您当前的位置 留学人才网> 高校招聘> 福建师范大学2019年“海外英才论坛”诚邀全球英才加盟



第二届“福建师范大学海外英才论坛”定于2019年5月12 -15日举办,旨在为海内外英才搭建高水平的学术交流平台。诚邀全球英才来校交流学术、考察环境、加强合作,共同推动福建师范大学“双一流”建设。







5月 12日,报到;

5月13日- 14日,参加学校主论坛、学院分论坛、讲座报告、交流参观等;



1.请符合条件的海外英才于2019年4月15日前登陆“福建师范大学海外英才论坛”报名系统: http://fujiannormaluniversity.mikecrm.com/X0DFDuu填写相关信息。


3.请受邀学者在收到邀请函后确认是否参加,并于一周内填写回执发至邮箱: rscrcb@fjnu.edu.cn。
















联系邮箱: rscrcb@fjnu.edu.cn(防止邮件丢失请抄送至邮箱:fjsfrcb@163.com)


学校坐落于素有“海滨邹鲁”之誉的历史文化名城福州,是一所历史悠久、声誉斐然的百年省属高等学府。学校肇始于1907年清朝帝师陈宝琛先生创办的“福建优级师范学堂”,是教育部与福建省人民政府共建高校。2014年被确定为福建省重点建设的高水平大学。2018年被确定为福建省一流大学建设高校。学校整体实力进入全国高校80强,QS亚洲大学350强。在教育部第四轮全国高校学科评估中,共有26个学科上榜,其中A类学科3个,B类学科12个, A类学科数并居全国高校第45位。



Overseas Talent Forum by Fujian Normal University
2019 Sincerely Invites the Talents of the World to Join Us

I. Introduction

The Second Overseas Talent Forum will be held by Fujian Normal University (FNU) and take place from May 12 to May 15, 2019, aiming at building a platform for high-level academic communication for young talents from home and abroad. We sincerely invite talents from all over the world to our university for academic exchange, Campus visits, and cooperation enhancement, in an effort to jointly promote the “Double First-class” construction of Fujian Normal University.

II. Professional Fields

Fields of humanities and social sciences: Pedagogics, Psychology, Economics, Science of Law, Philosophy, Marxist Theory, Political Science, Chinese Language and Literature, Cultural Industry, Chinese International Education, Foreign Language and Literature, Journalism and Communication, Drama and Film Studies, Chinese History, World History, Library and Archive Science, Public Management, Tourism Management, Sports, Music and Dance, Fine Arts, etc.

Fields of natural sciences: Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Technology, Cyberspace Security, Software Engineering, Physics, Optical Engineering, Electrical Automation, Information and Communication Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Material Science, Environmental Science and Engineering, Geography, Ecology, Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Food Science and Engineering, Phylaxiology and Immunology, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, etc.

III. Date of the Forum and Registration Process

(I) Date of the Forum

The forum will be held from May 12 (Sunday) to May 15 (Wednesday), 2019 in Fuzhou. The specific arrangements are as follows:

Register on May 12

From May 13 to May 14, attend the main forum of the university, sub forums of colleges or disciplines, lecture reports, academic exchange and visits, etc.

Leave on May 15

(II) Registration Process

1. Overseas eligible applicants will log onto the registration system before April 15, 2019: http://fujiannormaluniversity.mikecrm.com/X0DFDuu and fill in the information,

2. Before April 22, 2019, the university will send the letter of invitation to the invitees.

3. The invitees will confirm whether they will participate within one week of receiving the invitation letter, fill in the receipt and send it to rscrcb@fjnu.edu.cn.

IV. Registration Conditions and Treatment

(I) Registration Conditions (One of the Following Conditions)

1. The applicants should have ideological and political quality, stick to teachers’ professional ethics, academic code of ethics and other codes of professional ethics.

2. The applicants should have a doctoral degree, and those in the fields of natural science and engineering technology should be no more than 40 years old and those in the field of humanities and social sciences no more than 50 years old, and they should meet one of the following requirements:

(1) The outstanding young talents who have a doctoral degree from a well-known university abroad or have an overseas study or work experience of more than three years, have attained achievements in related fields and have a certain degree of academic influence and good development potential.

(2) The scholars who are entitled or nearly entitled to apply for the state-level talent programs, like the Chang Jiang Scholar Program (young scholars), 10,000 Talents Plan for excellent young talents and candidates for the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars (the above-mentioned contents are referred to as the “four young talents programs”), or the provincial and ministerial-level talent programs, like the “100 Talents Plan” of Fujian Province.

