Intel HD 520

Intel HD 520 Benchmark and Specs

Intel HD 520 GPU benchmark and specs - Intel Graphics card rating. How good is the HD 520 for gaming?

Benchmark Score

Bad score from 25 samples
Low uncertainty
327th of 422
81st of 422
25 benchmarks

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GPU Comparison

The Intel HD 520 compared against popular alternatives. Compare against more GPUs with our GPU Comparison Tool.

NVIDIA Quadro M1000M
519 points
Intel UHD 620
176 points
AMD Radeon R5 M330
176 points
Intel HD 520
158 points
Intel HD 4600
148 points
AMD Radeon R7 240
121 points
Intel HD 5500
102 points

GPU benchmarks

Here are the performance results of this graphics card in both the hardwareDB Benchmark and other benchmark utilities. Synthetic tests are an estimation of real-world performance using consistent and repeatable benchmarks. All tests were performed at 1920 x 1080 resolution.

Flux Core

Volumetric ray casting test, a computationally expensive method of rendering high-quality scenes

8 FPS average
5 FPS 10% low
6 FPS 1% low


Randomly generated noise sphere test

5 FPS average
5 FPS 10% low
6 FPS 1% low


Procedurally generated city scene with voxel rendering

6 FPS average
5 FPS 10% low
3 FPS 1% low


Real-time noise calculation and ray marching test

2 FPS average
2 FPS 10% low
4 FPS 1% low

Want to compare your GPU against the HD 520 and these results? Download our free and quick PC Performance Test.

Download GPU Benchmark

Alternative benchmarks

Here are some benchmark results using alternative testing software

Geekbench 5 (OpenCL)

Geekbench 5 (OpenCL)

OpenCL compute benchmark

Geekbench 5 (Vulkan)

Geekbench 5 (Vulkan)

Vulkan compute benchmark

Geekbench 6 (OpenCL)

Geekbench 6 (OpenCL)

OpenCL compute benchmark

Geekbench 6 (Vulkan)

Geekbench 6 (Vulkan)

Vulkan compute benchmark


Compare these benchmarks and specs using our GPU Comparison Tool


Core Clock 300 MHz
Boost Clock 900 MHz
TDP 15 W
DirectX Support 12
OpenGL Support 4.6
Pixel Rate 2.7 Gigapixels/s
Texture Rate 21.6 Gigatexels/s
Shading Units 192
Texture Mapping Units 24
Render Output Processors 3

Intel HD 520

Thanks to our GPU Benchmark, we have measured the Intel HD 520 as a bad gaming performer a score of 158 points.

In terms of clock speed, the HD 520 GPU core runs at a frequency of 300 MHz and if power and temperature permits, it can boost up to 900 MHz. The core clock is directly related to the performance of a GPU, the higher the clock, the more processing can be done per second. A higher clock does not guarantee better performance by itself, this also depends on the number of shading units and other elements of the pipeline.

As for rendering API support, the HD 520 supports up to DirectX 12. In addition, in cross-platform titles, OpenGL 4.6 features are supported. If your GPU is too old and doesn't support a newer API certain titles may not be playable.

The Intel HD 520 has a TDP of 15W, this is the amount of heat energy produced by the chip as a byproduct. The higher the TDP, the more heat is produced.

To figure out your graphics card specs and performance, download our free GPU Benchmark utility.


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