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Tourism in South Africa: Visit One of the best of Sun City’s Casino and Resort Hotels / Africa News


The Sun City is a luxury casino and resort which is located in the Northwestern Province of the Republic of South Africa.

It is precisely between the Elands River and the Pilanesberg Game Reserve about two hours drive from the Judicial Capital, Johannesburg and also near the city of Rustenburg.

Known for its high-class standard, it was developed by the hotel tycoon, Sol Kerzner as part of his Sun International group of properties around the world in December 1979.

In 1992, the Sun City launched one of its best hotels called the Palace of the Lost City, as Sun City’s flagship hotel, which some believe the name the Lost City is a fairytale of a fantasy of a lost African tribe dating back in ancient times.

Inspired by this fairytale, the palace has been lavishly created with rich architecture, mosaics and frescos that add to the mystical ambience and magical atmosphere of this grand hotel, from the magnificent hand-painted dome of the reception area to even the smallest detail of the hotel. It is styled in lavish African colors and architectural features.

The main entrance hall of the Palace makes it the precedent for a stylish hotel, with its high, intricately-painted made up of mosaic artworks and golden zebra-hide upholstered furniture.

The palace towers over the scenic valley and visible from almost anywhere on the resort and decorated with unique elephant tusk embellishments being used as a symbol of the true luxury and splendor that the hotel offers to tourists who visit the palace.

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Some tourist experts describe the Palace of the Lost City as the most magnificent and extravagant hotel at Sun City and reflecting an ancient ambience and a uniquely African flavor.

The intricate decor, top-class facilities and superior service make it the Sun City hotel of choice for the discerning traveler who will like to visit the Northwestern Province of the Republic of South Africa.

The Palace is believed to contain a total of 338 spacious rooms decorated with a distinctly African feel and combination of colorful decoration.

Each room has an honor bar, safe and a multi-channel Satellite Television to make an interesting enjoyment in the room. Other in-room amenities in the Palace include air-conditioning, ceiling fans and 24-hour in-room dining continuation till daybreak as staff of the hotel run on shift basis.

The Grand Pool at the Palace is just outside the main entrance which is decorated and serves as a best ideal place to relax and take in some African sunshine believed to give the body the best of health.


From a dining perspective, it caters for all cuisines and cultures as the restaurants and bars at the Palace are elegant and extravagant, with one of the greatest attractions to the Palace of the Lost City being the High Tea at the Crystal Court.

Exclusive safaris are available at Sun City’s Palace of the Lost City, which prides itself on being part of the Route of the African Sun.

An excellent hospitality fit for a king and luxurious accommodation is the hallmark of the Sun City’s Palace of the Lost City in the Northwestern.

Set within grassy gardens, each room in the hotel is fitted with luxurious, hand-crafted furniture, befitting royalty of every tourist who visits the hotel.


The hotel is surrounded by lush botanical gardens, trickling streams and hidden walking trails that ensure that the Palace does indeed reflects its name the lost city.

The Sun City Palace is rated as one of the Leading Hotels of the World and works hard to maintain and live up to this sought-after status.

The Palace of the Lost City attracts a distinguished market, both local and international, with its 5-star deluxe hotel and service.

The Sun City itself, is a popular holiday and weekend destination for tourists and has hosted famous personalities in its 6,230 large auditorium including Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Elaine Paige, Status Quo (band), Frank Sinatra, Queen, Elton John, Liza Minnelli, Sarah Brightman, Roxette, Julio Iglesias, The O’Jays, Boney M., Linda Ronstadt, Black Sabbath, Cliff Richard, Johnny Mathis, Rod Stewart, Tina Turner, Dionne Warwick and still counting.

Communication is made easy for foreign visitors as staffs of the hotel are a panel of multi-lingual staff members.

Tourists and visitors all over the world are welcomed with a fantastic hospitality and the best of the best of service with the highest standard of personal safety and security.

Issaka Adams / NationalTurk Tourism News

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