
James Franco and Amber Heard Making Out: Watch This Exclusive Movie Clip Now

The two star in the big screen adaptation of The Adderall Diaries

By Marc Malkin Apr 15, 2016 12:00 PMTags
Movies Exclusives James Franco Marc Malkin Amber Heard

James Franco and Amber Heard are adding some heat to this week's new film releases.

The two co-star in The Adderall Diaries, a movie adaptation of the novel of the same name about a writer (Franco) who is forced to deal with his troubled past and abusive father. Sparks fly with a woman (Heard) he meets while he's researching a high-profile murder case.

And only E! News has an exclusive clip of Franco and Heard locking lips.

The couple is first seen drinking from bottles in paper bags with the New York skyline in the background.

After Franco talks about how he hasn't seen his dad in seven years, Heard begins to describe the time she tried to fatally poison her dad when she was 16 with ground pills slipped into his favorite bottle of scotch. "Nothing happened," Heard says. "It just went through his system. He was that fat."

After some nervous laughter, Franco puts his hand on Heard's face and goes in for a long smooch.

The Adderall Diaries is currently in theaters and available on DirecTV as well as all other digital and cable VOD platforms.

Directed by Pamela Romanowsky, the cast also includes Cynthia Nixon, Christian Slater and Ed Harris.

PHOTOS: Which new movie poster is your fave?

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