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时间:2021-01-22 15:23:39 英语读后感 我要投稿
  • 优秀的绿野仙踪英语读后感 推荐度:
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  During the summer vacation, I read "the wizard of oz" this book, really benefit a lot.

  "The wizard of oz" this book to my favorite one is "axe-wielding tin man save the queen", this article is mainly about: the tin man and the queen, voles to say to want to repay the favour. A scarecrow to rats to save the lion. Tin man make a cart with great branches of the trees, voles brings together thousands of feet. Big and little, and each one brought a rope in his mouth. The scarecrow and the tin man with voles rope connect them with the car, on the other end of the rope tied to the car. Car than any a pickup of rats to thousands of times greater. But when all the rats are set on, then they can pull the body very heavy lions, under everybody's work together, in a short time, they put the lion on the wizard, let the lion as far as possible a breath of fresh air. The lion was saved.

  After reading this story, I feel really too deep, in real life, we also need to work together, for example: tug of war, remember once, the school held a tug of war, and elected by our class are all very short, and each of them is very high, so we have no confidence, can the teacher encourages us to say: "although we is small, but as long as we work together, you must can beat the other side." Listen to the teacher, we again summon up courage to... Than the cold start, the teacher led the member shouted: "123, come on." We work together to pull the rope to our side. Our class won the first prize finally. At that time, I also don't know this is the result of a concerted effort to. One day, I didn't understand read the wizard of oz.

  "The wizard of oz" this book really good ah, she let me understand: we should do everything together, to get things done.







  "The wizard of oz" tells the story of a beautiful kind girl much rosie's adventure.

  Characters in this book how much rosie, tin man, scarecrow, lion, the witch, Oriental witch, north south the witch and western witch... Among them, Oriental witch and western witch is evil, evil, and witch witch and south north is kind.

  The much rosie in the story is very good, she started with aunt em and uncle Henry in Kansas. One day, he and the dog toto is playing, the tornado came, dorothy and the dog toto is hiding in the bed, and aunt em and uncle Henry hid in the cellar of security, the house fly slowly up, after a while, the house slowly falling down, crushing the evil - east of the evil witch, much rosie also came to another country.

  Rosie very want to return to his hometown - Kansas. She met along the way not long brain scarecrow, gave birth to embroider iron and the cowardly lion. They went through untold hardships, came to the emerald city, saw the great oates. Oates agreed they only kill the west witch, to achieve their wishes. Smart brave much rosie killed the evil - the evil witch of the west rescued a lion, repaired her friends the scarecrow and the tin man. Great oates realized their wishes, scarecrows have smart brain, tin man with a kind heart, cowardly lion had guts, these are great oates help them to achieve. And much rosie and the dog toto witch in the south and the north witch help, finally returned to her hometown - Kansas, met my dear aunt em and uncle Henry.

  After reading "the wizard of oz", I realize the friend is a treasure. Rosie and the scarecrow, tin, and the lion, never met to friends, and then spend the difficulties together, help each other, the results achieved their desire. We students are friends, we should help each other. Friends very treasure, very important, we should cherish him, let the flower of friendship will always bloom.

  From which I also understand a truth: people must be toward their established goals drove forward, go forward along the way, take the bull by the horns, have the courage to struggle, finally realizes the ideal harbor. Reach every goal, is must pay the hard work, be not afraid of difficulties, with a kind heart, with unity and friendship among peers, help each other, so, you think in your heart the perfect day must come. In this book, dorothy and her friends in order to achieve the desire, is not afraid of difficulties, to help each other, play - the enemy, friends have achieved his desire, dorothy finally in the south good witch's help, also returned to his hometown of Texas, finished this long journey. I later in life, learning to dorothy learning, meet with difficulties in life to find a way to solve it. Don't understand of ask the teacher in the learning, ask classmates, more let a richer knowledge.
















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