
Catalina Cruz Hopes To Leave Her Mark On NY Politics — And Your Timeline

by Bustle Editors
Catalina Cruz smiling in the crowd while being hugged by a woman

New York State Assembly hopeful Catalina Cruz came to the U.S. with her single mother at just 9 years old. Like many DREAMers, the attorney couldn't imagine the frightening experience of being separated from her mother at such a young age. Her candor and mission to protect fellow DREAMers is personal, and also the tenet of her political career. That's why she's included in this special edition of Bustle's Must Follow, in which we highlight the incredible Latinx voices you need to follow on Instagram and Twitter.

Describe yourself in one line, including how you identify and what you do.

“I am a DREAMer, fighting for 11 million humans to no longer survive but thrive.”

What do you hope people take away from following you on social media?

“I use my platforms to share how I have made my way into becoming an attorney, an advocate, and now the first DREAMer to win a Democratic primary in New York. My social media accounts reflect the soul, spirit, and stories of 11 million undocumented immigrants that believe in the opportunity of Algun Dia (Someday) accomplishing their DREAMs. I hope that people following my account find the motivation and use the tools I share to create positive change.”

When did you first feel that you were a voice for the Latinx community?

“I am not a voice for others, I am a microphone to help amplify our fight. For me, it’s about highlighting the stories of so many people who grew up like me and still believe in a future of opportunities.”

Who's another Latinx person you would recommend to follow on social media?

“ Monica Sibri. She’s my amazing campaign manager and fellow DREAMer who taught me so many lessons about what this campaign means for our community.”

Follow Catalina Cruz on Twitter, @CatalinaCruzNY.

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