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How to Stop Masturbating, Beat Your Porn Addiction, and Live Your Best Life

I am greatly concerned for men…

For the first time in human history, men have access to a nearly limitless supply of free, high-definition porn and the ramifications of this reality are starting to become clear.

While the internet is filled with claims that masturbation is healthy and actually beneficial, this is tantamount to saying that a glass of red wine a day is good for your heart.

It might be true, but when taken to the extreme, you start to run into some problems.

One of the biggest problems with pornography is that many men view it as an innocuous pastime.

They watch porn and masturbate and assume that there aren’t really any negative effects and they mistakenly believe that porn is an innocent little vice that doesn’t affect their lives.

But this is not the case…

Throughout the course of this article, I hope to show you just how damaging excessive porn use and masturbation really are and give you some actionable steps to break free from your addiction and reclaim your life once and for all.

I’m going to teach you, step by step, what to do if you can’t stop masturbating and how to beat porn addiction for good.

But before we can do that, we need to understand how porn affects the brain and what’s really going on beneath the surface.

Your Brain on Porn: The Most Addictive Visual Content Known to Man

Before we dive into the rest of the content, you first need to understand a little bit more about your brain and how it works.

More specifically, you need to know about an important little chemical called dopamine.

how to stop masturbating

Dopamine, which is commonly referred to as the “Pleasure Compound” is a neurotransmitter responsible for sending signals from the central nervous system to the brain, passing the information along from one neuron to the next.

And while dopamine’s exact effects on your brain differ based on the situation, recent studies have shown that dopamine is actually responsible for providing anticipatory pleasure as opposed to in-the-moment pleasure.

I am not a scientist and don’t claim to understand the ramifications of these studies, however, many experts have given their take on the matter… And it’s a scary picture indeed.

To get a better understanding of what I am talking about, watch the TED Talk: The Great Porn Experiment:

Based on these studies, if you start masturbating to porn in your teens when your dopamine levels are at their peak, then by age 22 your nightly habit can turn you into a full-blown masturbation addict leading to some severe chemical imbalances.

And when you don’t know how to stop masturbation addiction, these imbalances can lead to depression, severe social anxiety, and a lack of healthy relationships with real women.

Equally worrisome is how the unending novelty of internet porn affects your brain and psyche.

Simply put, your brain is not designed to handle so much novelty, and studies have shown that when men masturbate to porn if they watch successive scenes with the same woman, they will take much longer to achieve orgasm than watching several different scenes with several different women.

Known as the Coolidge Effect, porn trains our brains to crave an unrealistic and unachievable level of variety in our personal and sexual lives resulting in dissatisfaction with your current or future partner and general malaise with your life.

Each of us has the ability to view (and, to an extent, experience) more women than any man could experience in his entire life 100 or 1,000 years ago… Your brain was never designed to handle this much intense pleasure in such a short amount of time.

As such, it should make sense that these constant dopamine spikes could lead to a drug-like addiction where each and every day, the only thing your brain wants is to be alone in isolation with 1,000 naked women a mouse click away.

In real life sexual encounters, heavy pornography addiction has been linked to performance anxiety, erectile dysfunction, and OCD.

Hopefully, you realize that it’s important to learn how to quit masturbating and how to stop masturbating to porn now. 

The Debate Between Real Sex vs Masturbation

Porn essentially comes to replace natural, healthy sex…

In a relationship or even a one-night stand, you can expect flirting, touching, smells, pheromones, emotional connection, intimacy, penetration, and eventually, orgasm.

Masturbation skips all of these in favor of quickly triggering an orgasm in a more direct way.

We’re tribal, pair-bonding creatures, and as such our brains need close contact for good mental health throughout our lives.

When we masturbate too frequently, our brains may replace these basic human needs with ever-increasing desire and more frequent orgasms, without the health-giving touch that actual intercourse provides.

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This may modify the brain and its physiology, keeping us from feeling satisfied with actual healthy real-life relationships.

According to Cyberpsychology Behavior (2/9/2006),

Of all activities on the Internet, porn has the most potential to become addictive.” Here’s why: The reward circuit drives humans towards natural rewards. Naked beautiful women give us too much dopamine, which overrides our natural satiation mechanisms.

For the first time in human history, you’re able to completely binge on fake sex, and the effect on brain chemistry is like any other drug: excessive chronic consumption causes dopamine surges, which triggers the binge mechanism (delta fosB accumulates), which in turn triggers cravings for more.

