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If you鈥檝e applied for Social Security disability and been denied, then you may be thinking about appealing the decision, which means you鈥檒l need to attend a disability hearing. While there are several tasks you will need to complete in the lead-up to your hearing, the most important task is making sure to keep up with your doctor appointments.

Although many people don鈥檛 realize it, winning your appeal can hinge on whether you鈥檝e attended all of your doctor appointments, and failing to do so can result in an upheld denial. Learn why you need to go to all of your doctor appointments before your disability hearing and find out how a lawyer can help with the appeals process.

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Keeping Your Medical Records Current

During your disability hearing, one of the main pieces of evidence that will be examined is your medical records and what they say about your disabling condition. When you attend your hearing, you want to make sure that your records are as complete as possible, which is why you need to make sure that you attend all of your doctor appointments.

If you keep all of your appointments prior to your disability hearing, your medical records will be more complete and will paint a fuller picture of your disability. On the other hand, incomplete medical records are likely to result in a failed appeal.

Having Your Own Medical Opinion

As part of your disability hearing, it鈥檚 likely that Social Security will request that you undergo a full medical examination from a doctor of their choosing. While you should be sure to attend the Social Security medical examination, you should also attend all appointments with your own doctor. If the doctor selected by Social Security reaches an unfavorable conclusion about your disability, your own doctor鈥檚 opinion can be used as counterevidence.

Without your own doctor鈥檚 opinion, you will have to rely on the Social Security examination, which may end up working against you during your hearing.

Treatment is Crucial

In a disability hearing, one of the main factors under consideration will be the severity of your injury, and one of the ways Social Security determines severity is by examining the type of treatments you have received. If you skip doctor appointments and scheduled treatment, it can indicate to Social Security that your injury isn鈥檛 severe enough to warrant continuing payments.

However, if you鈥檙e consistent about seeking treatments, this will demonstrate that you are taking your disability seriously.

Documenting Progressing Conditions

Many disabilities are progressive in nature, and documenting this progression is an important part of receiving a favorable disability hearing decision. When you neglect to attend your doctor appointments, your treating physician will not be able to effectively track the progress of your disability, whether positive or negative. Make sure to attend all of your appointments so that you can provide Social Security a complete picture of the progression of your disability.

Don鈥檛 Attend a Disability Hearing without a Lawyer

A disability hearing can be one of the most stressful events that a person can experience, which is why you need to let an social security disability lawyer at The Law Offices of Dr. Bill LaTour handle your case. One of your professionals can guide you through the hearing process so that it is simple and stress-free.

We鈥檝e been helping disabled individuals in the Greater Los Angeles area, the Inland Empire, and Orange County get the disability benefits they need for years. Call Dr. Bill LaTour and his team today at 800-803-5090聽 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.

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