proud and happy.

  My character is ever-changing and strange. It means that it changes all the time. No one can figure out my character (including my parents). If you accidentally contradict me with an angry tone, or insult me and scold me with dirty language. I promise: even if I was joking with you one moment ago, I will angrily refute you the next moment, and then go away in a rage and ignore you. But after an hour, I will take the initiative to play with you. Maybe at that time, I will erase what happened an hour ago like eraser typos and forget it all. If you ask me, I'll say, "cut! It's just a small matter, it doesn't matter."

  Hee! Is my character elusive? In fact, it's not difficult, as long as you know everything about me and get along well with me. Then you can easily grasp my character like eating, and find that I am an approachable girl.

  I hope you will like my "pistachio"!


  What about me? I am a lively and cheerful girl. I am 12 years old. My name is Tang binglian. I study in class 6 [6] of No. 1 primary school in Chishui.

  I have long black and beautiful hair. Whenever the students see my long hair, they envy it. Then I walk proudly from among them. And "top hair, bottom hair, and a" black grape "in the middle. Can you guess what it is? Ha ha, of course it's my big bright eyes!

  And I'm an impatient girl, don't you believe it? You see:

  One day at noon, when school was almost over, the students all finished the test papers and left. There were a few of us left. I handed in the test papers early. I was just bored and read in the classroom.

  I couldn't help looking back and thought: why hasn't tax Wenlin finished? There are so many questions. Alas, school will be over soon. I'd better tell her about it. Thinking, "Tang binglian, how to do this problem." A faint voice came from behind me. I immediately turned around and said, "you can't do that question?" "I... i... I can't do these questions," said tax Wenlin, blushing like a ripe apple. As soon as I saw it, I turned pale and thought: why can't she do so many questions? When will I tell her? Whatever her, tell her quickly so that I can go home.

  That's it, over and over again. More than ten minutes later, I didn't even mention half of the questions. There were beads of sweat like beans everywhere on my forehead. In addition, it was a hot summer. As soon as my anger surged up, I threw away the chalk and said loudly, "what's the matter with you? How can you do it after telling you so much time? I wrote the answer on the blackboard. Why are you still wrong?" Hearing my voice, everyone turned their eyes to her. Suddenly, tears appeared in her eyes.

  I have to say that I was "conquered" by her. I have to say that I "admire" her.

  I am such a girl. I have no patience but a sense of justice. I have wonderful ideas and full of hope for the future.


  hello everyone! My name is Yang Runzi. I'm 12 years old. I go to school in the primary school attached to Nanshi.

  When I was young, people said I was like a boy. Yes, I really didn't look like a girl. Like a monkey, I get happy and jump like crazy. Dad said it's natural to get used to it. Stop jumping! But where can I listen?

  My hobbies are math and English. Math teachers and English teachers like me very much, especially English teachers. They always show that kind face to me. So do math teachers. They face me with a baby face every time, and my math and English scores are always very good. Of course, Chinese is the same.

  I like watermelon and mango. They taste very good. You might as well try them!

  I like running. It's good for my health. I have a lofty ideal, that is, I want to be a great entrepreneur, so I also like sky blue and silver white, which means I want to fly to the sky.

  I am a very competitive person. In the exam, others did better than me. I was unconvinced. I worked harder at ordinary times and achieved better results, because I know that only children with strong competitive heart can succeed!

  My advantage is bravery. I am brave to participate in all competitions, and if I have participated, I must bring back a certificate, otherwise I will not be reconciled. My weakness is that I don't like to raise my hand to answer questions. I often say to myself, is my hand as heavy as a kilogram? What are you afraid of? I'll raise my hand tomorrow! But the next day, like a mouse, I shrank into a hole in the ground, but I will correct it.

  This is me. Do you like me?


  My name is Yang Jianping. I am a charming young man who is lively and cheerful and loves to fantasize about the future.

  In school, my grades are good and I am good at Chinese and mathematics. Of course, in other aspects, they also pay great attention to cultivating themselves and are determined to become a good student with all-round development. Sometimes I will sit at my desk or lie in bed, allowing my mind to leap and think of strange things. For a while, I fantasize about going to the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece to see the precious gold binaural bottles, and for a while, I fantasize about taking Athens, France to participate in the diamond auction.

  I also love reading. At home, I'm a famous "nerd". I don't forget to take a book with me even when I go to the bathroom, such as campus popular novels and science fiction. I like reading. I think reading is a kind of enjoyment and a happy thing.

  In addition to learning, my artistic level is also very good, especially painting. Because my uncle is an outstanding painter of Peking University, and I am his proud disciple. In addition, I was called the "Four Heavenly Kings" together with Zhang Zhaokun, Li Zhengqi and Zhang Guangcun in my class.

  "Books are the ladder of human progress. Knowledge can change fate." It was said by "little book fan" Xu Yalun. When I read this sentence on the little cottage website, I thought it just responded to my heart. Books are my daily necessities, and knowledge is essential for human survival! I will always love reading and knowledge!


  My name is_ x. 12 years old, in_ Class 5 (1) of X primary school. I am not tall and fat. I have dark hair and big eyes embedded under my curved eyebrows.

  I like music, especially playing erhu. As long as there is a song I know, I can play it. Adults say I'm really a little musical. I was delighted to hear that.

  My advantage is to preview and review my lessons carefully at home. I finish the homework assigned by the teacher every time. The math is checked again with draft paper. Therefore, my grades are OK.

  My weakness is that I don't dare to speak boldly in class and I'm not careful in the exam. Take the Chinese unit 2 exam for example. Some of the words I can write are wrong, and I have left the question in my composition. So the test was really not ideal. I have been trying to get rid of these shortcomings and strive to be a better student.

  I like to bet with others. If you lose, go with your mouth blanked.

  If you win, your eyes will turn into a slit. Once, I bet with my classmate that he had 300 yuan. I thought, "who will have so much money? Time sharing is bragging". Just let him take out the money and have a look. As expected, he said to me, "I lied to you.". At this time, I smiled and shouted, "I won! I won!"

  ha-ha! I am what I am. After listening to the introduction, you should know something about me

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