It’s dangerously quick and easy to satisfy that craving again, and the cycle repeats itself.

So, instead of turning your natural sex drive into energy that fuels you in meeting and keeping women, you satiate that desire with video and move on with your day—at least until a few hours later, when the craving hits again.

When you watch porn and masturbate, you’re getting momentary gratification, and this reduces your drive (and ability) to secure a long-term, healthy solution.

And the detrimental effects of porn aren’t limited to your sex life.

You lose your confidence and drive, productivity, and adventurousness.

You can push a button and have an orgasm.

It’s free and it’s addicting. You watch some television. You do it again. Play some video games – get frustrated then do it again. You can’t stop masturbating and you know it.

You go out and have a few beers to look forward to coming home to a quick session then pass out.

It’s depressing, isn’t it?

So it’s time to step up.

This is how to quit masterbating and take control of your life now! 

Why Stopping Masturbation and Beating Porn is the Key to Reclaiming Your Life 

Masturbation and porn do more harm than good…


What’s worse is that women sense it, too—overall, you’re less attracted to them because you’ve been satisfied without them, and in turn they’re less attracted to you which ultimately leads to a spiral of more masturbation and porn and more social anxiety since you have less drive to pursue beautiful women in the real world.

Do I have your attention? It’s really important you are reading this because the above stated: the more you masturbate to porn the less likely you are to get laid.

Keep reading to learn more.

In Phillip Zimbardo’s TED talk, “The Demise of Guys?”, Zimbardo asserts that the average boy watches 50 porn clips a week.

For every movie made in Hollywood, there are 11,000 porn movies.

Brains are being rewired to expect constant novelty and constant arousal, which is out of sync with the reality of real women and real relationships. In fact, the demand that men have for new porn stars cannot keep up with the supply. This trend will only continue as long as men consume more and more pornography.

In fact, the demand that men have for new porn stars cannot keep up with the supply. This trend will only continue as long as men consume more and more pornography.

This causes everyday pleasures to be less exciting than porn activity. This is same for other addicts, but it’s true for porn  and masturbation addicts as well.

This causes a dullness in the life of man. There is no gusto. No drive to succeed in business, relationships, and life. Men won’t be pursuing women in real life. They will go to work, joke around with guys, come home, eat, get online, jerk off to porn, and repeat.

Porn, the Sexual Performance Killer

A 2011 survey by The Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine spells it out in depressing black and white: excessive porn kills sexual performance.

In Psychology Today, Marnia Robinson stated that when people abstain from porn and cut way back on masturbation:

Their desire to connect with others surges. So does their confidence, their ability to look others in the eye, their sense of humor, their perception of their ‘manliness,’ their concentration, charisma, their optimism, their judgment, their attractiveness to potential mates, and so forth.

Even those formerly suffering from social anxiety are more often than not emboldened to explore new avenues for social contact: smiling and joking with work colleagues, online dating, meditation groups, nightspots, and so forth.

In some cases it takes months, but often the shift is so rapid that it catches them by surprise.”

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Without easy gratification, sex drive becomes energy expended in various parts of life.

Quitting frequent porn and masturbation can dramatically improve the quality of your life, especially if it’s a problem in your life that you have not even identified.

You’ll notice that you feel more energized, sharper, and focused—because the biological drive that has developed to present you with an evolutionary edge is being put to use instead of squandered.

Take this drive and put it towards focusing on health, your social life, and your career, and you’ll find that you have little need for porn anymore, since women will naturally be attracted to the great life you live.

When stuck in the endless loop of porn indulgence and easy gratification, on the other hand, forming meaningful relationships (sexual and emotional) becomes virtually impossible.

Your attachment is to your addiction, nothing else.

And since your addiction takes place in private, essentially a secret, you become more isolated and withdrawn socially.

This leads to a further decrease in self-esteem and sociability, which makes it harder to hang out with people, and the cycle repeats itself.

I’m going to show you how to quit masturbating with a 30-day, then 60-day, then 90-day challenge (I recommend that you also attempt going sober for the first 30 days) to fully experience the benefits of quitting porn and masturbation.

You will see results within two weeks.

Strive to make love with women to fulfill your desires instead.

You will find that with all the free time you are being more productive, social, meeting new people, attracting more women into your life, and trying new things.

The key is to understand that frequent porn use and masturbation do not serve you, it only hurts you in the long run.

