
2018-07-19 14:54:04爱云资讯阅读量:675

Taboola, the world’s largest discovery platform, announced a strategic partnership with 180.ai, a leading marketing technology company based in China. The partnership will enable Taboola and 180.ai to provide leading brands based in China with intelligent advertising and global marketing solutions.


Taboola and 180.ai begin a strategic cooperation


Taboola and 180.ai will begin by exchanging platforms and sharing insights and media resources. Taboola will interface with 180.ai’s programmatic advertising platform, TDGo, which is highly significant for both advertising data volume and media coverage.

Taboola与180.ai正式签约后将首先互通平台、共享数据及媒介资源。Taboola将与180.ai旗下的程序化广告平台TDGo进行系统对接, 对于广告投放的数据量级和媒介覆盖而言,此举意义非凡。

Taboola has 16 offices and about 1,000 employees worldwide. Among them, the Israeli office is Taboola’s Global R&D Center, which has over 400 staff; New York is Taboola’s headquarters. In 2015, Taboola announced a multi-million dollar strategic investment partnership with Baidu. Taboola has partnered with more than 22,000 media outlets globally, including news, finance, technology and lifestyle publishers including world-renowned media such as MSN, Bloomberg, CNBC, and Business Insider; APAC-based publishers such as Yahoo Japan, Jiemian, Caixin, China Daily, and New York Times’ Chinese edition.

Taboola在全球拥有16个办事处和1000余名员工。其中以色列是Taboola的全球研发中心,拥有400多名员工;纽约是Taboola的全球总部。2015年,Taboola获得百度数百万美元战略投资。Taboola的全球合作媒体共有22000多家,涵盖新闻类、财经类、科技类和生活类,也囊括了众多全球知名的媒体,例如MSN、Bloomberg、CNBC、Business Insider;亚太地区的媒体包括雅虎日本、界面、财新、中国日报、纽约时报中文网等等。

In 2016, Taboola officially entered the Chinese market. In the past two years, Taboola has obtained a number of high-quality Chinese partners and assisted Chinese companies such as Toutiao, Da-jiang’s drones, and Alibaba in promoting themselves globally. The company has also worked with national premium publishers such as China Daily, Jiemian, and Caixin to build discovery/content-recommendation solutions for the Chinese market, and provided artificial intelligence advertising systems for national and global brands.


180.ai is headquartered in Beijing. It has offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen, with nearly 500 employees, 180 R&D centers in Beijing headquarters, and a core team comprising dozens of world-leading AI technicians and scientists. Creativity and technology are two important areas unique to 180.ai. 180.ai has an experienced creative marketing team that creates integrated marketing solutions with mature overall marketing tools and rich media resources for clients. 180.ai also has an independent artificial intelligence research and development team. It is unique in the fields of big data analysis and intelligent marketing. It is committed to the integration of data, ideas, and scenarios, using big data to achieve accurate media delivery and superior creative integration, and providing global companies with digital marketing solutions. In recent years, 180.ai has cultivated a number of advertising marketing products based on AI technology, including the program delivery platform TDGo, the interactive incentive advertising platform TapWin, and the intelligent brain DataSpeak. The company serves well-known national and international brand clients such as Sharp, McDonald’s, Budweiser, Jingdong, Meituan, and Tencent.


According to Taboola’s CEO and Founder Adam Singolda, “Based on our users’ past online reading habits, our algorithm determines the recommended content, including articles and videos. In this process, our algorithmic systems continue to learn deeply. And as they accumulate more user data, they also become smarter. 180.ai is unique in China’s market. We look forward to having our discovery platform bring more possibilities to Chinese customers through the 180.ai platform and using our massive user data to provide more efficient advertising solutions globally. We look forward to helping each other and developing together.”

Taboola创始人兼首席执行官Adam Singolda表示,“Taboola的算法根据用户在过去一定时间内的网络阅读习惯,决定向其推荐的内容,包括文章和视频。在这个过程中,我们的算法系统不断进行深度学习,在获得大量用户数据的同时,也变得越来越聪明。180.ai在中国营销技术领域独树一帜,期待我们的发现平台能够通过180.ai的平台为中国客户带来更多可能性,并利用我们海量的用户数据为全球广告客户提供更高效的服务。我们期待彼此助力,共同发展。”

180.ai’s founder and president Lei Shaodong believes that future marketing will involve an organic creative process that is completed by combining creative data and actual scenarios. “To achieve this, we use database screening calculations to find the precise populations. We also use data to gain insights into consumers; establish consumer visualization reports; analyze consumers, brands, and products; and propose corresponding creative solutions to drive data-driven creativity. Through data analysis, our creative marketing plan can be accurately delivered to the target population to realize the data enabling scenario. 180.ai’s various smart marketing technology products have brought great value to many national brands. Through combining the assets of the TDGo and Taboola platforms, we also hope to build a marketing channel across borders for both national and global advertisers. In the future, 180.ai looks forward to further cooperation with Taboola to provide intelligent and global advertising services for domestic and overseas customers.”


