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How Streets Of Rogue is a tabletop RPG disguised as a roguelike

Streets of Rolling initiative.

Can’t Stop Playing is our monthly celebration of a game we're loving. Streets Of Rogue is the one wot we're doing this month, and Astrid has been let off the leash a bit so she did a video essay on how it's like a tabletop RPG.

I love Streets Of Rogue. Loads of us here at Rock Paper Shotgun do, it's why we Can't Stop Playing it. I wanted to dig a little into why I enjoy it as much as I do, and I think a really good way of communicating why is comparing it to rules-light tabletop RPGs.

You run into issues with player agency in a lot of RPGs, be they video games or tabletop things like Dungeons & Dragons. In attempting to give players as many options as possible, they come up with rules for how everything should work, and neat little pathways of the least resistance and the most efficiency are inadvertently generated. There might be hundreds of ways to approach every situation, but only three or four of them are considered sensible, reasonable ones.

In tabletop games you can get around this issue by using the rules as guidelines, and bending them when the story calls for it. Rules-light RPGs, like Fate or Monster Of The Week, dodge this entirely by only giving you a few basic rules, leaving the rest up to your imagination and creativity. Streets Of Rogue, I feel, is very much the same sort of thing. In this video, I dig into some RPG theory to explain why I think that.

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Video essays are a little different for us, so if you enjoyed this one and want to see more like it, you should totally subscribe to the channel and like the video, and comment with any questions you have. We do a bunch of different things every week, like previews, reviews and let's plays. One of my favourites is Reviews Roulette, a series where us three RPS vidbuds play a random selection of games we've been sent codes for. The best ones get a Daddy Wallace award.

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Astrid Johnson avatar
Astrid Johnson: Astrid was a video producer for Rock Paper Shotgun's YouTube channel between 2019-2020. She also wrote lots of articles for the site on a freelance basis before that, and created the audio mini-series Soundbyte.
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Streets of Rogue

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