Instead, use that sexual energy to penetrate the world.

How to Quit Masturbating the Tony Robbins Way

High-performance coach and motivational speaker Tony Robbins discusses how all human experiences can be boiled down into four classes, each determined by the pleasure we feel, if it serves us ,if it serves others, and if it serves a greater good.

 Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4
Feels goodYesNoYesNo
Is good for youYesYesNoO!⿜5 nYVffZl 8No
Is good for othersYesYesNoNo
Serves the greater goodYesYesNoNo

On the flip side, we have Class 3 experiences that feel good, but ultimately destroy our quality of life and give us pain.

Any guesses what class porn and masturbation fall in?

Ding ding ding!

Frequent Porn and masturbation use is a Class 3 experience.

And the immediate after-effect transitions into a Class 4 experience as you feel depressed, guilty, isolated, lonely, embarrassed, and socially anxious, which prevents you from going out, building relationships and enjoying life.

Tony Robbins argues that the secret is understanding and using the six basic human needs, which are:

  1. Certainty:  Feeling of comfort
  2. Uncertainty:  Variety, surprise
  3. Significance:  Sense that we are unique in some way
  4. Love and Contribution:  Sense of connection with others
  5. Growth:  Everything that is alive is either growing or dying… we need to grow
  6. Contribution:  A need to grow beyond ourselves

It’s impossible to meet all of these needs if you’re feeling depressed, socially anxious, lazy, or lonely because you can’t stop masturbating to increasingly bizarre porn.

The effects are horrendous and most people are completely unaware of the negative effects. Excessive porn and masturbation can dramatically decrease your ability to acquire the six basic human needs.

David Deida’s Thoughts on the Benefits of Not Masturbating

David Deida is an insightful sex essayist and author of “ The Way of the Superior Man” who argues that the way we ejaculate typically mirrors the way we interact with the world at large.

If we waste our seed, we’re likely also wasting our energy, skills, and creativity.

As such, he advocates withholding ejaculation (or at least picking the time and situation wisely.)

Quit masturbating and use this newfound energy and drive to fuck the world, not yourself.

Taoists have traditionally been into this idea as well—many of them link semen with vital life force, and as such unnecessary ejaculation equates to needlessly sapping one’s self of energy.

At the root of Deida’s concepts is the idea that most masculine energy comes from pent-up sexual drive, so when we allow ourselves to let that build up a little, we see more energy and ambition in our lives.

But Andrew… Isn’t Masturbation Healthy?

The doctor says it’s good to ejaculate because it’s helpful for your prostate.

It “flushes your system,” so to speak.

But no doctor is going to recommend that you masturbate to porn 2+ times a day and replace normal sexual activity with it.

Masturbating to another male having sex puts you in the beta male position where you are the spectator in another man’s pleasure.

The psychological effects of this put you in a weak state where you place other men on a pedestal who are more “superior” or “alpha” than you.

You will see yourself as inferior to other men which ONLY HARMS YOUR PSYCHOLOGY!

You want a healthy sex life, not a healthy masturbatory life. The point is the physical effects of masturbating once a week may serve you well, yet the emotional effects can hinder your success with women and life.

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The point is the physical effects of masturbating once a week may serve you well, yet the emotional effects can hinder your success with women and life.

I am encouraging you to quit masturbating and porn use for now and feel the benefits of no masturbation and porn while you go out and attract the woman you want to be with.

Trust me you will develop an aura of energy and confidence that will naturally attract women and others to you like no other.

Given the choice between a great social life, a healthy lifestyle, and regular sex with a woman you are highly attracted to vs. masturbating alone at home, all of us are likely to choose the first option.


We know the hard route and the easy route and most men will take the easy route. I challenge you to fight for what you want in life and make a stand.

Stop doing what hurts you and do more of what serves you.

I will get the life I want. Say it out loud dammit!


Your Bulletproof Strategy to Quit Porn & Masturbating for Good

It’s going to be tough.

It’s going to be very challenging.

And some men have found it to be the hardest thing they have ever done, but you are not alone.

The goal is to reduce the amount of masturbation to once per week and eventually to phase it out altogether, replacing it with regular sexual activity with a woman. Not exactly rocket science, right?

Jerk it less, work it more. Your body knows the difference stop kidding yourself.

Your body knows the difference stop kidding yourself.

