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Table of contents
What is Localhost?
How Does a Loopback Work?
What is Localhost Used For?
Blocking Malicious Websites
Hosting Web Application Locally
Testing of Web Applications
What is the Difference Between and
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an IP address?
What is the use of 127.0 0.1 localhost? 
What is the meaning of 127.0 0.1 8080?
Can we change the IP address
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

What Is Localhost?

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Hello Ninjas, we have all studied the IP addresses in Computer Networks. There are some special IP addresses in Computer Networks. These special IP addresses are designated for some particular tasks. Localhost

In this article, we will learn about one of these special IP addresses. We will learn about the localhost or the loopback IP address. We will see the localhost working and will see some applications associated with it.

What is Localhost? is known as localhost or loopback address. The localhost or the loopback IP address is a universal home address for all computers. When the browser points to, it tries to connect to itself. is among the special IP addresses. By the definition of IP addresses, we know that each computer has a unique IP address. But localhost always points to the computer we use.

For example, if you set up a server on Computer X, you can connect to it by visiting on Computer X. Now, if you move to Computer Y and type, you'll connect to Computer Y, not to A. You'll need either Computer X's Internet or local network IP address to connect to it from Computer Y.

The IP allows the machine to communicate with itself. Therefore, localhost establishes a connection to itself used by the same end-user. The most common IP for localhost is The IPv4 network standard has reserved the range from to for localhost. The IPv6 network standard assigns one address to the localhost, that is :: 1.

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How Does a Loopback Work?

When we request the http:/localhost in any web browser, it is not forwarded as a typical TCP/IP request. Here, the host computer's operating system manages the request. The connection is made on a local network and connects the hosting computer. This is the reason it is also called a Loopback address. The request is looped back and connected to the machine making the request.

The below Diagram shows the working of the Loopback address as explained above. Localhost Working

The following message is generated if we have not hosted a server on the machine when we connect through http://localhost.

localhost response

This happens as the localhost is not expecting any connections. As soon as we run a server on the machine, the localhost starts listening to the requests, and the above message is removed.

The Loopback message is also associated with a port number and IP address. These port numbers help to divide the server load and run multiple servers.

The TCP/IP recognizes the localhost as a special IP address. The message is re-routed for any request corresponding to the IP address The following ping command gives the visualization of the localhost and its working. ping from terminal

Here, we see that making a ping request to shows a successful connection is established with the same machine. The figure also shows the round trip time and the average time for connection establishment.

The TCP/IP also checks for the requests arriving at the routers. The network gateways discard the connection if the loopback IP address is found. This is used as an application for blocking malicious websites (Discussed Later in the article).

What is Localhost Used For?

The Localhost provides a wide range of applications to developers. Developers use it extensively to test web applications. It is also used for network testing by the network administrators. It is also used for blocking malicious websites and preventing the computer from malfunctioning.

Now, we will discuss some of its Uses in detail.

Blocking Malicious Websites

The local host is used to block malicious websites and eavesdropping attacks. The Localhost is used to host files and servers in a computer.  The hosted files have IP addresses associated with them. Similar to the working of a Domain Name Server where a domain name is looked for in a global DNS. The host file has the IP address which can be used to access the file.

Usually, the host file consists of just two entries. Below is the host file of a user, which is available as \system32\drivers\etc\hosts in Windows and /etc/hosts in Unix or MacOS.           

hosts file

This host file is used to block some malicious websites. This is done by entering the domain name of the target website and assigning it localhost. Doing this prevents the system from looking for the site over the Internet. It returns it searches for the localhost. If no server is hosted on the computer, it responds that it cannot connect to the wanted site. If any server is hosted, the user is directed to the same.

Hosting Web Application Locally

The developer uses the localhost for hosting the web applications. Local hosting helps developers to debug the application. It provides an overall environment for testing and learning. It can help developers to experiment with different technologies and make robust web applications.

A wide variety of platforms available can help with the same. These platforms provide the necessary components for web development on the localhost. Some popularly used tech stacks are LAMP, WAMP, MAMP, MERN, and others.

Testing of Web Applications

A significant part of web development is the ensure the application works as supposed. The localhost is used for testing web applications. The localhost can simulate the working of a virtual network. This can be used for testing. 

Moreover, the localhost has the advantage of its speed. The request sent over the Internet usually takes more than 100 milliseconds. However, using the ping commands for network testing takes only a millisecond. It can save a lot of development time. 

In the working of the, we saw an image of ping. It can be used to check the implementation of the protocol is correct or not. 

We can type the following command in the Unix/macOS or Windows terminal:

ping localhost

There are various software available for setting up your test servers. Some software even provides the facility of delivering localhost capabilities. XAMPP is one of the most popularly used software which can be used as localhost.

What is the Difference Between and

Sometimes you'll come across another IP address called, which does the same job as However, when you compare them, you'll find they perform two completely different tasks. signals the TCP/IP of your computer that it don not want to connect to the Internet. It states a connection to a server hosted on the same computer. As such, you'll typically enter it when telling the software to connect to a server via a web browser or a game., on the other hand, is more of a wildcard than a specific location. When you use, you tell the software to allow connections from every local IP address possible instead of just

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an IP address?

An IP address is a unique address assigned to any machine that is used to identify the machine. It helps to facilitate communication in a network by assigning a unique address to the machines that are requesting or responding.

What is the use of 127.0 0.1 localhost? localhost is a loopback address which is used to access the local host referring to the current device. It allows testing web applications locally and network services without a live internet connection. 

What is the meaning of 127.0 0.1 8080? 8080 represents the IP address and port number for a local server. It allows accessing applications running on port 8080 on the same device. It is useful for testing web services and running applications on a dedicated port.

Can we change the IP address

Yes, it is possible to change the IP address We have to modify the host file present on the system. We can assign a different hostname to in these host files for local testing.


This article taught us about the IP address or the localhost. We learned about the working of localhost. We also discussed the applications of the localhost. We saw how it can block malicious websites and test web applications.

To learn more about Localhost and other related topics, you can check out our other blogs.

  • Go HTTP Server
  • Creating a Server in NodeJs
  • Flask Introduction

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