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AIER Eye Hospital Group is China’s leading ophthalmology hospital group that covers Asia, Europe, and North America with huge scale and outstanding medical capacity. It has three listed companies in China (stock code: 300015) ,Europe (Spain: CBAV), and Southeast Asia (Singapore: 40T) with a total number of more than 600 specialized eye hospitals and centers and the annual outpatient visits in mainland China exceeded 10 million. Among those eye hospitals and centers, there are more than 500 in Mainland China, 7 in Hong Kong, 1 in the United States, more than 80 in Europe, and 12 in Southeast Asia. 爱尔眼科致力于引进和吸收国际同步的眼科技术与医疗管理理念,以专业化、规模化、科学化为发展战略,推动中国眼科医疗事业的发展。 AIER is committed to the parallel introduction and absorption of world-leading ophthalmic technology and management concept, with professionalism, scale and science as its strategy to advance China's ophthalmic medical care. 通过不断的探索与实践,并充分吸纳国际先进的医疗管理经验的基础上,成功探索出一套适应中国国情和市场环境的眼科医院连锁经营管理模式——“分级连锁”。利用人才、技术和管理等方面的优势,通过全国各连锁医院优良的诊疗质量、优质的医疗服务和良好的医患沟通,使爱尔眼科成为全国各地眼科患者信赖的眼科医院。 Base on constant exploration and practice, also with absorbing advanced international medical management experience, AIER Eye Hospital Group has successfully established the "hierarchical chain" management model that adapts to China's market environment. Utilizing our advantages in talent, technology and management, we aim to provide the most trusted eye care to patients all over the country by offering good medical quality, superior medical service and harmonious doctors-to-patients communication. 2013年,爱尔眼科医院集团与中南大学联合成立专业的眼科医学院——中南大学爱尔眼科学院,主要培养眼科硕、博士精英医疗人才,开启了社会资本参与医学教育的有益创新和探索; 2014年,与湖北科技大学联合成立爱尔眼视光学院,旨在培养眼视光学的专业技术人才。 2019年,新增武汉大学爱尔眼科临床学院及研究院。 与此同时,自2015年爱尔眼科先后成立爱尔眼科研究所、爱尔眼视光研究所、角膜病研究所、白内障研究所、青光眼研究所、视网膜研究所和屈光研究所等7大研究所,旨在推动眼科学、视觉科学以及各亚专科前沿和临床应用技术的研究和创新。 爱尔眼科通过成立学院和研究所等机构,正式打通了眼科的医、学、研三大领域,使爱尔眼科的科研及临床水平得到显著提升,并以此推动中国眼科医疗事业的发展和进步。 In 2013, AIER and Central South University jointly set up AIER School of Ophthalmology, CSU, to educate and train medical professionals with advanced degrees,which opened a new era for social capital to be involved in medical education. In 2014, AIER joined the Hubei University of Science and Technology to establish the AIER School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, which aims to cultivate specialized talents in Optometry. In 2019, AIER Clinical College of Ophthalmology, and Ophthalmic Research Institute in Wuhan University were found. Besides, AIER has established 7 institutes since 2011, they are AIER Ophthalmology Institute, AIER Optometry Institute, AIER Refraction Institute, AIER Corneal Institute, AIER Glaucoma Institute, AIER Retinology Institute, and AIER Cataract Institute. At this point, AIER has bridged all three areas of medicine, education, and research, the establishment of these educational and research institutions will significantly boost our research and clinical standards. 在快速跨越式发展的过程中,爱尔眼科凝聚和培养了一批经验丰富、开拓创新的管理团队和医术精良、治学严谨的眼科专家和医生团队。截止2020年4月,爱尔眼科集团及旗下全球员工总数 36,000余人,其中眼科及视光医生总数(含海外)7,400余人,包括一大批硕士生导师、博士生导师、博士、博士后、留学欧美的学者以及临床经验丰富的核心专家,是中国眼科领域备受瞩目的有生力量。 In the process of rapid development, AIER has gathered and cultivated a group of experienced and innovative management team and a team of ophthalmologists with excellent medical ability and rigorous academic background. As of April, 2020,AIER has more than 36,000 employees globally, including 7,400 ophthalmologists and optometrists. Ophthalmologists in AIER consist of a large number of Master's supervisor, PH.D supervisor, Ph.D, Post doctorates, scholars trained in Europe and the United States and core experts with rich clinical experience. They are a high-profile core force in the field of ophthalmology in China. 爱尔眼科的发展壮大,始终以“使所有人,无论贫穷富裕,都享有眼健康的权利”为使命,追求社会责任和自身发展的和谐统一,通过开创性的“交叉补贴”模式,一方面为患者提供更高品质的眼科医疗服务,同时全面开展防盲治盲工作、投身社会公益和帮助弱势群体,并联合社会各界,推动整个中国防盲事业乃至国民眼健康事业的全面发展。 Since its founding, AIER always committed to the mission,“Enabling everyone, whether rich or poor, has the right to eye health.”With its "cross-subsidy" model, AIER provides patients with higher quality services, in the meantime dedicate itself to the social welfare and helping vulnerable groups to promote the cause of fighting blindness and national eye health. 随着中国医疗卫生体制改革的进一步推进,爱尔眼科顺应国家医疗卫生政策和发展趋势,适时在医疗行业推出“合伙人计划”,致力于改变眼科医生执业的生态环境,最大限度地激发核心骨干的创造力和能动性,为推动公司规模与效益的同步提高注入持续发展的关键动力。爱尔眼科专注于眼科医疗服务事业,将在全国的城乡县域兴建各级专业连锁眼科医院,为更多的人提供高质量、多层次的眼科医疗服务。 With the reform on China's medical health system, AIER adapts to the national medical policy and trend, launching the "Partnership Program" in the healthcare industry to focus on changing the ecological environment for ophthalmologists and maximizing the creativity and initiative of core members in 2014. This strategy is a strong motivation for expanding AIER’s scale, raising benefits. AIER has always been focusing on eye care service and will establish more professional hospitals in smaller cities and counties providing high quality and multi-level eye care to more people.


  • 诊疗时间: 周一至周日 08:00 ~ 17:30(全年无休)
  • 预约门诊

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