Masturbation SessionsReduce toDuration
3+ per day2 per day1 week
2 per day1 per day1 week
1 per day3 per week2 weeks
3 per week2 per week2 weeks
2 per week1 per week2 weeks
1 per weekAcceptable

Once you achieve 1 per week go for 1 every 2 weeks and you will see very powerful results. From this

From this point, you will want to phase out masturbation and porn altogether as you have the energy, drive, and confidence to attract a woman and engage in healthy sexual activity. See the testimonials below.


The goal is to only watch 1 scene to control the dopamine spikes.

Yes, this is not as exciting, but it prevents you from becoming addicted.

This is the equivalent of drinking straight Vodka all night vs. mixing 6 different types of alcohol. With the first option, you will still get a buzz, but the negative effects (like hugging a toilet and losing a whole day to a hangover) are mitigated.

You will not become addicted this way.

You want to make porn boring to the point where you would rather go out and do something fun, social, and active—or, better yet, have real sex.

7 Quick Tips on Stopping Masturbation

If you can’t stop masturbating after trying the above strategy, here are a few more quick tips to help you beat your addiction for good.

1. Download a Website Blocker on Your Phone and Computer 

Sometimes, a little social pressure goes a long way.

By installing an adult website blocker on your phone and giving the password to a friend or family member, you’ll no longer be controlled by your addiction.

The thought of having a friend know every dirty movie you watch is often enough in and of itself to help you kick your masturbation addict identity to the curb for good.

2. Get Physically Active 

Oftentimes, when you watch porn and masturbate, the habit is nothing more than a symptom of excess energy that you have not released.

By getting outside and exercising regularly, you will put that energy to good use and avoid the pitfalls of porn and masturbation addiction.

3. Spend More Time with Your Friends 

If you can’t stop masturbating, chances are good that you are spending a lot of time alone.

By getting out of your little bubble and spending more time with friends and family who encourage you to be your best self, you will feel less tempted and have an easier time beating your urges.

After all, it would be kind of weird to go and rub one out in your friend’s bathroom, right?

4. Use the “Cold Shower Trick” 

The next time you’re hit with the urge to watch porn and masturbate, stop.

Instead of immediately giving in to the temptation, go hop in the shower, turn it all the way on cold, and spend at least five minutes in the icy waters.

When you’re done, you will likely find that you 1) No longer want to masturbate or 2) Have built more resilience and mental strength so that you can handle the urge.

It sounds crazy, but it works.

5. Use the “Seinfeld Strategy”

Jerry Seinfeld has a simple strategy for writing jokes that we can alter for our purposes here.

Every day, he’s committed to writing one joke. He keeps a calendar with a marker next to it and every day, when he writes his joke, he crosses one of the days off, creating a chain of positive habits.

His rule is simple: “Never break the chain”.

I encourage you to do the same thing.

Keep a visual reminder somewhere in your house of how many days it’s been since you last relapsed and use it as a source of encouragement and inspiration when the urges strike.

6. Get Creative 

Find something that you enjoy and can devote your time too outside of your masturbation habit.

Pick up the guitar, start writing that book, learn how to paint.

Do something that provides a positive benefit to your life and keeps you occupied during your time alone.

7. Forgive Yourself 

The road to recovery is not an easy or straight one.

You will fail. You will relapse. You will give into temptation from time to time.

This doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes you human.

Even guys like Tim Ferriss, John Mayer, and Aubrey Marcus admit that they have struggled with masturbation addiction at one point in their lives.

It’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with you and you’re not alone.

You just need to keep going and persist through the challenge.

It can and will get better.

Testimonials: How Quitting Porn and Masturbation Helped These Men Transform Their Lives

“I’ve been to psychologists for the last 8 years. Diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, memory impairment. tried Affecto, Xanex, Patel many other drugs. Dropped out of college twice, fired twice. Women fly away from me even when I’m good looking. Porn addict since age 14the late 20s 20s now.

Quit porn and off all medication and my anxiety is nonexistent. My memory and focus are sharper than ever. Huge ‘chick magnet’ and my ED is gone too. I seriously think I had a rebirth, a second chance at life. Today, on my 109th day of a streak, I feel happy, confident, social, smart, capable of meeting any challenge”

“I decided to try out a 90 day period of not wanking it at all.

Right now I’m only on day 33 and the results are far beyond what I ever expected. Things have been happening that’s never happened to me before. There is just a very huge difference in my life. As soon as my eyes meet a girl I get this huge “I want to screw you right now” vibe from them. I feel like a god at this point.