(II) Introducing Treatment

1. FNU will provide scientific research funds of CNY 1 million–4 million、housing subsidies (including setting-in allowance)of CNY 2 million and annual salary CNY 500,000-600,000 for the scholars who have been selected to “Four young talents programs”.

2. FNU will provide research funds of CNY 1 million and housing subsidies(including setting-in allowance)of CNY 1 million for the scholars who have entered the plea,but not been selected into “Four young talents programs”,or the scholars who have been selected into the attracting talents program -“100 Talents Plan” of Fujian Province.

3. The university will provide:

(1) Annual salary of CNY 500,000–600,000, housing subsidies (including settling-in allowance) of CNY 2 million, and scientific research funds of CNY 1-4 million for the scholars who have been selected to the “four young talents programs”.

(2) Annual salary of CNY 300,000–400,000, housing subsidies (including settling-in allowance) of CNY 1 million, and scientific research funds of CNY 500,000-2 million for the scholars who have passed the assessment defense for the national “four young talents programs”, but not been selected and the scholars who have been selected to the “100 Talents Plan” of Fujian Province.

(3) The scholars, who are not selected to the related talent programs, can be introduced in accordance with the introducing policies of the university (“Baochen Plan” – the planning program for supporting middle-aged and young talents) or the method “one policy for one person” after mutual negotiation between the university and the scholar.

The above funds are indicated in CNY and tax inclusive, which do not include national funds、provincial funds and the achievement award of teaching research of FNU. Based on the facts, priority shall be given for evaluation and employment of professional titles for the professional skills, and their children could attend the Affiliated Kindergarten,the Affiliated Primary School and the Affiliated High School of FNU.

V. Accommodation and Transportation

FNU will provide accommodation and transportation fee for the scholars uniformly. The attendees shall book the round-trip airline tickets by themselves and FNU will reimburse travel expenses in line with economy class after the forum. To be specific, the expenses reimbursed should be no more than CNY 15,000/person for overseas scholars and no more than CNY 5,000/person for domestic scholars.

The scholars, who are invited to present the academic reports during the forum, will be paid by the university accordingly.

VI. Contact Information

Contact information of the Personnel Department and Office of the High-level Talents of Fujian Normal University:

Tel: +86-591-22867361
E-mail: rscrcb@fjnu.edu.cn
Contact person: Mr. Le and Mr. Chen
Address: Qishan Campus of Fujian Normal University, No. 1 Keji Road, College Town, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

VII. University Overview

The University is located in Fuzhou, a famous historic and cultural city that has been honored as “Coastal City of Flourishing Culture”. It is a renowned century-old provincial higher education institute with a long history. The university originated from Fujian Excellence Normal Academy founded by the Royal Preceptor of Qing Dynasty Chen Baochen in 1907. It is a higher education institute co-built by the Ministry of Education and Fujian Provincial People’s Government. In 2014, it was endorsed as a Key High-Level University of Fujian Province; in 2017, it was endorsed into aspiring “National First-Class Universities” of Fujian Province. Currently, FNU is ranked among the top 80 Chinese higher education institutes and among the top 350 QS Asian universities in terms of its overall strength. FNU has a total of 26 disciplines on the list in the Fourth-Round National University Discipline Assessment organized by the Ministry of Education, including 3 A-class disciplines and 12 B-class disciplines, ranking 45th among national universities in terms of the number of A-class disciplines.

FNU has two main campuses: Qishan Campus and Cangshan Campus, covering a total area of about 4,000 mu. Currently, the university has 83 undergraduate programs (76 programs enrolled students in 2017), 23,513 full-time general undergraduates, and 7,420 graduate students. The main campus has more than 1,700 full-time teachers. FNU is dedicated to building a discipline system comprising first-class liberal arts, high-level sciences and featuring engineering discipline, having basically formed the discipline layout of a comprehensive university that covers 11 disciplines including literature, history, philosophy, science, engineering, teaching, economics, law, management, agriculture and art. The university has 1 national key discipline, 3 innovation platforms (including those under construction) of provincial university leading disciplines, 8 provincial peak disciplines, 14 provincial plateau disciplines, 19 moving post-doctoral research stations, 21 first-grade disciplines entitled to granting doctorates, 39 first-grade disciplines entitled to granting master’s degrees and 17 locations entitled to granting master’s professional degrees. FNU has affiliated kindergartens and primary and middle schools, which are all provincial demonstration schools that play a leading and exemplary role in the basic education sector of Fuzhou City and even Fujian Province.

The university has been vigorously implementing the “Talents Empowering University” strategy, offering preferential treatment to introduced excellent domestic and overseas talents. We extend a warm welcome to excellent domestic and overseas talents who join us to create a beautiful tomorrow for FNU!

Please visit https://www.fjnu.edu.cn for more details about FNU


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