Name: Gabby Carter
Agency: Red 11
Age: 18
Height: 5’10″

How long have you been modelling? How did you get into it?
I started just before I turned 15, so three years ago. To be completely honest, I think I was a little bit too young at the start.聽A friend introduced me to Red 11. I’ve been modelling ever since.

What was your first job?
The first job I did was a job for MAC. It was a MAC seminar day or something for their staff – it was so much fun. It was almost like the amazing race, but with models and makeup.

What has been your favourite job so far?
I think it’s a tie between a Glassons campaign – that was really fun, and a beauty editorial I did where I had crazy makeup and was painted brown all over!

Where has been your favourite place to model?
Sydney. I loved it. I want to live there.

Where would be your dream modelling destination (if it’s not Sydney)?
I’d love to shoot somewhere exotic.

What do you love about modelling and what do you hate about it?
The people, mostly. Meeting lots of new people. I actually like modelling in New Zealand. I love my agency and making money is pretty good too!聽Things I hate… I don’t like how shallow the industry is. Also, going to castings and trying really hard to impress people who really don’t care about who you are. I don’t like that.

What would you be doing if you weren’t modelling?
Well, I actually only model part-time. The rest of my time is occupied with Uni.

What do you study?
I do Law and Arts.

Ahh, you’re a smart one. That’s a lot of hard work.
The thing is, some girls get into modelling and get swept up straight away with all the excitement. I want to be educated. I like going to Uni. I don’t want to only model, get to 25 with no education and think, ‘now what?’. [Editors note: It should be noted that when I got to the caf茅 to meet Gabby I was late and she was sitting there at a table, studying]

What’s your favourite food?
I love most food. My favourite foods are pretty much all foods! Chocolate is my vice, though. Nutella too. And pizza!

Favourite colour?
I don’t have one! I used to be obsessed with orange but I’m slowing coming out of it.

Favourite models?
I love New Zealand models. I think Georgia Fowler has got to be one of the most stunning people in the entire world.

Favourite place in the world?
Matapouri. We’ve got a bach there. I love it.

What’s something people wouldn’t necessarily know about you?
This is a hard question! I’m not sure. But I can tell you I’m absolutely addicted to iPhone apps. Right now I can’t stop playing ‘Draw Something’ and ‘Whirly Word’.

What’s the last thing you bought?
Other than food, the only things I’ve bought recently are pens and text books!

Draw me a picture of yourself in three to five years time: