When BMW launched the updated 7-Series last year, they gave it a newly developed 4.4-liter twin turbo V8 unit in 750i xDrive and 750Li xDrive spec, producing more power and torque than it did underneath the hood of its non-facelifted predecessor.

Before the 7er went under the knife, its V8 unit used to be good for 445 HP (449 PS) and 479 lb-ft (650 Nm) of torque. Now, those numbers stand at 523 HP (530 PS) and 553 lb-ft (750 Nm).

Aside from being extremely forceful in a straight line (0-60 in 4 seconds), this particular 2020 BMW 750Li xDrive, pictured at BMW Abu Dhabi, is also quite stylish thanks to its Royal Burgundy Red / Zagora Beige exterior-interior color combo.

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Royal Burgundy Red is a rather dark shade, kind of like a sour cherry, but with a strong metallic look. There are also a great deal of chrome inserts , such as the kidney grille surround, rounding the air vent, the hockey stick detail and of course around back too.

As for the multi-spoke wheels, they measure 21-inches in diameter and boast an Orbit Grey finish. On a side note, while this is a very large car, we can’t help but feel that 20-inch wheels would have been enough.

Moving on to the interior, we’re looking at Zagora Beige upholstery, which is a non-cost option on the 750Li, plus bright-colored gloss wood trim on the dashboard, door panels and center console. Other features include the 3-spoke M steering wheel, Panorama SkyLounge roof, massaging seats, Bowers & Wilkins Diamond 3D sound system ($3,400) and the Rear-Seat Entertainment system ($2,700).

Even though we don’t have an exact number as to how much this car ultimately cost, we can tell you that right now, the BMW 750Li xDrive costs upwards of $103,000 in the United States. If you’re wondering, Royal Burgundy Red isn’t offered in the standard color pallet here in the States, but you could always look into the Individual options if you like it that much. In Germany, it’s a €1,150 option.

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