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Credit: NBA Academy

In only its second year as a program, Fort Erie International Academy (Canada) is making a name for itself as a breeding ground for elite Canadian basketball talent. After graduating Leonard Miller to the G League Ignite, one of the Falcons’ latest projects is developing 6’11” forward Christian Nitu. Nitu, a 2024 four-star prospect, was invited to the 2023 NBA All-Star Weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah to participate in the prestigious Basketball Without Borders Global Camp along with fellow countrymen Felix Kossaras and Hudson Ward. Playing on the international stage last summer at the 2022 FIBA U17 World Cup for Canada, Nitu gained invaluable reps and averaged almost six points in 12 minutes played per game. While still just scratching the surface, he possesses long-term upside due to a unique combination of size, skill, and fluidity. 

Christian Nitu: Yeah, so my family is originally from Romania. They kind of moved down here, my parents met each other, talked a lot, and had me. But I feel like going into school, I always loved basketball. I love soccer, too, but I kind of liked basketball more. It was really intriguing for me. My friends all around me, we all played basketball. You know, I was never really good. I eventually grew and then watched a lot of film on guys like Tracy McGrady, Dirk, KD, Porzingis — like all those guys. Those wings, those forwards, those tall guys that could really handle it and shoot it. I kind of took skills from each guy and kind of put it into my own thing. People draw a lot of comparisons for me, but I kind of feel like when my high school time is done, I'm going to be my own player. I'm going to be the only Christian Nitu. So that's really what it is for me. 

CN: I really feel like I run really well up and down the floor, big strides, so good at rim running, just getting easy baskets like that. I’m a lefty and a lot of guys guard right-handed players, so sometimes I'll take it off the bounce and sometimes it's like a shock for defenders, 'cause when I cross from right to left they'll think I'm going right 'cause normally they guard right-handed players so that's one thing for me. I feel like my shot opens my game up because being able to pick-and-pop, being able to roll is a big part. It just opens up the floor, being able to pop, attacking long close outs with having big strides just allows me to get downhill. And of course going from coast to coast after grabbing a defensive rebound. Normally a big would look for a guard. I like to just push it up and then make a play from there. Like I said, you can play me anywhere from the two to the five. I feel like I don't really have a position. You can play me multiple actions, I can handle it really well. I can shoot it off the bounce. I could shoot in the mid-range. I can bang with guys in the post. So I feel like whatever the defense throws at me, I kind of have a counter.

CN: Yeah, so with my coach from Fort Erie International Academy, whenever we workout we'd always start with foot speed. I feel like ladders and jump rope are a big part of my warm up because of course I’m playing out on the perimeter more. I like to play out on the perimeter. I like to break guys down. You gotta have quick feet. Just ladders and skipping rope every day, no matter if it's a workout or I'm at home, I try to get the foot speed stuff done for my warmup. Of course I do like your Mikans, get my touch around the rim, getting that soft touch. We get into a lot of three-level scoring and what I mean by that, depending on the defender I get, he’s a 6’7” big, aggressive, fast. I'd work on my bumps on the second level so at the mid-range. So just bumping and using my step back to shoot over guys. If it's a 6’10”, 6’11” slower-footed big man, just taking them out on the perimeter and blowing past them and using shot fakes, all that stuff. If you put a 6’3” athletic, quick guard on me, I'll just take it down in the post. So a lot of it is working on situational stuff. What it is in games is, like I said, what defender I get is how I’ll play so that's really what it is right now for the offensive side. On the defensive side, of course, I just get my pushups, my squats, my planks. Of course, I lift. I just gotta work on my body a lot and make sure I’m good for the whole season.

CN: I mean, it was a great experience. The World Cup was such a great experience for me to sit there and experience and to measure my game on a world level — see where I'm at on a world level compared to other guys my age. So it kind of gives me a taste of what I need to work on, a taste of things I need to do, and it was just a good experience. I learned a lot of things I need to do like we just talked about. I learned a lot of things I'm already good at. And of course with a lot of guys currently at Fort Erie, playing on that national team was helping build a bond with everyone. You know 'cause I never know who I’ll see down the road — guys from that team, high-ceiling guys on that team. I might see a couple of those guys in the future wherever I'm at, so just building a bond with everyone. It was a great experience.

CN: I feel like the main thing is my versatility. One college coach might recruit me as a five-man that runs the floor, but another coach might recruit me as a three that handles and shoots it, like a tall three, a dynamic wing, a modern four, a jumbo three, or a small-ball five. To be honest, playing my game and college coaches kind of take what it is from it. You know what I'm saying? I don't really feel like I have a position. I feel like I'm just positionless. I kind of fall into like the unicorn category where I don’t have a position, but you could play me at multiple positions. You could play me with multiple actions. Play me as a lob threat or handle off the pick-and-roll or be the one setting the screen. I can do a post hook, but I can also shoot a step-back three. That's kind of the fun part about my game. 

CN: Ok, I can bring a nurse that knows how to do doctor things like treating diseases. If I get a disease or something on a deserted island, 'cause you don't really know what's on the deserted island. So having a nurse that has the experience of treating people and having that first aid kit with them all the time. I mean just being healthy 'cause, being on a deserted island, if I have food and water, I should be healthy. ‘Cause as much food and water as I drink is just being healthy. So having a nurse. I thought of having a basketball court with a ball. Just get my shots up. I'm always working on my game. If I'm on a deserted island or what, I'm always working on my game. Another thing would be my family. If I could see my family: my dad, my mom, sister. Just having people to kick it with, having people to talk to and all that. 

CN: If it’s not basketball, I hadn’t really thought of a job yet, but something in the English field, something in public speaking or motivational speaking. I can definitely see myself doing something in the talking field and the writing field. For the kids, like a lot of people think because it's so hard to make the NBA, right? Like a lot of NBA players will tell you, it's really just dedication and separating yourself from other people. It's not like a crazy, difficult thing to go to the NBA. Yes, there are a certain number of guys in the league right now, whatever it is, but it's more about separating yourself from other guys. It's not as complicated as it seems. It's just do the work and see where it takes you, you know? So that's kind of like that motivational thing that I'm talking about. 

CN: You know, I'm trying to be a Canadian legend. So when you think of Canadian basketball, you think of Steve Nash. You think of guys like Andrew Wiggins. I think soon it's going to be Shai Gilgeous-Alexander. Maybe even Shaedon Sharpe, soon — guys like that. You know, coming up in the scene, I’m striving to be remembered as a Canadian legend. I'm trying to be in that field and I think it's really realistic with my physical attributes, my dimensions and my skill set, like we talked about. I think I'm going to be one of the greatest Canadians to ever play basketball and that's kind of what I'm holding myself to. Of course, like to play in the NBA, get that second contract. However many years it takes, I'm gonna play and that's kind of what I'm devoted to right now. Just playing in the NBA and that's really what my mindset is.

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