I have an incredible amount of free time that I’ve freed up now, so I spent it starting a new business. I get things done and don’t procrastinate anymore.

When I feel the urge to beat my meat I take that as a cue to go get something done.” – RSD Nation Forum Member

benefits of not masturbating gif

The moral of the story:

If you want a real adult life, don’t jerk off.

“Face your instincts and deeper feelings that you’ve been ignoring since puberty. They are like a double-edged sword, it can really hurt you, but you will learn to use it if you decide to accept the challenge and strive towards real life.” -Harry Palmer

”Increasing your testosterone can have powerful cognitive and physiological effects. It can enhance your tolerance for stress, helps alleviate fatigue, has mood-brightening effects, and improves body composition.

Signs and Symptoms of High Testosterone Levels:

• Well-being (reduction in depression and mild euphoria)

• Confidence (reduced social anxiety and greater assertiveness)

• Energy improvements and greater work capacity

• Motivation (greater ambition)

• Sex drive/libido and response times heightened (shorter refractory period)

• Concentration (greater ability to complete complex mental tasks)

• Strength and muscle mass increases

• Body fat reduction and higher basal metabolic rate”


“I have been motivated as hell to get my life on track and beyond. All of a sudden, everything is a goal, not an obstacle. ohropax mentioned this.

(On a side-note, short-term, and long-term memory is improved, heh)I finally understand what it feels like to be a man who has a hunger for achievement. There really is no way to explain the feeling except that it’s a primal desire, a horniness for success.

Achieving goals, no matter how small, feels awesome. It’s a great little boost to get a long the way.” – Reddit user

Final Thoughts

Using porn to achieve sexual gratification is ultimately a shortcut. The body wants sex, and so you simulate it to quench your craving. That’s called a cop-out.

We’re not about shortcuts and cop-outs here. We’re about healthy, permanent solutions to the things holding you back in life. Men need to go out and meet people, socialize, work out, eat healthy, take care of themselves, and crush it in their professional lives.

These are the things that will attract women to you, and a woman will satisfy you more fully than your own hand every night of the week. The benefits of no porn or masturbation overwhelmingly outweigh the short term gain of a quick masturbation session—you’ll have more energy, more drive, more sexual stamina, more motivation, and an overall sense of better wellbeing. The other option increases your isolation, loneliness, and lack of self-worth.

So, no more excuses, and no more shortcuts. Start the plan today, quit masturbating and porn and be amazed at the results.

Once you arrive, you will never turn back. I guarantee it.

A new life awaits.

BONUS: 100 Benefits of Not Masturbating and Quitting Porn

Courtesy of

1. Clear thinking
2. Breathe better
3. Smoother mood transitions
4. Sharper mental dexterity
5. More articulate
6. Better memory
7. Working through stress more effectively
8. Increased energy levels
9. Reduced depression
10. Deeper interactions with others
11. Improved integrity
12. Boosted confidence
13. No social anxiety
14. Better focus on task at hand
15. Enjoying simple pleasures more deeply
16. Increased faith in ability to control negative mental triggers
17. No risk of arrest or legal troubles
18. Increased joy
19. Renewed self-respect
20. More free time;
21. Need to sleep less
22. More free cash;
23. Confidence to try new things
24. Increased humility
25. Asking others for help
26. Better partnership with girlfriend
27. Better ability to learn and remember new things and new ‘songs’
28. Can travel without paranoia of border checks
29. No worries about of being found by somebody
30. Not supporting organized crime
31. True bonds with friends
32. Better fitness level
33. New doors opening to spiritual world
34. Confidence to take on any task
35. Ability to strike up conversation with anyone I choose without fear or insecurity
36. No paranoia
37. Increased motivation for self-improvement
38. Feeling of wholeness that is not reliant on an external source
39. Not being enslaved by the need for porn
40. No more feeling guilty
41. Saving time
42. Communicating more
43. Renewed sense to sensations
44. So much more energy than before
45. Deeper philosophical thinking
46. Way more patience
47. Increased brainpower and mental endurance
48. Regain of focus to finish one job before starting the next one
49. Waking up in the morning feeling rested
50. The return of wit
51. Improved ability to relate
52. Regain of job satisfaction
53. Stronger mental control over moods and thought processes
54. Better crisis management
55. Experiencing natural highs
56. The ability to inspire other people
57. The development of healthy habits
58. A sharper mental game
59. Increased muscle tone
60. Heightened sense of humor
61. More love towards life
62. Better response to emotionally charged situations
63. Renewed sense of life, waking up to greet the morning sun and air
64. Easier to get out of bed
65. Development of mature, competent coping mechanisms
66. Feeling in control always
67. A stronger sense of optimism about life
68. Being better at controlling other aspects of life, like cooking, exercising etc
69. Improved quality of work
70. More present for family and friends
71. More agility and awareness
72. No need to worry about porn
73. I am not constantly craving something every time I get bored or stressed
74. Better health, less sickness
75. Reduced anger
76. Better communication of feelings
77. Dramatic improvement of self-esteem
78. Being more interesting person
79. Clearer memories
80. More laughs
81. No panic attacks
82. Feeling of more freedom
83. Better teamwork
84. Reduced anxiety
85. No more eye strain or need of eye drops
86. Reduced paper tissue consumption
87. The joy of making things happen and being powerful;
88. Enjoying the daylight and sunlight;
89. Enjoying the observation of lives around
90. Better emotional health
91. Emotional energy savings
92. Feeling intense emotions without being ruled by them
93. Strength to keep going when the going gets tough
94. Joy of keeping promises
95. Enjoyment of the relaxed mental state
96. Improved courage
97. Reduced desk clutter
98. Increased trust
99. Joy of sharing
100. Success.

