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The 50 Best PS1 Games of All Time

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Capcom / Naughty Dog / Konami / ONE37pm

September 9, 1995, marks one of the most glorious days in the long and storied history of gaming. That was the day North America bared witness to the official launch of Sony's unprecedented foray into full 3D gaming with the PlayStation. While in competition with the Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn, the very first PlayStation console stayed strong in the fight and ultimately prevailed thanks to a huge lineup of amazing games spread out across several genres. Whether it was action/adventure, sports, fighting, first-person shooter, etc., gamers knew they could find everything and more within the vast software library attached to the PS1. We've previously shown our adoration for the great games that were released on the PS2, PS3, and PS4. Now we're ready to take it all the way back in time and showcase the 50 best PS1 games of all time.

Best PS1 Games

tekken 3 playstation 10 orig

1. 'Metal Gear Solid'

Buy Now, $62.96

2. 'Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night'

Buy Now, $189.99

3. 'Final Fantasy VII'

Buy Now, $499.99

4. 'Final Fantasy Tactics'

Buy Now, $67.42

5. 'Resident Evil 2'

Buy Now, $78.98

6. 'Silent Hill'

Buy Now, $234.98

7. 'Tenchu: Stealth Assassins'

Buy Now, $57.14

8. 'Crash Bandicoot: Warped'

Buy Now, $211.94

9. 'Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!'

Buy Now, $31.99

10. 'Spider-Man'

Buy Now, $69

11. 'Tony Hawk鈥檚 Pro Skater 2'

Buy Now, $199.97

12. 'Tekken 3'

Buy Now, $44.95

13. 'Twisted Metal 2'

Buy Now, $64.95

14. 'Street Fighter Alpha 3'

Buy Now, $199.99

15. 'Gran Turismo 2'

Buy Now, $30.80

16. 'Parasite Eve'

Buy Now, $114.84

17. 'Chrono Cross'

Buy Now, $28

18. 'PaRappa The Rapper'

Buy Now, $199.99

19. 'Dino Crisis'

Buy Now, $109.77

20. 'Syphon Filter'

Buy Now, $39.99

21. 'Tomb Raider'

Buy Now, $29.95

22. 'Final Fantasy IX'

Buy Now, $19.99

23. 'Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver'

Buy Now, $69.98

24. 'Driver'

Buy Now, $34.99

25. 'Ape Escape'

Buy Now, $79.60

Honorable Mentions

26. 'Einhander'

Buy Now, $299.99

27. 'Darkstalkers 3'

Buy Now, $99.90

28. 'Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee'

Buy Now, $49.94

29. 'Rival Schools: United by Fate'

Buy Now, $198.97

30. 'Mega Man Legends 2'

Buy Now, $299.98

31. 'Crash Team Racing'

Buy Now, $40.42

32. 'Medal of Honor: Underground'

Buy Now, $28.99

33. 'Vangrant Story'

Buy Now, $82.64

34. 'Breath of Fire IV'

Buy Now, $223.80

35. 'Klonoa: Door To Phantomile'

Buy Now, Price Varies

36. 'Soul Blade'

Buy Now, $159.99

37. 'Jumping Flash!'

Buy Now, $25

38. 'Alundra'

Buy Now, $219.82

39. 'R4: Ridge Racer Type 4'

Buy Now, $94.93

40. 'Bushido Blade'

Buy Now, $59.26

41. 'Rayman'

Buy Now, $24.98

42. 'Xenogears'

Buy Now, $159.99

43. 'Final Fantasy VIII'

Buy Now, $144

44. 'Legend of Mana'

Buy Now, $95.88

45. 'Suikoden'

Buy Now, $169.92

47. 'Wipeout XL'

Buy Now, $69.99

48. 'The Legend of Dragoon'

Buy Now, $100.49

49. 'Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo'

Buy Now, $149.99

50. 'Legend of Legaia'

Buy Now, $108.97
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