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Bonfire Night: London fireworks displays


Bonfire Night: London fireworks displaysCelebrate Bonfire Night in style at a spectacular London fireworks display on 5th November.
Bonfire Night is also known as Fireworks’ Night or Guy Fawkes Night. It’s a British tradition dating back to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Catholic conspirator Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I.
To this day, it is customary for the cellars in the Houses of Parliament to be searched by the Yeoman of the Guard before each State Opening of Parliament.
The anniversary of Fawkes’ arrest on 5 November (sometimes known as Guy Fawkes Day) is celebrated each year with bonfires and fireworks in London. Effigies of Guy Fawkes are often burned on top of the bonfires. You can look forward to numerous local firework displays in London featuring Bonfire Night food and drink, family entertainment and funfairs.

Top 10 Bonfire Night fireworks displays in London 2017
Remember fifth of November with these top Bonfire Night fireworks displays in London.
Each year, London marks the historic moment when Guy Fawkes and his motley crew attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I in the Gunpowder Plot of 5 November 1605 – the day became known as Guy Fawkes Day, or more commonly Bonfire Night.
Every November, bonfires are lit on which effigies known as “guys” are burned; while the skies are filled with colourful fireworks. It’s also a time to enjoy traditional Bonfire Night food and drink, alongside music, funfairs and family activities.

Find out where to watch some of the best local firework displays in London on Bonfire Night below.

Central London
Battersea Park Fireworks
Join the thousands of revellers as this pretty park is illuminated with a huge bonfire and a spectacular fireworks display timed to music based on this year’s theme of power. Tuck into food and drink from the various stalls or enjoy the family activities during the Battersea Park Fireworks Display on the banks of the river Thames. 4 November.
Southwark’s Fireworks Night
Southwark’s Fireworks Night draws in around 30,000 people every year making it one of the largest displays in the city. With a setting along the south bank of the river Thames and with a funfair, plenty of food, drink and family entertainment on offer, it’s a great place to see your first Bonfire Night fireworks display in London. Early booking is advised as tickets are expected to sell out in advance. 5 November.


South London
Lambeth Fireworks

Bonfire Night: London fireworks displays

A magical night is in store for visitors to Lambeth Fireworks in Brockwell Park, with this year’s theme of “A Night at the Movies”. Expect a dazzling firework display in time to popular soundtracks from blockbuster films, alongside a tempting array of street vendors, live music and entertainment at this south London Bonfire Night festival. 4 November.
Beckenham Fireworks
Head to Beckenham Fireworks at Croydon Road Recreation Ground for plenty of family fun. Choose between a quiet autism-friendly firework show, great for small children, or the big bangs of the main display later in the evening. Be sure to arrive early to enjoy Bonfire Night food, the funfair and face painting for the kids. 4 November.


East London
Blackheath Fireworks
Set in one of London’s largest outdoor spaces, the Blackheath Fireworks make a great evening out for family and friends looking to enjoy the fireworks in London in a buzzing atmosphere. Regularly hosting more than 80,000 people, it’s one of the largest Bonfire Night events in London; and what’s more it’s free – leaving you plenty of change to indulge in some seasonal treats. 4 November.
Victoria Park Fireworks
Head over to the Victoria Park Fireworks for an evening of Bonfire Night fun. Keep warm with snacks from the food and drink stalls, before the free fireworks display lights up the skies over east London. 5 November.


North London
Alexandra Palace Fireworks Festival
With views stretching across London and plenty of family activities to enjoy, the two-day Alexandra Palace Fireworks Festival has become one of the top Bonfire Night events in London. With activities ranging from a German beer festival to funfairs and ice skating, there’s always plenty for all ages at this fireworks show. 3-4 November.
Brent Fireworks Night
Watch fireworks shimmer over Wembley Stadium’s iconic arch at the Brent Fireworks Night display in Wembley Park. See the stunning fireworks display set to a special top-secret soundtrack, and enjoy family entertainment and delicious food stalls. This free event in North West London sets Guy Fawkes Night off with a bang. 4 November.


West London
Superhero Fireworks Spectacular
As one of the biggest firework displays in west London, the Superhero Firework Spectacular at Kempton Park Racecourse is sure to impress. Thrilling rides, a DJ and lots of warming food to dig into add to the fun of the firework display set to superhero theme tunes. 4 November.


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