Big data globalization empowers precision marketing


In recent years, the rapid development of the Internet in China has laid a solid foundation for the development of AI. One of the most prominent advantages is the massive data. China is also a leader in the adoption of digital payments and in 2016 China’s mobile payments totalled US$9 trillion according to iResearch Consulting Group. The meteoric growth of China’s internet firms can be partly attributed to the number of people accessing the internet. Such a large amount of data also provides the basis for intelligent algorithms and multi-domain applications.


There is a natural chasm between users and content and between brands and users. The application of artificial intelligence technology in advertising has built the most effective bridge across these divides. Intelligent delivery and accurate marketing require massive amounts of data as the basis for calculation. Intelligent algorithms are the means to achieve the ultimate goal of meeting the brands’ needs to find users and the users’ needs to discover relevant content.


As a company that also uses smart technology to drive marketing, Taboola is adept at recommending precise content for consumers using big data algorithms. The company continues to optimize this process during massive data and algorithm upgrades. 180.ai combines creative and technological capabilities and has used the creative solutions of its top domestic marketing team and the technological leadership of its independent R&D center to maximize advertisers’ ROI with its own programmatic platform.


In the international market, the development of the marketing technology (MarTech) field has gradually stabilized. In contrast, the Chinese market is still in a early stage. As a leading marketing technology company in China, 180.ai has already made a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence advertising. For Taboola, its decade long development has accumulated a large amount of global data and a wealth of technical capabilities in the discovery/recommendation space. Opening up the Chinese market is an important development goal. For 180.ai, developing global business is also one of its future development strategies.


In the current strategic cooperative foray by Taboola and 180.ai into the global market, the mutual interoperability of the two platforms has made a qualitative leap in the overall database level. The super-positioning of the distribution channels and the enhancement of the algorithm have also allowed the companies to deliver more extensive and accurate solutions. The common vision of the two companies is to use artificial intelligence technology as a driving force so that advertising can truly become an experience that delights consumers and maximizes brand value.


About TDGo


TDGo is a programmatic advertising marketing platform under 180.ai. Through multi-platform multimedia docking, advanced artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms are used to provide brand parties with a series of intelligent services such as direct programmatic purchases from PDBs, crowd orientation, intelligent optimization delivery, intelligent dynamic creatives and marketing campaign management.


About TapWin


TapWin is a 180.ai interactive incentive advertising platform. As a new form of interactive advertising, WinPoints uses big data and smart algorithms to enable real-time empowerment activities to accurately find potential customers and bring together many head and middle media quality resources to maximize advertising effectiveness.


Taboola is the leading discovery platform, serving over 450 billion recommendations of articles, blogs, videos, products and apps to over one billion unique users every month on thousands of premium sites and mobile carriers. Publishers, brand marketers, and performance advertisers leverage Taboola to retain users on their sites, monetize their traffic, and distribute organic and sponsored content as well as video to engage high-quality audiences. Partners include: USA TODAY, Huffington Post, MSN, Business Insider, The Independent, Welt, L’Express and The Weather Channel. A global company with local service touchpoints, Taboola is headquartered in New York City with offices in Los Angeles, London, Tel Aviv, New Delhi, Bangkok, São Paulo, Mexico City, Beijing, Shanghai, Istanbul, Seoul, Sydney and Tokyo. Learn more atwww.taboola.com and follow @taboola on Twitter.

作为全球顶尖内容发现平台,Taboola每月在上万个高级媒体网站和移动运营商上向超过十亿独立用户推荐文章、博客、视频、产品和应用等,推荐次数超过4500亿。Taboola帮助媒体、品牌营销人员和广告主留存用户、变现流量、推介原生广告和视频以吸引高质量的受众。合作伙伴包括:USA TODAY、Huffington Post、MSN、Business Insider、The Independent、Welt, L’Express和The Weather Channel。Taboola是一家全球性的公司,其总部位于纽约,在洛杉矶、伦敦、特拉维夫、新德里、曼谷、圣保罗、墨西哥城、北京、上海、伊斯坦布尔、首尔、悉尼和东京设有办事处。欲了解更多信息,请点击 “Taboola官方网站”或关注Taboola官方微博微信。

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