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恋爱先生第一集英文歌曲叫什么?Tire Tracks And Broken Hearts介绍


恋爱先生第一集英文歌曲是《Tire Tracks And Broken Hearts》。

恋爱先生当中,第一集的时候,程皓不仅仅是医生更是喜欢给人牵线搭桥,还是一位恋爱先生,在第15分的时候,他正在参加part,和人说,庆祝我们正式散伙,而自己好友过来说,每次完成一单就很失落,最后自嘲到铁打的程皓,流水的哥们。然后这里就有一个英国人唱了一首歌,歌词中是"Old tires carrying the broken heart翻译过来就是“旧轮胎载着破碎的心”,这首歌是《Tire Tracks And Broken Hearts》,《微风轻哨》音乐剧中的插曲。

恋爱先生第一集英文歌曲叫什么?Tire Tracks And Broken Hearts介绍

Bonnie Tyler - Tyre Tracks And Broken Hearts歌词

演唱者 Bonnie Tyler

所属专辑 Andrew Lloyd Webber: Divas

Another aimless day, another useless night

I want peroxide hair, I want some neon light

I got a new life waiting, I can"t wait to begin it

The thing that gets me down, being young in this town

Is there"s no future in it

I want a fine perfume, how "bout a blue corvette?

If there"s a slower death than living here and now

They haven"t found it yet

I need a man who knows what I"m really worth

And I don"t give a damn about life after death

But I gotta get some proof that there"s a life after birth

Tire tracks and broken hearts, that"s all we"re leaving behind

It doesn"t matter what we lose, it only matters what we"re going to find

Tire tracks and broken hearts, let"s get away from the past

So many ways to stay hungry baby, so many ways to go fast

I want a push-up bra, I want some satin sheets

Give me some real rich food, I want some succulent sweets

I want you by my side, you"ll be all my own

I don"t know what I want half the time, but I know know

That I don"t want to spend another minute alone

Tire tracks and broken hearts, that"s all we"re leaving behind

It doesn"t matter what we lose, it only matters what we"re going to find

Tire tracks and broken hearts, let"s get away from the past

So many ways to stay hungry baby, so many ways to go fast

(Do do, da do do, da do do, da down down down)

Those good girls never know what they"re missing

But us bad girls almost always do

And what we"re missing most are the real good times

I want them bad and I want them now

I was born going faster than the limits allow

I want it bad and I want it now

We were born going faster than the limits allow

Faster than the limits allow

Right here, Right now!

Tire tracks and broken hearts, that"s all we"re leaving behind

It doesn"t matter what we lose, it only matters what we"re going to find

Tire tracks and broken hearts, let"s get away from the past

So many ways to stay hungry baby, so many ways to go fast

I wanna show you what I want you to do

Where and when and how

I want it bad and I want it now

We were born going faster than the limits allow

I wanna show you what I want you to do

Where and when and how

I want it bad and I want it now

We were born going faster than the limits allow

Tire tracks and broken hearts, that"s all we"re leaving behind

It doesn"t matter what we lose, it only matters what we"re going to find

Tire tracks and broken hearts, let"s get away from the past

So many ways to stay hungry baby, so many ways to go fast



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