Additional Resource: Often men watch porn so frequently because they don’t have real connection and intimacy with the women they want so be sure to check out my amazon best selling book The Dating Playbook For Men to help you create the relationships you want while you beat your porn addiction.

It’s my life’s work and the culmination of more than 10-years of experience, 400 expert interviews, and more trial and error than I care to remember. I’ve devoted more than a year of my life to writing, editing, and revising this book, and I can tell you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is the solution you’ve been looking for to meet, attract and keep the woman of your dreams.

The Times Have Changed. This is the Way Forward in 2024.

Here’s how I can help in my new FREE training on becoming a stronger Grounded Man:

1. The new path for men that creates a purpose driven life and doesn’t require you to lose your personal power, put women on a pedestal or sacrifice your goals.

2. Why men consistently settle and ignore the most important areas of life like the quality of their intimate relationships, social life and happiness and how to optimize all three without sacrificing professional growth.

3. The biggest mistake 97% of men make that breeds loneliness, breakups and emasculation that is absolutely reversible with this counter intuitive strategy.

聚圣源八字缺金咋起名机构起名宠物店起名杀人科日式烤肉店名字起名大全集恒大中超赛程爆裂战士战蓝宝鱼小姐的初恋日记梦三生公司起名带有三点水孝子难当coreldrawx7旋转自助火锅加盟魔兽世界装备模拟器孔姓令辈起名合作社起啥名字张姓古诗词起名字方起女生名字酒神咒起名快上来科迈动态域名光谷新世界合肥起名的由来霍华德十大盖帽小孩起名字大全免费2022年女孩好寓意的成语起名字好听全屋定制公司起名网与我十年长跑的女朋友就要嫁人了农庄起名大全带瑞子的男孩起名淀粉肠小王子日销售额涨超10倍罗斯否认插足凯特王妃婚姻让美丽中国“从细节出发”清明节放假3天调休1天男孩疑遭霸凌 家长讨说法被踢出群国产伟哥去年销售近13亿网友建议重庆地铁不准乘客携带菜筐雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言代拍被何赛飞拿着魔杖追着打月嫂回应掌掴婴儿是在赶虫子山西高速一大巴发生事故 已致13死高中生被打伤下体休学 邯郸通报李梦为奥运任务婉拒WNBA邀请19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声王树国3次鞠躬告别西交大师生单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了倪萍分享减重40斤方法王楚钦登顶三项第一今日春分两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?周杰伦一审败诉网易房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁男子持台球杆殴打2名女店员被抓男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”槽头肉企业被曝光前生意红火男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲杨倩无缘巴黎奥运张立群任西安交通大学校长黑马情侣提车了西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发妈妈回应孩子在校撞护栏坠楼考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了韩国首次吊销离岗医生执照奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测沈阳一轿车冲入人行道致3死2伤阿根廷将发行1万与2万面值的纸币外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素春分“立蛋”成功率更高?胖东来员工每周单休无小长假“开封王婆”爆火:促成四五十对专家建议不必谈骨泥色变浙江一高校内汽车冲撞行人 多人受伤许家印被限制高消费

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