Hot Damn! Joanna Krupa Sizzles in Sexy Lingerie in New Maxim Pic

Check out the reality star's nearly naked spread

By Brett Malec Jan 15, 2015 8:55 PMTags
Magazines Joanna Krupa Underwear
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Joanna Krupa is showing a whole lotta skin in a sexy new Maxim spread!

In the steamy, recently released photo, the 35-year-old supermodel strips down to only skimpy lingerie while posing seductively in a chair.

The former Real Housewives of Miami star flaunts her killer long legs, perfectly flat tummy and ample cleavage while modeling stockings, a lacy bra and heels. The blond beauty flashes a smoldering stare that is sure to get men (and women) all over the world hot and bothered!

Inside the new issue, the reality star opens up about life after Real Housewives.

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"It was getting to where I didn't have any friends on the show, and I felt like some of the girls thought, 'Oh, my God, this is my five minutes of fame鈥擨 need to bring the drama. I need to be a vicious human being so the spotlight will be on me,'" Krupa says. "I joined the show being this happy person with a career, which made me a bit of a target."

Krupa also opened up about bedroom troubles between her and hubby Romain Zago (their sex issues were a big storyline on RHOM).

"If a girl wants more sex from her man, and she sees that the guy is having a lot of stress, then plan a romantic getaway so he can really unwind and relax for a weekend," Krupa advised couples with similar problems. "Spur-of-the-moment things are best. And dressing up or role-playing definitely can make things way more interesting and exciting."

PHOTOS: Stars' naked magazine covers

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